
出版時(shí)間:1970-1  出版社:上海譯文出版社  作者:許寧云  頁數(shù):348  




前言ABBREVIATIONSTABLES AND FIGURESChapter 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 What is anaphora?1.2 Types of anaphora1.3 Anaphora resolution and generation1.4 Scope and goal of the study1.5 Organization of the studyChapter 2 PREVIOUS APPROACHES TO ZERO ANAPHORA IN CHINESE2.1 Introduction2.2 A syntactic approach2.3 An extra-syntactic approach2.3.1 The discourse framework2.3.1.1 Li and Thompson‘s conjoinabihty constraint2.3.1.2 Chen’s predictability condition and neg- ligibility condition2.3.1.3 Zhou‘s global coreference2.3.1.4 Xu’s functional approach2.3.1.5 Tao‘s emergent reference2.3.1.6 Cheng and Lee’s recovery principles2.3.1.7 You‘s recovery rules2.3.1.8 Xu’s resolution principle2.3.2 Huang‘s pragmatic approach2.3.3 Tomlin and Pu’s cognitive approach2.4 SummaryChapter 3 CENTERING THEORY3.1 Introduction3.2 Centering theory3.2.1 General description3.2.2 Coherence and attentional state3.2.3 Coherence and referring expression form3.2.4 Centering definitions and constraints3.3 SummaryChapter 4 RESOLVING CHINESE ZERO ANA- PHORS WITH RICM4.1 Introduction4.2 BFP algorithm for centering and anaphora resolution4.3 Implementation of BFP4.4 Problems with Centering and BFP4.5 Previous proposals for possible solution4.5.1 The Stack Model4.5.2 The Global Model4.5.3 The Cache Model4.5.3.1 Basic notions of the Cache Model4.5.3.2 Integrating cache model with centering algorithm4.5.3.3 Implementation of ICM4.5.3.4 Evaluation of ICM4.6 A Revised Cache Model4.6.1 Introduction4.6.2 Theoretical assumptions4.6.3 Revision of Centering Rule 1(Pronoun Rule)4.6.4 Integrating the revised cache model with centering algorithm4.6.5 Implementation of RICM4.6.6 A simplified version of RICM4.6.7 Evaluation of RICM4.6.8 Experiment4.6.8.1 Data4.6.8.2 Procedure4.6.8.3 Result4.6.8.4 Discussion4.7 SummaryChapter 5 SETTING PARAMETERS FOR CEN- TERING ANALYSIS ON CHINESE DISCOURSE5.1 Introduction5.2 Specifying the utterance unit5.2.1 Introduction5.2.2 What is an utterance?5.2.3 Utterance for Centering analysis5.2.4 Intermediate summary5.3 Discourse segmentation5.3.1 The difficulty with discourse segmentation5.3.2 Problems arising from different segmentations5.3.3 Specifying discourse segment for Chinese5.3.3.1 Topic chain as discourse segment5.3.3.2 Topic continuity as discourse segment5.4 Ranking forward-looking centers in Chinese5.4.1 Related cross-linguistic work5.4.2 Topic as a grammatical concept5.4.3 Topic and reference5.4.4 The ranking hierarchy5.4.5 Other factors contributing to the salience of entities5.4.6 Ranking complex NPs5.5 SummaryChapter 6 GENERATING CHINESE ZERO ANAPHORS6.1 Introduction6.2 Previous Centering approaches to generating (zero) anaphors6.3 Assumptions6.4 Corpus study6.4.1 Corpus and coding6.4.2 Results and analysis6.5 Developing zero generation algorithm6.5.1 Zero generation algorithm(I)6.5.2 The privilege of transition pairs6.5.3 Zero generation algorithm(l)6.5.4 Zero generation algorithm(m)6.6 SummaryChapter 7 COMPUTATION OF TRANSITION TYPES7.1 Introduction7.2 Transitions for modeling coherence7.3 The problem of inferable centers7.4 Inferable centers as bridging references7.5 Possible solutions to inferable centers7.5.1 Laurel Fals‘s proposal7.5.2 Extension of LFP7.5.2.1 Overestimation of complete shifts7.5.2.2 The “Cheapness” Principle by SHP7.5.2.3 Integrating LFP with SHP7.6 SummaryChapter 8 CONCLUSION8.1 Major findings8.2 Limitations8.3 Directions for future studyREFERENCES



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