出版時間:2011-2 出版社:上海譯文 作者:編寫組 頁數(shù):112
《高考英語聽力模擬試題集》自2003年3月出版以來,由于題型、內(nèi)容、質量均滿足了各校高三學生復習迎考的需要,深受廣大師生的歡迎。為了使《2011年最新題型:高考英語聽力模擬試題集》更好地為英語教學服務,每年高考結束后,上海譯文出版社都要征詢多所重點中學師生的使用意見,并將意見反饋給我們編者。在此基礎上,我們每年再根據(jù)市教育考試院對當年高考英語聽力的最新要求、命題思路、題型及評分標準,精心修訂《2011年最新題型:高考英語聽力模擬試題集》?!?011年最新題型:高考英語聽力模擬試題集》在《高考英語聽力模擬試題集——2010年最新題型》的基礎上,更新了部分試題內(nèi)容,每套試卷中的短文內(nèi)容含應用文和時事新聞,內(nèi)容涵蓋政治、外交、軍事、經(jīng)濟、科技、體育等各個領域,以滿足2011年高三學生復習迎考的需要?! ”敬涡抻喓螅珪灿?8套高考英語聽力模擬試卷,另配音帶3盒。書中的聽力材料由專為英語聽力灌音的語音專家朗讀。書后附有全部練習的參考答案和音帶文字。 一如既往,參加《2011年最新題型:高考英語聽力模擬試題集》編寫的都是長期在教學第一線工作的重點中學骨干教師。希望修訂后的《2011年最新題型:高考英語聽力模擬試題集》能幫助高三學生在高考中取得良好成績。
Test OneTest TwoTest ThreeTest FourTest FiveTest SixTest SevenTest EightTest NineTest TenTest ElevenTest TwelveTest ThirteenTest FourteenTest FifteenTest SixteenTest SeventeenTest Eighteen音帶文字參考答案
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage While walking through the park,we stopped by the pond to watch some children who were sail- ing model boats.There were so many boats in the pond that morning that quite a few people had gathered on the banks to see them Suddenly.someone shouted,“There’s a mall in the pond!”We looked up and sure enough,a man’s head could iust be seen on the other side of the pond.The man appeared to be swimming vig- orously and was coming straight towards US “He must be crazy.”a young man said.“I wouldn’t dive into that pond for a fortune.And anyway.it must be freezing cold.” The water of the pond was certainly not inviting.As it was still early March,the water must certainly be very cold After a short time.the man approached the bank.The water was very shallow,SO he walked the last few yards.We were astonished to see that he was fully dressed “Nice swim?”the young man asked “Nice swim.my fool!!” the man remarked irritably.“It’S freezing.I did it for a bet!”