牛津英語:9年義務(wù)教育課本(上海版)(A) (平裝)

出版時間:2002年7月1日  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:G McArthur  頁數(shù):115  




CHAPTER 1 Protecting the innocentCHAPTER 2 ComputersCHAPTER 3 The night of the horseCHAPTER 4 The African ghost fishCHAPTER 5 Fishing with birdsMemory


  A research team at the United States Pentagon first developed the concept of linking computers together in the 1960s. They wanted to have a system that would enable universities, research departments and the military to share resources with each other. Computers at this time were as large as refrigerators and could not be transported easily. Another problem was that they were often complicated and not compatible with each other. The research team had to overcome these difficulties to create a network that could share computing power.  Gradually, more and more scholars came online. Years later, businessmen began using the Internet, too. The number of people using it is increasing all the time and it is becoming more widely available across the world. In fact, somewhere in every continent in the world, it is possible to use the Internet. There is a wide range of services available on the Internet. This means that there are many different ways to communicate. The most popular way is undoubtedly electronic mail —— more commonly called e-mail. The second most popular is browsing on the World Wide Web (WWW). Briefly, the WWW is a very big series of connected pages containing various forms of multimedia. The third most popular way is real time text based communication between users such as IRC-lnternet Relay Chat.





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