出版時間:2001-11 出版社:上海譯文出版社 作者:(英)斯旺(Swan D.K.) 等改寫 洪濤 頁數:99 字數:66000 譯者:洪濤
本書內容均為名著,英語地道、純真、流暢、清新、語言淺顯易懂,英漢對照,讓你輕輕松松地寓語言學習,文學欣賞和翻譯練習為一體,一舉而 有三得。
簡介1 桌子、驢子和棍子 格林童話2 王子和他的仆人們 格林童話3 玻璃盒 漢斯·安徒生4 漁夫和巨人 天方夜譚5 白鳥 漢斯·安徒生
從前有位美麗的公主,許多王子都想娶她,但她的母后對王子們說:“我要讓你們做些事。如果這些事做成了,你們就可以娶公主,如果做不成就會被殺死?!睕]有一個王子能做到王后所說的事,所以他們都被殺了。每個月都有一個王子前去求婚,但都被殺了?! 】_爾王子是一個窮國王的兒子,國王擁有的國家很小,金錢也很少??_爾王子聽說了公主的美貌,對他的父親說:“我想娶那位美麗的公主。” “絕對不行,”國王喊道,“如果你去那里,你就會死的,像許多以前被殺死的王子一樣?!薄 ÷牭竭@個回答,王子十分悲傷。他傷心成疾,他的父親擔心他會死去。終于國王說道:“那么,去吧,去找那位公主吧,希望你會比其他王子都幸運?!薄 nce there was a beautiful princess. Many princes wanted to marry the princess, but her mother the queen said to them, "I will give you something to do. If you can do it, you can marry the princess; but if you cant do it, you will be killed." None of the princes could do the things. that the queen said. So they were all killed.Every month some new prince came, and was killed. Now Prince Carol was the son of a poor king who had a very small country and very little money. Prince Carol heard of the beauty of the princess, and he said to his father, "I want to marry the beautiful princess.” “Never!” cried the king. “If you go there, you will die, as many have died before you.” The prince was very sadwhen he heard this answer. He was so sadthat he became very ill,and his father was afraid that he would die. At last the king said, “Go, then, go to the princess,and may you be more happy than the others have been.” 一個名叫漢斯的可憐人走在路上,他身無分文;他不知道第二天在哪兒可以弄到吃的,但是他卻并不發(fā)愁?!拔視业匠缘?,”他說,“我總是能找到吃的東西?!薄 【驮谶@時,一個又老又丑的女人在路邊叫住了他?! 澳阆胍裁?”漢斯問?! 澳阆胍裁?”老女人說?! 拔?。漢斯答道,“我想要錢,錢就是我想要的?!薄 澳銜绣X的,要多少有多少,”那老女人說,“你看到那棵大樹嗎?爬上樹頂,在那兒你會看到一個大洞,下到洞里,你會到達一個大廳。那兒點燃著三百盞燈,整個廳充滿光亮。大廳里有三扇門,每扇門的鑰匙就放在門旁邊,你可以把它們打開。如果你打開一扇門并走進房間里,你會看到一只大盒子。盒子上有一條狗,它的眼睛像雞蛋一樣大。別怕這條狗。拿著這塊布,把它放在狗的前面,將狗放在布上。然后打開盒子,你想拿多少錢就拿多少。但是,如果你要黃金,你就得走進下一個房間。那兒你又會看到一條狗,它的眼睛像蘋果一樣大。別怕它。把它放在布上,打開盒子,你想拿多少黃金就拿多少。如果你要珠寶,你就得到最后一間房子去。在那兒又有一條狗,它的眼睛和圓面包一樣大。不過,你不必害怕。把它放在布上,然后打開盒子,你就能想拿多少珠寶就拿多少?!薄 爸x謝你,”漢斯說,“那真是太好了。但我能為你做什么呢?你不會什么也不要就告訴我這一切的?!薄 拔也灰X,”那老女人說,“我只要一樣小東西。那兒有一只小玻璃盒,是我祖母當時去那兒時丟下的,把那只盒子帶給我?!薄 h斯爬上樹,在樹頂找到了大洞,他進到洞里。接著他一直往下、往下、往下走去。他見到了光亮便朝亮處走去,他發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在一個大廳里,那里上百盞燈正點燃著?! ≡诖髲d里,他看到了三扇門。他打開一扇門,在小房間里他看見……!他看見一條狗,它的眼睛像雞蛋一樣大。這只狗看著他?! 肮怨怨?”漢斯說。然后他放下布,把狗抱在布上。接著他用帽子裝滿了盒子里的錢幣。之后,他關上盒子,把狗放回原處,走向下一個房間?! poor man named Hans was walking along a road. He had no money at all; he did not know where he would get food for the next day. But he was happy. “I shall find something,” he said,“I always do find something.” Just then a very ugly old woman called to him from the side of the road. “What do you want?" said Hans. “What do you want?" said the old woman. “I?” answered Hans. “I want money: that is what I want.” “You shall have just as much money as you want,” said the old woman. "Do you see that large tree? Go up to the top of it. At the top you will see a large hole. Go down into that hole and you will come into a great hall. There are three hundred lamps burning and the hall is full of light. There are three doors in the hall. The key of each door is near the door so that you can open it. If you open one door and go into the room you will see a big box. On the box there is a dog with eyes as large as eggs. Dont be afraid of the dog. Take this cloth, and put it down in front of the dog. Take the dog and put it on the cloth. Then open the box and take as muchmoney as you want. But, if you want gold, you must go into the next room. There youll see a dog with eyes as big as apples. Dont be afraid of him. Put him on the cloth, open the box, and take as much gold as you want. If you want jewels,you must go.into the last room, There youll find a dog with eyes as big as loaves. But you mustnt be afraid of him. Put him on the cloth, then open the box, and take as many jewels as you want.” “Thank you,” said Hans.“That will be very nice. But what can I do for you? You havent told me all this for nothing.” “I dont want any money,” said the old woman.“I want one little thing. There is a little glass box there that my grandmother lost when she went there. Bring me the box.”Hans went up the tree. At the top he found a big hole. He went into the hole. Then he went down and downand down. Then he saw a light, He went to it, and he saw that he was in a great hall,in which hundreds of lamps were burning. In the hall he saw three doors. He opened one door and in the little room he saw... ! He saw a dog with eyes as big as eggs. And the dog LOOKED at him. “Good dog!” said Hans. Then he put the cloth down, and he took the dog and put it on the cloth. Then he filled his hat with money from the box. He shut the box, put the dog back on it, and went to the next room. 從前有一個漁夫,他又老又窮。他有妻子和三個孩子。他沒法子養(yǎng)活他們,又不知道怎么辦才好。 一天,他外出打魚。他將網撒出。當收網時,他發(fā)現(xiàn)網里有一個很大的東西,原來足一頭牛的尸體。漁夫很生氣,但還是又一次把網撒了出去。收網時,他又發(fā)現(xiàn)網里有很大的東西,結果這次是三個舊的壺。他說:“我該怎么辦?我是個窮人,沒法給我的妻子和孩子弄到吃的?!薄 ∷衷嚵艘淮?,但只網到一些石頭。 他說:“我再撤最后一次網吧。” 于是,他撒出網等著。然后他開始收網,網里沒有魚,但有一只黃金做的罐子。罐口是封著的,上面寫著字?! O夫說:“總算弄到些東西,這是一只好罐,我去賣了它,得來的錢可以買食物?!薄 ∷挚戳丝垂拮?,然后說道:“罐子里有東西,我來把它打開。”他打開罐子,將它放在腳邊。一會兒,一個巨人從罐子里出來了?! here was a poor fisherman. He was very old and very poor. He had a wife and three children. He could not get food for them, and he did not know what to do. One day he went to catch fish. He put out his net. When he took the net in again, there was something very big in it. It was the dead body of a cow. The fisherman was very angry, but he put the net out again. And again, when he took the net in, there was something big in it - three old pots. He said, "What can I do? im a poor man,and I cant get food for my wife and my chil-dren.” He tried again, but he caught only stones. He said, “Ill put the net out for the last time.” So he put out his net, and waited. Then he took it in. There were no fish in the net, but there was a jar made of gold. The top of the jar was shut. There was something written on the top. The fisherman said, “This is something. Its a good jar. Ill sell it, and Ill get food with the money.” He looked at the jar again. Then he said,“There is something inside the jar. Ill open it.”So he opened the jar, and put it down at his feet.
前言 格林兄弟 “格林童話”中,我們似乎找不到任何仙女,但是童話中出現(xiàn)了許多帶有魔法的人物:小的如丑妖怪和小妖精,大的如巫婆、巫師和魔鬼。從1812到1822年間,格林兄弟匯集80個德國民間故事。它們中的許多已于1823年被譯成了英語?! ∮行┕适卤容^殘忍,但它們都是些很古老的故事了。我們認為孩子們在欣賞諸如“王子和他的仆人們”的精彩故事之余是不會計較其中少許殘忍情節(jié)的?! h斯·安徒生 本書中有兩篇是選自這位丹麥作家眾多的兒童故事作品。(另五篇收入在“朗文經典系列”第一級的《安徒生童話》中)。漢斯·安徒生的兒童故事不僅僅是故事集。他運用古老故事中的寓意,創(chuàng)造出自己的作品。這些作品表現(xiàn)了作者對兒童和他們所想象世界的深刻理解。 漢斯·安徒生的兒童故事以四篇為一冊。最早的四篇故事用丹麥語寫成,于1835年發(fā)表,并于1846年被譯成英語。之后,他的作品總是很快地被翻譯成其他文字。 天方夜譚 漁夫的故事也許比本書中其他故事要年代久遠得多,它比格林兄弟和漢斯·安徒生早許多年,故事是用阿拉伯語寫的。 “天方夜譚”中沒有仙女,但有許多魔法和神靈?! ∪绻阕≡诎⒗虮狈堑纳衬蚴澜缙渌浅Q谉岣稍锏牡胤剑阌袝r或許會看到巨大的沙柱從沙漠中旋轉而上,直入云霄。我們知道這是由于太陽散發(fā)出熱量的緣故,但它們看上去的確像巨人一般。在古代,阿拉伯人熱衷于這些神靈和妖怪的故事,“漁夫和巨人”中的巨人就是這些神靈和妖怪中的一個。