出版時間:1988-6 出版社:上海譯文出版社 作者:上海第二教育學院,上海第二工業(yè)大學 編 頁數(shù):169
Lesson One Classroom EnglishLesson Two Classroom EnglishLesson Three Classroom EnglishLesson Four Classroom EnglishLesson Five Classroom EnglishPhonetics: A Summary of Vowels and ConsonantsLesson Six Classroom EnglishTextPhonetics: IntonationGrammar: Parts of Spccch; Dcrnonstrativc PronounLesson Seven Classroom EnglishTextPhonetics: Strong Forms and Weak FormsGrammar: The Number of NounsLesson Eight Classroom EnglishTextPhonetics: The Pronunciation of Verh "to be"Grammar: Personal Pronoun; Verb "to be"Lesson Nine Classroom EnglishTextPhonetics: Intonation of General and Special QuestionsGrammar: Possessive Pronoun; The General Question and the Special QuestionLesson Ten Classroom EnglishText: Watch and ClockPhonetics: The Pronunciation of Verb "to have"Grammar: Verb "to have"; The ArticleLesson Eleven Classroom EnglishText:A Teachers StudyPhonetics: The Intonation of EnumerationGrammar: "there be" structureLesson Twelve Classroom EnglishText:The Scotts and Their New ApartmentPhonetics: Consonant ClusterRevision ExercisesLesson ThirteenClassroom EnglishText: My FamilyPhonetics: LiaisonGrammar: The Present TenseLesson Fourteen Classroom EnglishText:Our MonitorPhonetics: Sense Groups and PausesGrammar: Preposition and Prepositional PhraseLesson Fifteen Classroom EnglishTcxt:At the SeasideGrammar: Prcscnt Continuous TenseLesson Sixteen Classroom EnglishTcxt:The ScasonsGrammar: Kinds of ScntcnccsLesson Seventeen Classroom EnglishTcxt:ChinaRcvision ExcrciscsVocabulary