出版時(shí)間:2008-1 出版社:上??茖W(xué)技術(shù)出版社 作者:徐樺 頁數(shù):169
Writing, as Francis Bacon says, makes one precise. This precision not only refers to what isovertly called speech, an entity right in front of ones naked eyes, but also to what stays covert,thinking, an ability of mind to breed out thoughts and to transfer them into linear words. It is notuncommon for one to be able to write in its general sense, but it is of particular difference if onewants to write precisely along with specific contents. By content we are reminded of form, the coupled term opposite to and yet indicative ofcontent, and together they relate our discussion to the two sides of writing and the coherencebetween content and form in achieving the intended effect. It goes beyond doubt that content is ofprime importance since it is content that participants are most interested in and therefore issincerely meant in delivery of communication. By contrast, form acts as an instrument that helpspresent content, resulting, as is commonly perceived, in a status quo secondary to content. Such arelation upholds that content determines form. While content changes fxom discipline to discipline, it is expected that there are as manyforms to follow suit but as a matter of fact not every content is well matched a form. This is notbecause writers are unable to concoct enough forms for various contents, but because it does notappear necessary when scientific inquiries are intended to reach at length an ultimatesimplification by means of groups of categorical classifications. Generally, therefore, there arefive types of writing: daily, journalistic, documentary, creative, and scientific. To accomplish the coherence between content and form in writing involves such skills aswording and paragraphing, to put it another way, the arrangement of words, sentences, and thewhole text. These skills look, in the first place of learning, especially in learning a foreignlanguage, more linguistic than conceptual, for they have a lot to do with spelling, grammar, andfixed expression. Upon a second thought and with deep investigation, it is exposed that manyfailures in attaining these skills lie in erroneous or improper conceptualization with respect tocohering content and form. Accordingly, to learn to write has two implicitly interactive parts——speech and thought.
ForewordPrefaceUnit One Diary & Journal1.1 Diary1.2 JournalUnit Two Card2.1 Name card2.2 Greeting card2.3 PostcardUnit Three Resume & Autobiography3.1 Resume3.2 AutobiographyUnit Four Transcript & Certificate4.1 Transcript4.2 CertificateUnit Five Summary & Book Report5.1 Summary5.2 Book reportUnit Six Note & Invitation Card6.1 Note6.2 Invitation cardUnit Seven Notices & Signs7.1 Notices7.2 SignsA Course on Practical WritingUnit Eight Pact & Rule 948.1 Definition 948.2 Components 948.3 Requirements for writing 94Unit Nine Public Speeches 989.1 Use & Classification 989.2 Requirements for writing 98Unit Ten Teachers Comments 10510.1 Use & Importance 10510.2 Requirements for writing 10510.3 Useful expressions 10610.4 Examples of comments 108Unit Eleven Personal Letters 11111.1 Format of letters 11111.2 Varieties of social letters 12211.3 Varieties of business letters 139Keys to the exercises 160Bibliography 169
6) The complimentary close. This is a parting gesture, a courteous way to bring a letter to an end to avoid too abrupt ending. This short expression is always a few words on a single line, beginning with a capital letter and ends with a comma. There are a variety of terms to close an English letter, but which one to be used depends on the writers exact relationship with the recipient. For business letters, the conventional closes are "Sincerely yours" (AmE), "Yours sincerely" (BrE), "Cordially yours", "Yours truly", etc. The close of a personal informal letter is of more free choice: "Yours (with love)", "As ever", "Fondly" "Affectionately", "With best wishes", or even "Thanks," "Warmly," or "Stay cool!" etc. 7) The signature. In a personal letter, the writer may sign his/her full name, first name, or even a nickname in accordance with his/her relationship with the recipient. In a business letter, however, the writer should sign his/her full name by hand in blue or black ink and type his/her full name in the next line. If the writer is a female and is writing a business letter to someone that probably does not know her, she should indicate as follows the way she would like to be addressed in the reply.