出版時間:2002-1 出版社:上海教育出版社,牛津大學出版社 作者:P Etherton,A Kingston 著 頁數(shù):95
《牛津英語教學參考:高中3年級第2學期(S3B)(上海版)》主要內(nèi)容為The course aims to enable students to develop afunctional competence in English that will be ofpractical value to them at school, for theirsubsequent careers and in their personal lives.A major feature of this course is that it does not justset language tasks for practice, but it teaches theskills necessary to deal with the tasks. The coursepays special attention to developing language skillsand subskills, to teaching exam techniques and toproviding practice in exam-style exercises and tasks.
CHAPTER1 Transforming MarsCHAPTER2 A woman’s place jsinthe home.CHAPTER3 Fired out about your futureCHAPTER4 TheWonders of Dolphins
Sexist language is language which ignores women, or implies that women shouldhave certain qualities or should do (or not do) certain jobs. Stone Age man lived in caves. We must elect a chairman for the meeting. If a student has a problem, he can ask the teacher. in the past, writers often used the word man to refer to all people, includingwomen. They sometimes used he or h/s to include she and her. However, somepeople now feel that these and other uses are insulting to women.Some ways of avoiding sexist language include using humans, person, people, heorshe, and plural forms such as they. Stone Age people lived in caves. We must elect a chairperson for the meeting. If a student has a problem, he orshe can ask the teacher.