
出版時間:2004-9  出版社:上??茖W(xué)技術(shù)出版社  作者:羅遼復(fù)  頁數(shù):602  字數(shù):696000  


已出版的中文版《生命進化的物理觀》是理論生物學(xué)領(lǐng)域的一部重要的學(xué)術(shù)著作,作者結(jié)合自己潛心轉(zhuǎn)向生命科學(xué)研究十幾年的學(xué)術(shù)成果,用物理學(xué)的觀點和方法,提出和討論了生命進化的一系列重大問題,如生物分子手性的起源和進化,遺傳密碼的起源和進化,核酸、蛋白質(zhì)序列的進化和有關(guān)的信息學(xué)研究等。     本書(英文版)將以此中文版為基礎(chǔ),新增“序列——結(jié)構(gòu)——功能”一章,講述從結(jié)構(gòu)到功能的幾個途徑。同時,作者將結(jié)合國際上這一領(lǐng)域的最新發(fā)展對中文版內(nèi)容作了適當(dāng)更新。


ForewordChapter 1 The Logic of Genetic Code 1.1 The Degeneracy Rule of the Genetic Code 1.2 The Distribution of Stop Codons in the Genetic code 1.3 The Hydrophobic-hydrophilic Domain in the Code Table 1.4 The Global minimum of mutational deterioration and the Deduction of Standard code Table 1.5 The Multiplicity of amino acid and the abnormal genetic code 1.6 The Symmetry and Duality of the Genetic Code 1.7 A Statistical Theory of Amino Acid MutationChapter 2 Gene Informatics and Sequence Evolution(1) 2.1 The Evolution of Protein Sequence and Rate of Molecular Evolution 2.2 Statistical Correlation of Nucleotides and Its Short-range-dominance 2.3 The Evolutionary Relation of Gene Information Parameters 2.4 Preferential Modes in DNA Sequence 2.5 Molecular Evolutionary Tree 2.6 The Spectral Analysis of DNA Sequence and long-range correlation of Bases 2.7 DNA Walk and the Diagrammatic Representation for DNA Sequence 2.8 The markovian chain and probability matrix of nucleotide sequenceChapter 3 Gene Informatics and Sequence Evolution(2)Chapter 4 From Sequence to StuctureChapter 5 Approaches to Biological FunctionChapter 6 The Origin of Biomolecular ChiralityReferencesIndex




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