出版時(shí)間:2010-5 出版社:上海譯文出版社 作者:Geling Shang 頁(yè)數(shù):202
《莊子》introduces Zhuangzi with a new interpretation based on a novel Concept of tong(通)or throughness. By understanding the concept of tong we a re able to reveal the real originality of Zhuangzis philosophy,Avery different Zhuangzi is p resented in this book.
Geling Shang(商戈令),born in Shanghai,got his Ph.D. at Temple University. USA, specialized in ancient Chinese philosophy and 1 9th century European philosophy. Shang is the author of Liberation as Affirmation:the Religiosity of Zhuangzi and Nietzsche(2006),Oswald Spengler(1991),0n Moral Values(1988).Currently he is an Associate Professor at G rand Valley State University in Michigan, USA.
9 PREFACE11 PROLOGUE:WHAT IS DANCING?12 CHAPTER I.ZHUANGZI THE PERSON AND THE B00K OF ZHUANGZI12 1.Zhuangzi the Person18 2.The Book Of Zhuangzi22 CHAPTER II.ZHUANGZIS PHILOSOPHY 0F TONG——DADTHROUGHS AS 0NE22 1.Dao is the Ultimate Concern Of Chinese Philosophy24 2.ZhuangziS Making of a Concept of Tong28 3.Dao Throughs as One31 4.Zhuangzi!S Notion:Dao Is What Throughs36 5.ThroughneS S as One Could Be the Alternative to Metaphysical 0neness40 CHAPTERⅢ.THE INNER CHAPTERS40 1.Xiao Yao You——Dancing with the World46 2.Equalizing Things and Opinions73 3.The Nucleus Of Nurturing Life79 4.Being in the Marketplace93 5.Flourishing of Virtue104 6.The Greatest Guidance117 7.Idealistic Rulers of a Nation124 CHAPTER 1V.SELECTED ALLEGORIES FROM ALL CHAPTERS125 The Man in Miaogu Mountain127 Three in the Morning127 HOW Would I Know129 The Character of a Shadow130 The Weeping Lady132 Is There Winner134 To Hide Heaven Under Heaven135 Friends138 Shaman Jixian——Four Stages of Cultivation of Qi141 The Empty Boat142 Avoiding Machinate Ones Heart by Using Machines145 What Cannot Be Read in Books147 The Sophist Encountering Zhuangzi151 Talking to a Skull152 Danger of Indulgence153 HOW Many Confucians Are There155 In Between Worth and Worthless——Thing Things Without Being Thinged by Things157 Hunchbacks Art of Catching Cicadas158 Ferrymans Dao159 Gamecocks160 Swimming in Accordance to the Dao of Water161 Comfort of Forgetting What Is Comfortable162 The Old Mans Fishing of no Fishing164 Know Dao and Know-not Dao166 No-thing and No-nothing Or Nonexistence and NO-nonexistence167 The Talented Monkey168 The Zhuangzi thus Characterized170 CHAPTER V.ZHUANGZIS INFLUENCE IN CHINESE HISTORY170 Philosophical Daoism176 Religious Daoism179 New Daoism.Or“Xuanxue”182 Confucianism186 Chinese Buddhism191 0ther Schools of Thought191 Chinese Art194 Zhuangzi in Modern China195 Zhuangzi in the World197 EPILOGUE:RESPONSE T0 YUNFEI200 SELECTED REFERENCES
The Chuang Tzu(Zhuangzi)is one of the most justly celebrated texts of the style,it has been a challenge for centuries to the bestminds in the Far East,and has usually captivated even those it could not convince. ——Wm. Theodore ae Bary East Asian studies expert at Columbia University The Book of Zhuangzi is one of the most entertaining as well as one of the profoundest books in the world. ——Arthur Waley English orientalist and sinologist If all the Chinese poets,painters,and writers who ever lived were queried and asked to name one book of their favorite reading,the nomination would certainly go to the writings of Chuang Tzu. ——Sam Hamill Librarian. poet and publisher of Unfinished Monument Press j. P. Seaton Professor of Chinese at the University of North Carolina