出版時(shí)間:2004-11 出版社:山東科技 作者:國際腰椎學(xué)會 編 頁數(shù):943
Contributing AuthorsPrefaceAcknowledgmentsSECTIONI.BASIC SCIENCE 1 Epidemiology and the Econmics of Low Back Pain 2 Patophysiology of Enrve Root Pait in Disc Herniation and Spinal Stenosis 3 Biomechanical considerations of Disc Dengeneration 4 Morphlogic Changes of End Plates in Degenerative Disc Disease 5 Clinical Spinal Instability Resulting from Injury and Degeneration 6 Spinal Instrumentation 7 Fracture and Repair of Lumbar Vertebrae 8 Genetic Transmission of Common Spinal Disorders 9 Genetic Applications to Lumbar Dise Disease 10 Clinical Neurophysiologic and Electrodiagnostic Testiong in Disorders of the Lumbar Spine 11 sensorimotor Control of the Lumbar Spine Outcomes Assessment 12 Oucome Assessment:Overview and Specific Tools 13 The Role of Outcomes and How to Integrate Thme into Your PracticeSECTION II.ALTERNATIVES TO TRADITIONAL NONOPERATIVE TREATMENT 14 mANUAL Therapy in patients with Low Back Pain 15 Acupuncture and ReflexologySECTTON III.THE INJURED WORKER 16 Returning Workers to Gainful Employment 17 Occpational ErgonomicsSECTION IV.SURGERY 18 preparation for Surgery Surgical Appoaches 19 Surgical Approaches to the Thoracolumbar Spine 20 SUgical Approaches to the Thoracolumbar Spine:Anterior and Pposterior……SECTION V.SPECIFIG GLNICAL.ENTTIESSubject Index