I try hard to read this book in the bar, with Jack and Mouse in reality appearing in front of me.
Loneliness, drink & smoking.
This is all of our life.
I'm not impressed and not unimpressed.
I love the wits because I'm not humorous as typical girl: you know, someone kills a great amount of animals, (so sad I cannot recall--probably I need to focus more on this kind of philosophy) Here: (I should thank he only has two feet) (A: you much be 氣派; B: 氣派 without money can be too happy to cry)
Main line: Relate a holiday. 2 friends. 3 girlfriends and a new girl with 9 fingers. California Girl. Love animals.
Most shocking scene: sleep with a naked drunken girl without doing anything.
I love Mouse's story--no sex, no one died. (Good analysis in each beginning)
Again, writers always wrote about writing in the book. An evidence for depicting real life?
Title should refer to one work of the favorite writer.
嫌《The Catcher in the Rye》絮叨繁復轉(zhuǎn)投《Hear the Wind Sing》,并不說村上不絮叨,只不過是另一種方式,一種和現(xiàn)實中迥異的方式,所謂距離——當然什么作家看多了也讓人心煩。按村上的說法,小說一開始是按寫實的方法寫的,寫完了全不是味,又從新來過。
“These days, lies and silence are the two greatest sins in human society, you might say. In reality, we tell lots of lies, and we often break into silence.”
“However, if we were constantly talking year-round, and telling only the truth, truth would probably lose some of its value.”——34
此外,書中對于托爾斯泰和羅曼羅蘭的評價,實在是不明所以,(英文版 lacks a clear conceptualization of outer space;林少華譯本“宇宙觀念的闕如”皆不知所云)在我看來兩位巨匠具有許多共同的質(zhì)素,流的是同樣的血。當初瘋狂讀傅雷譯的《約翰克里斯多夫》正是在《復活》之后《安娜……》之前,而《戰(zhàn)爭與和平》更是在去年冬天讀《巨人三傳》時重溫,兩者的差異遠小于托爾斯泰和陀思妥耶夫斯基。果然有許多哈姆雷特。畢竟,
“In the light of day, one can comprehend the depths of night’s darkness.”