出版時(shí)間:2000-12 出版社:上海譯文出版社 作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特 譯者:曹庸
Struggling manufacturer Robert Moore has introduced labour saving machinery to his Yorkshire mill, arousing a ferment of unemployment and discontent among his workers. Robert considers marriage to the wealthy and independent Shirley Keeldar to solve his financial woes, yet his heart lies with his cousin Caroline, who, bored and desperate, lives as a dependent in her uncle's home with no prospect of a career. Shirley, meanwhile, is in love with Robert's brother, an impoverished tutor - a match opposed by her family. As industrial unrest builds to a potentially fatal pitch, can the four be reconciled? Set during the Napoleonic wars at a time of national economic struggles, "Shirley" (1849) is an unsentimental, yet passionate depiction of conflict between classes, sexes and generations.
第一章 利未人
第二章 大車
第三章 約克先生
第四章 約克先生(續(xù))
第五章 洼地的小屋
第六章 科利奧蘭納斯
第七章 幾位副牧師來(lái)吃下午茶
第八章 挪亞和摩西
第九章 白萊亞曼斯
第十章 老處女
第十一章 菲爾赫德
第十二章 謝利和卡羅琳
第十三章 又是談公事
第十四章 謝利想通過(guò)行善獲得拯救
第十五章 唐先生的《出埃及記》