故事講述了一個寡婦在選擇愛人的時候剛好碰到兩難境地,Edgar Swift有地位有權勢,即將升任孟加拉省總督,有雄心有抱負,但Mary不愛他,青春易逝,年華易老,不乘年輕漂亮還有資本把自己嫁了,還能有其他選擇嗎?就在這時,發(fā)生了一件命案,改變了Mary的命運,也促成了Mary和Rowley的好事。一天月圓之夜,Mary為了救贖一個窮困小子,半夜帶他到自己家里,好酒好菜的招待,后面把自己也獻給了他,其實只是同情和憐憫,當小子知道后,接受不了,用Edgar給的手槍自殺了,就在Mary的房間。于是Mary求救于Rowley,終于人不知鬼不覺的埋了尸體。整個過程中,增進了彼此的了解,Mary也不再認為Rowley就是人們常認為的地痞流氓,好吃懶做。后來發(fā)現(xiàn)Rowley還喜歡看書。最后Mary放棄了Edgar,準備和Rowley結婚,開始全新的生活,畢竟Rowley是個有趣的人。
從整本書來看,Maugham很了解女人的心理,特別擅長對話,可惜目前還未讀過他的劇本。如果不事先知道作者,獨立看這本書的內(nèi)容可能會認為作者是女性。故事一開始仿佛在講一個異國公主的故事,住著豪華洋房,生活無憂,自己每天在高山別墅里欣賞美景,不時參加上流社會的晚宴,應付應付已婚未婚男人的打情罵俏就行了。這大概是很多女人向往的生活,被Maugham寫得很真實,畫面感很強,特別是那一輪月亮和滿路的月光。女人喜歡幽默風趣的男人,所以普通女人都抵擋不了Rowley的魅力: Of course he's bad lot, a thorogh wrong'un, but if I were thirty years younger and he asked me to run away with him I wouldn't hesitate for a moment even though I knew he'd chuck me in a week and I'd be wretched for the rest of my life.
最后Mary主動放棄了這段老少配,就像Rwoley提出的問題那樣:"Do you think it would be much fun to live with a man you weren't lov with?""You are a fool, Mary my dear. Oh,I know yo've turned me down. That's all right. Thought I dare say I'd have made a better husband than you think. But you're a fool to marry aman twenty-fve-years older than youself. How old are you? Thirty at theouside. you're not a fish."
當然Rowley不是沒有缺點,他身上有所有花花公子都有的缺點,濫情、不專一、自私(只管自己快樂),傷害良家婦女無數(shù),連續(xù)離婚結婚三次,在大庭廣眾之下還從不遮掩自己的罪行。他對女人具有魔法般的吸引力:There was something that swpt you off you feet, a sort of gentleness behind theroughness of his manner, a thrilling warmthbehind his mockery, some insticive understanding of woman as a different creature from man, which was strangely flattering; and the sensualityof his mouth and the caress in his grey eyes.
不得不再補充一下書中最精彩的部分,Mary獻身于窮苦小子卡爾,后卡爾自殺的一段。Mary和Rowley在月圓夜真情面對面的時候就埋下了伏筆,Mary說:"I've sometimes thought that if I ever ran across someone who was poor, alone and unhappy, who'd never hadany pleasure in life, who'd never known any of the good things money can buy--and if I could give him a unique experience, an hour of absolute happiness, something that he'd never dreamt of and that would never be repeated, then I'd give him gladlyeverything I had to give." 她就是個女神。誰聽了這話都不得不為之動容。
《佛羅倫斯月光下》原名《Up at the Villa》(海邊山上的別墅),乍見封面,不由得讚嘆她真是個充滿美感的譯名,尚未進入正文之前,彷彿就先觸及小說的內(nèi)涵,薄薄的中篇很快能讀完,馬上發(fā)現(xiàn)這是很傳神的高明譯法,極詩意、極浪漫,還沒翻開書頁,已覺心兒顫慄、靈魂激動、肉體癱軟了。
Karl和Edgar都是失敗的例子。Karl和Mary地位相差很多,剛到Mary家中時,他雖然嬉笑掩飾,但心中是相當自卑的,Mary一半出于憐憫,1/4出于刺激沖動,1/4出于對他俊朗外表的有一點動心,將他帶回家,并于荷爾蒙驅動下發(fā)生了關系,但沖動過后的理智告訴她,他們不可以再見面了。另一方面,Karl得到了Mary的身體,自以為得到了希望,可以展開一段愛情,但Mary的不再見面一下又將他打入谷底,年輕男人的自負,足以將自己摧毀,Mary的一句憐憫讓他受不了了,于是他在一吻之后自殺了,留下了“You asked me not to forget you. I shall forget, but you won't"這句話,可悲的是他又自負了,Mary在他死后就把他拋尸在外,并沒有因為悔恨而愛上他,只是出于良心不安而惦記著他,僅此而已。
“Darling,that is what life's for-to take risks" 這句話在這一頁的最后,當我翻過書頁時,咦,完了!結束了!這就是結局!這樣的不像結局的結局讓我意猶未盡!
《Up At the Villa》有四個主人公:Mary Paton, Eagar Swift, Roeley Flint, Karl Richter. Mary的一段生活經(jīng)歷把三個男主角順序般的引出了。故事中充滿了巧合,一段失敗的婚姻讓mary重新獲得了自由,同時也給了一個喜歡Mary20年左右的“癡情男”Eagar有了機會,然而意外的升遷又讓Eagar再次離去,不期而遇的宴會讓Mary認識了一個“流氓男”Roeley ,于是,Roeley開始了一段追求。正式宴會后的路上談話,我認為,導致了Mary和Karl的相遇、獻身(僅僅是同情,或者是寂寞)以及后來的死亡。而又是Karl的死去,成就了Mary和Roeley之間的愛情。
整個故事情節(jié)比較曲折,引人入勝。人物刻畫得比較細膩,尤其是Eagar 和Roeley在相貌、氣質及他人評價中的對比,讓讀者會產(chǎn)生一個錯覺,結果卻是出乎意料。
A woman can forgive a man for the harm he does her, but she can never forgive the sacrifices he makes on her account.
對他們來說,life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it。
跟他在一起,快樂而又自由,一切都是未知:“Darling,that's life's for --to take risks .”
What a simple story! Though different reaction to the accident, Maugham described two different people, one seemed erect, honest and was totally a gentleman; the other didn’t have a very good reputation, although he had some kind of character attractive to women.
Edgar maybe a reliable husband, and only when his wife was an innocent person who didn’t have shortcomings. So he fell in love with Mary, and always thought her as that innocent girl when he first met her. He just can’t accept the fact of Karl’s accident. Although he still insisted to marry Mary, most of it was responsibility but not really love, not that kind of love can be of tolerance to anything her did. Mary knew this, and knew that she can’t be happy in that marriage. That’s why she refused him firmly. She was a clever woman. And maybe she was just a little bit falling love with Rowley gradually, when she didn’t realize it.
Rowley was just opposite to Edgar, not a good spouse. He enjoyed taking risks and knew that women were thinking, which made him attractive. After Mary asked help for him, he did everything he can do to help her to deal with the accident, and to avoid the scandal. But that was not droved by love, but by the nature of enjoying adventure. That was also the root of asking Mary to marry him. Maybe this guy would never really love a woman, what he loved was only the happy moment to do something seemed really hard.
What’s odd in the book was that Mary totally can’t understand why Karl shot himself. Yes, in Mary’s eyes, the word was beautiful, although she had a miserable marriage. But to live can be a much happy than to die. She was a woman living in a fairy tale, which didn’t suffer from hunger, poverty, indignity, despair and all that kind of pain. In her first marriage, she was tortured by her husband’s alcohol abuse, but she loved him and there was a hope to support her to live on. However, to Karl, his country was ruined, his families were killed, he was painful, but Mary can’t understand this. I think this is what Maugham wanted to express, the pain experienced by those miserable person can be understood by those noble person, by those who lived in extravagant life.