
出版時(shí)間:1997-12-1  出版社:上海譯文出版社  作者:海明威  譯者:程中瑞  


美國青年羅伯特喬丹在大學(xué)里教授西班牙語,對(duì)西班牙有深切的感情。他志愿參加西班牙政 府軍,在敵后搞爆破活動(dòng)。為配合反攻,他奉命和地方游擊隊(duì)聯(lián)系,完成炸橋任務(wù)。
他爭取 到游擊隊(duì)隊(duì)長巴勃羅的妻子比拉爾和其他隊(duì)員的擁護(hù),孤立了已喪失斗志的巴勃羅,并按部 就班地布置好各人的具體任務(wù)。
在紛飛的戰(zhàn)火中,他和比拉爾收留的被敵人糟蹋過的小姑娘 琶麗亞墜入愛河,藉此抹平了瑪麗亞心靈的創(chuàng)傷。
在這三天中,羅伯特歷經(jīng)愛情與職責(zé)的沖 突和生與死的考驗(yàn),人性不斷升華。在炸橋的撒退途中,他把生的希望讓給別人,自己卻被 炮彈炸斷了大腿,獨(dú)自留下阻擊敵人,最終為西班牙人民獻(xiàn)出了年輕的生命。
《喪鐘為誰而 鳴》是海明威流傳最廣的長篇小說之一,憑借其深沉的人道主義力量感動(dòng)了一代又一代人。




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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)23條)


  •     after months' slimming, finally finish this book. what a relief! this process is kind of torture cause the text is full of discussion about humanity in the background of war, and for no reason I believe H shows enough sarcasm towards communism and republic dream. evil and absurdity also exist in the passionate rush of their comrades. they succeed by means of killing. and goodness, like love, forgiveness and generosity, seems so useless in fighting Fascism. the only thing I can see is the violence from both sides eliminating the kindness in people.
        Robert's love I don't understand. Maria, his little, innocent rabbit, is considered as a symbol of gentle love, which should be protected or won't survive the war. at the last scene, he persuaded her by telling her again and again: I am thee, I will go with thee. though it is hard for you, you should live you life on behalf of me.
        his lovely rabbit, the only thing around him relating to peace and hope, has gone with other comrades. she will go to madrid, take him away from the desperate war.
  •     誰都不是自成一體、與世隔絕的孤島,每個(gè)人都是廣袤大陸的一部分。如果一塊泥土被海水沖走,大陸就會(huì)減少一點(diǎn);如同一座海岬,也如同你的朋友和你自己。任何人的死亡都使我有所缺損,因?yàn)槲遗c人類難解難分。因此,千萬不要去打聽喪鐘為誰耳鳴,喪鐘為你而鳴。
      那一天早晨 從夢中醒來
      啊游擊隊(duì)啊 快帶我走吧
      啊 朋友再見吧 再見吧再見吧
      游擊隊(duì)啊 快帶我走吧
      啊 朋友再見吧 再見吧再見吧
      啊 每當(dāng)人們從這里走過
      啊 朋友再見吧 再見吧再見吧
  •     羅伯特在他最后的時(shí)光中反復(fù)告訴自己,他還想活下去,因?yàn)樗谶@三天的進(jìn)步太多了,他想做個(gè)老人,把自己學(xué)到的傳下去,告訴別人,影響別人。 這里面有生的渴望,有生的喜悅,也有生的意義。人皆傳聞海明威的一生中最著迷的是“死”這個(gè)詞,我看這不簡單。死和生就像陰和陽,只有真正的理解生,才能明白真正的死。反之亦然。這兩個(gè)究極而言是統(tǒng)一的。
  •     CHAPTER 3
        THEY came down the last two hundred yards, moving carefully from tree to tree in the shadows and now, through the last pines of the steep lull side, the bridge was only fifty yards away. The late afternoon sun that still came over the brown shoulder of the mountain showed the bridge dark against the steep emptiness of the gorge. It was a steel bridge of a single span and there was a sentry box at each end. It was wide enough for two motor cars to pass and it spanned, in solid-flung metal grace, a deep gorge at the bottom of which, far below, a brook leaped in white water through rocks and boulders down to the main stream of the pass.
        The sun was in Robert Jordan's eyes and the bridge showed only in outline. Then the sun lessened and was gone and looking up through the trees at the brown, rounded height that it had gone behind, he saw, now, that he no longer looked into the glare, that the mountain slope was a delicate new green and that there were patches of old snow under the crest.
        Then he was watching the bridge again in the sudden short trueness of the little light that would be left, and studying its construction. The problem of its demolition was not difficult. As he watched he took out a notebook from his breast pocket and made several quick line sketches. Ashe made the drawings he did not figure the charges. He would do that later. Now he was noting the points where the explosive should be placed in order to cut the support of the span and drop a section of it into the gorge. It could be done unhurriedly, scientifically and correctly with a half dozen charges laid and braced to explode simultaneously; or it could be done roughly with two big ones. They would need to be very big ones, on opposite sides and should go at the same time. He sketched quickly and happily; glad at last to have the problem under his hand; glad at last actually to be engaged upon it. Then he shut his notebook, pushed the pencil into its leather holder in the edge of the flap, put the notebook in his pocket and buttoned the pocket.
        While he had sketched, Anselmo had been watching the road, the bridge and the sentry boxes. He thought they had come too close to the bridge for safety and when the sketching was finished, he was relieved.
        As Robert Jordan buttoned the flap of his pocket and then lay flat behind the pine trunk, looking out from behind it, Anselmo put his hand on his elbow and pointed with one finger.
        In the sentry box that faced toward them up the road, the sentry was sitting holding his rifle, the bayonet fixed, between his knees. He was smoking a cigarette and he wore a knitted cap and blanket style cape. At fifty yards, you could not see anything about his face. Robert Jordan put up his field glasses, shading the lenses carefully with his cupped hands even though there was now no sun to make a glint, and there was the rail of the bridge as clear as though you could reach out and touch it and there was the face of the senty so clear he could see the sunken cheeks, the ash on the cigarette and the greasy shine of the bayonet.
  •      一直對(duì)寫下這篇文章沒有任何頭緒,因此任憑時(shí)間流逝,讓思緒漸漸平靜,也下不了手書寫。明天是2011年了,在這最后的一天里,只是單純地想給某些東西來個(gè)總結(jié)……
      關(guān)于死亡與信仰——Hay que tomer la muerte como si fuera aspirina.
      關(guān)于戰(zhàn)爭——Qué cosa más mala es la guerra
       “他們駛近一輛裝載士兵的卡車時(shí),后面亮起了燈,他在這突然的閃光中看到了他們死板而悲傷的臉龐。他們頭戴鋼盔,坐在卡車?yán)?,在黑暗中駛向他們只知道要發(fā)動(dòng)一場進(jìn)攻的鬼地方,各自心事重重地在黑暗中繃緊著臉,燈光顯示了由于羞于給彼此看到而在白天不會(huì)流露的神情?!?br />    或許,他們也對(duì)這些人性屠殺的行為害怕而厭倦,只是不是他人亡,就是你死,這樣決絕的命令與命運(yùn)降臨時(shí),所有一切行動(dòng)只會(huì)指向自身。如果死亡的不是你或是你的親人,在生命威脅下,你會(huì)很容易選擇結(jié)果。只是自此之后,生命會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)遭受詛咒……
       Marriage need spirit.
       他們說,《喪鐘》是海明威最擺脫孤獨(dú),和與世隔絕情緒的一部著作,可我依舊尋覓到了絕望的軌跡。婕在聽完我說的那句《老人與海》里的名言后,說:“他的自殺只是自我毀滅的方式?!?br />    恍然之間明白海明威為何選擇死亡,用迅疾的死亡告別自己無法超越的,任憑自己曾經(jīng)的榮耀在世間留存。
  •     所以千萬不必去打聽喪鐘為誰而鳴?喪鐘為你而鳴。海明威在全書開篇已經(jīng)說明了這個(gè)問題。因?yàn)槲乙雅c人類難解難分。
  •      讀完正本小說的時(shí)候,午后的陽光斜斜地透過窗戶照耀進(jìn)來,投射在屋內(nèi)簡潔的水泥地板上,空氣中隨處可見的微塵在陽光里飄揚(yáng)舞蹈。向著陽光照射來的方向,抬頭便看見了城市上空湛藍(lán)的天空和一絲清晰可見的白云,屹立的高樓層層疊疊延伸向遠(yuǎn)方。
       我不禁再次回想起喬丹(主人公)在生命最后一天的黎明,與深愛的女人共享最 后的永恒時(shí)刻:
       “他們合二為一了,盡管表針在走動(dòng),但是沒人看了,他們知道,一個(gè)人有的感受另一個(gè)人也一定會(huì)有,只有這種感覺,這就是永恒,過去、現(xiàn)在、將來,都是這樣。他們現(xiàn)在正在享受的,他們將來不可能在享受了。他們現(xiàn)在所擁有的,過去有過,一直都有,但重要的是現(xiàn)在,現(xiàn)在,現(xiàn)在,啊,現(xiàn)在,現(xiàn)在,現(xiàn)在,唯有現(xiàn)在,首先是現(xiàn)在,除了你這個(gè)現(xiàn)在,沒有別的現(xiàn)在,而現(xiàn)在是你的先知?,F(xiàn)在,永遠(yuǎn)是現(xiàn)在。來吧,現(xiàn)在,因?yàn)槌爽F(xiàn)在只有現(xiàn)在,是啊,現(xiàn)在。就是現(xiàn)在,只有現(xiàn)在,除了現(xiàn)在什么都不存在,你在這,我在這,一個(gè)在這,另一個(gè)也在這,別問為什么,永遠(yuǎn)別問,只有現(xiàn)在;一直這樣,但愿永遠(yuǎn)是現(xiàn)在,永遠(yuǎn)實(shí)現(xiàn)在,因?yàn)橛肋h(yuǎn)只有一個(gè)現(xiàn)在。只有現(xiàn)在,只有一個(gè),出了一個(gè)現(xiàn)在沒有別的,一個(gè),正在進(jìn)行的現(xiàn)在,正在升騰,漂流,離去,盤旋,翱翔,小時(shí),一直在消失,不停地小時(shí);一個(gè)加一個(gè)等于一個(gè),一個(gè),一個(gè),一個(gè),還是一個(gè),還是一個(gè),下沉地在一起,溫柔地在一起,渴望地在一起,親切地在一起,幸福地在一起,美滿地在一起,寵愛地在一起,一起躺在地上,胳膊肘支在看下來當(dāng)床用的松枝上,散發(fā)著松枝和夜的氣息;現(xiàn)在終于回到大地上,清晨即將來臨?!?br />    不斷地排比、重復(fù),文字激蕩出主人公內(nèi)心強(qiáng)烈的情緒,直抵讀者內(nèi)心。傷感的、悲壯的、不舍的、感動(dòng)的、震撼的,種種感情在這一刻矯揉在一起,似乎升華了,似乎還是停留在那里,留著一分期許,等待著美好的結(jié)局發(fā)生,無論種種,這復(fù)雜的情緒作為這一份永恒的存在駐留在心中。是的,他就要度過人生最后的一天了,他就要去完成那項(xiàng)光榮的使命了。哦不,誰也不知道他是否能活過這一天,他自己也不知道,至少他還希望能回到馬德里,能帶著瑪利亞去會(huì)見他在蓋洛德飯店的朋友,回到蒙大拿繼續(xù)自己的工作。
       海明威寫道“死沒有什么了不起的,他沒有想過死是怎么回事,也沒有對(duì)死的恐懼。但是山坡上田野里起伏的麥浪、天空中的蒼鷹、打谷篩秣時(shí)喝的一陶罐水、你胯下的馬兒、腿下夾著的卡賓槍、小山、河谷、樹林里的小溪、河谷另一邊的群山,一切都那么生意盎然?!?br />    在海明威筆下的村莊總是充滿生活的氣息,大自然的清香,是的,一切都那么生意盎然,我想作者想要告訴我們的,是那個(gè)時(shí)代的人們,那些維護(hù)和平的戰(zhàn)士對(duì)生命的渴望,渴望著“生命、自由和對(duì)幸福的追求”,這句被寫入美國憲法里的話,仿佛是人類追尋著的永恒的主題。我們所做的那么多的努力,追溯歷史,每一場戰(zhàn)爭,每一次革命,只是一群不甘于生活困苦潦倒、命運(yùn)曲折不公的人出于這樣一個(gè)美好的愿望,用這樣或者那樣的方式向社會(huì)抗?fàn)?,為命運(yùn)反抗。
  •     二戰(zhàn),似是一個(gè)永不褪色的命題。自一九四五年夏歐洲戰(zhàn)火熄滅,日軍代表于同年九月二日在美國列艦“密蘇里”號(hào)上簽字投降,這段深烙人心的崢嶸歲月終告一畢,距今算起業(yè)已六十余載。半個(gè)世紀(jì)以降,后人紀(jì)念二戰(zhàn)的方式各色不一。有人說,那是一段永無忘懷可能,卻難以輕啟、娓娓道來的特殊記憶;也有人說,那是一卷滿載光榮與夢想、鑲著金邊的巨篇史詩。
  •     This book was shared in the book crossing activity in Shanghai Hongqiao International Library. To know more, visit http://www.douban.com/people/50946105/
      It tells the story of Robert Jordan, a young American in the International Brigades attached to a republican guerrilla unit during the Spanish Civil War. As an expert in the use of explosives, he is assigned to blow up a bridge during an attack on the city of Segovia. We discussed what message Hemingway wanted to convey to the readers. The title apparently explains a lot. When a person die, the local church bell will tolls; then the villagers might wonder who is dead. Jim commented that Hemingway believed that when a person dies, a part of us dies with him/her because we are all part of the human race. If you are not familiar with the Spanish Civil War, it's when Spain's dictator Francisco Franco came to power and the USA was in the mood of isolation and neutrality. Hemingway might be sending the message that the USA should fight against fascist and dictators and end the bloodshed in Spain. If not, it will bring repercussions upon the USA herself. And as we now know from history, the repercussions were indeed very severe.
      I was not very impressed by Hemingway before, but now realising his far-sight, I will definitely include his books in my reading list.
  •     Hemingway's narrative style in For whom the bell tolls
       Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in suburban Oak Park, IL, to Dr. Clarence and Grace Hemingway. Ernest was the second of six children to be raised in the quiet suburban town. His father was a physician, and both parents were devout Christian.
      Hemingway's own life and character are as fascinating as in any of his stories. On one level, Papa was a legendary adventurer who enjoyed his flamboyant lifestyle and celebrity status. However, deep inside lived a disciplined author who worked tirelessly in pursuit of literary perfection. His success in both living and writing is reflected in the fact that Hemingway is a hero to intellectuals and rebels alike; the passions of the man are equaled only by those in his writing.
       For Whom the Bell Tolls is a novel by Ernest Hemingway published in 1940. It tells the story of Robert Jordan, a young American in the International Brigades attached to a republican guerrilla unit during the Spanish Civil War. As an expert in the use of explosives, he is assigned to blow up a bridge during an attack on the city of Segovia. Hemingway biographer Jeffrey Meyers writes the novel is regarded as one of Hemingway's best works, along with The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea, and A Farewell to Arms.
       As the equal criticism was becoming more and more popular in the 1990s, the "ecofemininism" was rise followed in response to the proper time and conditions, which based on the principle of zoology. It judge the articles again to see whether it is helpful to the stable and consistent exist of the nature principle and zoology.
     ?、?Hemingway's Unique Writing Style.
      A.the consistency of material selection.
       War is the main material in 's art work.Hemingway has took part in the world war Ⅰ,being a War correspondent in the Spanish Civil War,Chinas War of Resistance against Japan,and the World War Ⅱ.For whom the bell tolls and A farewell to Arms depict the wars become the world-known works.
       Boxing is another main theme in his novel.Hemingway himself likes to show his male power in the prizing ring.He even sees the boxing as the epitome of his entire life.
       Hemingway hides her special understanding about human society under the content of hunting as well as his attempt to generalize the conflicts between human and nature.His respectable works about fishing are The Old Man and the Sea,which helps him won the Pulitzer Prize and the The Nobel Prize in Literature.
       In many Hemingway stories, the ability to conquer nature by hunting and killing animals is the test of masculinity. For example, in “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,” the title character comes into his own by shooting buffalo. In “Up in Michigan,” Jim Gilmore is marked as masculine and therefore desirable to Liz Coates because he goes on a deer hunt. In “A Day’s Wait,” Nick Adams goes hunting in order to teach his sick son self-reliance. Lastly, in “Fathers and Sons,” Nick describes with admiration his father’s ability to see and shoot game and describes with gratitude his father’s transfer of hunting and fishing knowledge to him.
      B.uniqueness of the theme.
       Love is a perpetual theme in literary works.Owing to different experience and World view,love that they respectively depict is not same in their works.
       Also a near-constant presence in Hemingway’s stories is the theme of death, either in the form of death itself, the knowledge of the inevitability of death, or the futility of fleeing death. Clearly evocative of death are the stories in which Hemingway describes actual deaths: the war experiences of “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “In Another Country;” the suicides of “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” and “Fathers and Sons;” and the accidents of “The Capital of the World” and “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.”
       Hand-in-glove with the theme of death is another Hemingway favorite: fatalistic heroism or heroic fatalism. This attitude entails facing one’s certain death with dignity. In addition, Hemingway can be seen to embrace nihilism, the belief that life is meaningless and that resistance to death is futile, in some of his stories. In short, Hemingway, critics have speculated, feared death but was fascinated by it; it crops up in one form or another in nearly every one of his stories.
       Animals in the Hemingway canon, whether they are game, pets, or wild, sometimes serve as symbols for their human hunters, caretakers or observers. In “The Snows of Kilimanjaro,” the frozen leopard on the top of the mountain represents immortality, which is the quality Harry strives for even as he is dying. The hyena in that story, conversely, represents Harry’s impending death. In “Old Man at the Bridge,” Hemingway switches the word “pigeons,” a reference to the old man’s eight pet birds, for the word “doves,” a symbol of peace in the midst of the Spanish Civil War. In “Hills Like White Elephants,” the “white elephant” of the title is Jig’s unborn baby, a cumbersome, largely useless thing that is on the brink of driving the relationship apart. In “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber,” the wounded lion that Francis shoots and then runs away from represents the obstacle to his proving his masculinity; though not cowardly itself, it represents Macomber’s cowardice.
      Ⅱ. Narrative Style
      A. Hemingway's Style of Writing.
      1. Telegraphic dialogue.
       The style of this passage is classic Hemingway. The phrase structures are the simplest possible—there are no commas. The telegraphic dialogue gives the sentences a concrete, explicit and physical shape, just like a flowing river. The simplicity of the grammar hides the depth of feeling just below the surface: Robert Jordan touches the elements of his physical world, He knows he is about to die. Hemingway’s language, with its deep feeling simmering below unadorned stoicism, is an echo of his hero.
      2.Brief and Sentient Depiction of Scenery.
       "He was completely integrated now and he took a good long look at everything. Then he looked up at the sky. There were big white clouds in it. He touched the palm of his hand against the pine needles where he lay and he touched the bark of the pine trunk that he lay behind"--This passage from the last chapter of the novel describes Robert Jordan's continual struggle with himself to figure out his motives and his purpose. For the first time, he feels“completely integrated” with his world.
       Nature, in the form of beautiful landscapes and wholesome surroundings, is a constant presence in Hemingway’s short fiction. It is often the only thing in the text, animate or inanimate, that is described in a positive or laudatory fashion. Hemingway was a great believer in the power of nature, both in terms of its beauty and its challenges, to improve one’s quality of life. He was a lifelong outdoorsman, an avid hunter, fisherman, camper and boater, and he believed that overcoming natural obstacles using only one’s intelligence and skills made one a better person. In addition, Hemingway’s characters look to majestic landscapes and other manifestations of natural beauty for hope, inspiration, and even guidance during difficult or challenging times.
       In For whom the bell tolls, the development of Jordan's characteristic is carried out by his relationship between the nature and him. At the beginning of the it, he observe the world behind the telescope. "He lay flat on the brown, pine-needled floor of the forest, his chin on his folded arms, and high overhead the wind blew in the tops of the pine trees.--"The mountainside sloped gently where he lay; but below it was steep and he could see the dark of the oiled road winding through the pass", obviously because his attention must pay on the military, he sees the surrounding scene as a challenge toward his work. This military consciousness makes him alienate not only the earth and environment, but also the people around him. However, with the development of the story, he began to have a strong feeling about it especially the pine tree, so as to the nature and comprehension of the world.
      3. Indirect Psychological Depiction.
       Hemingway never analysis the motivation in his novel while he was writing articles.we only see the characters' facial expression,such as the hero's words, doing things,but not his or her inside feelings.when Robert Jordan lay with the girl,"His throat swelled when his cheek moved against Maria's hair and there was a hollow aching from his throat all through him as he held his arms around her; his head dropped, his eyes close to the watch where the lance-pointed, luminous splinter moved slowly up the left face of the dial",which is a perfect expression because from this we can not only see Jorden's deep love to Maria,but also feel the complex and paradox in his language.
      B. Rhetorical Devices.
       E.M.Hardy has said that sarcasm made his novel becoming the best novel silently...between the expectation and the reality, the disguise and truth, the intention and behaviour, the information you send and receive., Things people imagine or supposed to be in the world and the real situation is a sarcasm distance. He is really good at strengthen the theme and discover the paradox by using sarcasm.
       Hemingway also use a lot of parallelism to enrich his novel. he always set the background in a tragic world because only by this can he prove the spirit's permanent and the loneliness of heart.
       Because there are lots of simple and direct dialogue in For whom the bell tolls, at first i thought it's easy to read, but if you reread it carefully, you will find there are full of obscurities which indicate a more profounding meaning. At the end of this novels,
      When the dying Jordan looking down the hill slop again " He could feel his heart beating against the pine needle floor of the forest" , obviously he acquired the ultimate cognition. It's something that he can't speak out but can be perceived and understood.Although his career and life are tragic, but the earth is going to moving around and the career he has been struggling for will last long and perspective.
     ?、?Literary Significance and Critical Reaction.
       Since its publication, the prose style and dialogue in Hemingway's novel has been the source of controversy and some negative critical reaction.
      The book is written in the third person limited omniscient narrative mode. The action and dialogue are punctuated by extensive thought sequences told from theviewpoint of Robert Jordan. The novel also contains thought sequences of other characters, including Pilar and Anselmo. The thought sequences are an important narrative device to explore the principal themes of the novel.
       In 1941 the Pulitzer Prize committee for letters unanimously recommended For Whom the Bell Tolls be awarded the prize for that year.
       However, Hemingay's artistic depict also has limitation. He is not good at expanding to a more wide society and living things. His heroes is lack of multiple, plenty feature.
       Hemingway skillfully portrays the ignorance and lack of seriousness of the soldiers and the general lack of interest in the war. Hemingway makes the danger of such a situation clear when Andres says: "He did not like these people who were like dangerous children; dirty, foul, undisciplined, kind, loving, silly and ignorant but always dangerous because they were armed." Again, we see a stereotypical characterization of the Spaniards.
       At last, I would like to quote the poem at the beginning of the For whom the bell tolls--
       No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
       --JOHN DONNE
  •     這本書的評(píng)論是不是很難寫?那么多條評(píng)論里沒看到幾篇是跟內(nèi)容有沾邊的。對(duì)西班牙內(nèi)戰(zhàn)我了解并不多。短短三天里的故事,中譯本洋洋灑灑四十萬字。也可以說是主人公羅伯特·喬丹——一個(gè)思想復(fù)雜的青年知識(shí)分子在三天里的心靈軌跡。生與死的問題,愛情與戰(zhàn)斗職責(zé)的矛盾,道德倫理與嚴(yán)酷現(xiàn)實(shí)的矛盾交織在一起。
      你反對(duì)一切殺人的行為,可你既殺過人,而且還要繼續(xù)殺人。因?yàn)橐騽僬叹捅仨毝鄽橙恕?br />   
      雙方都在屠殺,游擊隊(duì)員絞死長槍黨,法西斯分子血洗擁護(hù)社會(huì)黨的村莊。為了自由,尊嚴(yán)和所有人都有工作而不致挨餓的權(quán)利,我們對(duì)他們也干下了令人發(fā)指的暴行,“但那是因?yàn)槲覀內(nèi)狈甜B(yǎng),不知道該怎么辦,而他們是蓄意地、深思熟慮地干著?!庇螕絷?duì)員們射擊,投擲手榴彈,炸火車??墒菤⒌舻娜擞袔讉€(gè)是真正的法西斯分子?那些鐵桿兒長槍黨們都躲在后方屠殺平民。而在戰(zhàn)壕里向我們瞄準(zhǔn)的是和我們一樣的窮人。聯(lián)合政府內(nèi)部也是成分復(fù)雜,斗爭重重,軍隊(duì)缺少武器裝備,指揮不暢。有著種種官僚主義,工作無能。黨內(nèi)的清洗斗爭連在國際縱隊(duì)里也難逃一劫。內(nèi)部還有第五縱隊(duì)活動(dòng)。奧威爾當(dāng)年志愿參加西班牙內(nèi)戰(zhàn),身負(fù)重傷后回國,還有他的同志因?yàn)檎姴煌窔⑺?br />   
  •     不知道是不是我的閱讀能力不足,看這本書時(shí)總是昏昏欲睡,雖說該書情節(jié)緊湊,但是我總是找不到閱讀的興奮點(diǎn)。。??赡苓€是不太習(xí)慣海明威的語言風(fēng)格吧,而且對(duì)于那段歷史也不太了解,看時(shí)總是缺少共鳴。。。畢竟文化差異太大,而這本書有與以前看過的戰(zhàn)爭小說有很大差距,各個(gè)人物的特征很鮮明,但是很難讓我理解他們的想法,太多的自言自語和心理活動(dòng),讓我匪夷所思,戰(zhàn)爭時(shí)居然會(huì)想這些。。。
  •     已經(jīng)看了很久了,一直盤旋的是男主角幽怨的表情,女主角悲慘的命運(yùn)!不知道為什那時(shí)候的愛情逃脫了戰(zhàn)爭卻逃不掉命運(yùn)!當(dāng)時(shí)讀完之后只有一種沉重感!
  •     一直很喜歡海明威,但對(duì)于這本書,我僅僅給了三顆星,雖然開篇時(shí)的《無人為島》讓人會(huì)擁有讀下去的欲望,但我僅僅給了三顆星。
  •   被作者的文筆和背后深沉的感情打動(dòng)。
  •   是評(píng)論。原著小說還沒看。
  •   No man is an island,
    Entire of itself.
    Each is a piece of the continent,
    A part of the main.
    If a clod be washed away by the sea,
    Europe is the less.
    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manor of thine own
    Or of thine friend's were.
    Each man's death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee.
  •   “戰(zhàn)爭實(shí)在是個(gè)臭婊子”
  •   是啊 世界上還有什么事情比戰(zhàn)爭更壞呢
  •   傳播文明有兩種方式,一種是和平,另一種是戰(zhàn)爭,可是戰(zhàn)爭還會(huì)給生靈帶來災(zāi)難,這個(gè)世界上沒有任何人可以決定他人的生死。
  •   是啊,世界上還有什么比戰(zhàn)爭更壞的呢……
  •   三天的心靈史我仿佛讀著有三年一樣久?,F(xiàn)在轉(zhuǎn)向我要來這邊寫關(guān)于海明威所塑造的人物形象中提取出自己的論文觀點(diǎn)是一件不容易的事情。
  •   @Troy。我到寫讀后感的時(shí)候才發(fā)現(xiàn)原來只有短短三天……

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