
出版時間:1900-01-01  出版社:上海教育出版社  作者:朱浦,顧立寧 等 著  頁數(shù):41  




IntroductionDescription of the materialsThe approachActivity-based teachingHow a unit is organizedUsing the Teachers BookClassroom languageClassroom organizationAllocation of timeUnit 1 My classroomUnit 2 NumbersUnit 3 My abilitiesUnit 4 MybodyUnit 5 FruitUnit 6 Mid—Autumn FestivalUnit 7 MyfamilyUnit 8 Playtime


  Description of the materials  Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) is a 12 year package of student and teacher resource materials, especially designed for use in Shanghai primary and secondary schools.  The Oxford English learning material is based on a series of topics universal to all students, developing from the comfortable themes of self, family and home, into the students gradually developing and expanding experience. A building-blocks approach links content and skills, whereby each aspect, both linguistic and conceptual, is introduced, integrated, revisited and developed within each level and from level to level.  Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 1A presents the following materials:  Students resources  Students Book 1A  Workbook 1A  Cassette 1A  Teachers resources  Teachers Book 1A  Wallchart 1A  Word and Picture Cards 1A (to be made by teachers)  Students Book IA  The Students Book makes use of a wide variety of carefully graded activities, including composite pictures, stories, songs, rhymes and games, to keep students interested. A Revision unit at the end of the book reinforces and consolidates key language items taught. Two main characters, Sam and May, motivate students to have fun while learning.  Workbook IA  The Workbook reinforces what has been taught in the Students Book through a diverse selection of interesting exercises. The Workbook is primarily intended for use in the classroom, but may be used for homework as well.  Cassette IA  The Cassette gives clear and accurate models of materials from the Students Book. These include simple instructions, dialogues, key words, songs, rhymes and stories. It also includes listening exercises in the Workbook. Where necessary, items are repeated several times and are recorded at a speed appropriate to young first-time learners of English.  Teachers Book IA  With trends in teaching and learning changing fast in Chinas primary education, the Teachers Book aims to provide teachers with full support to use this material successfully. Easy-to-use and comprehensive, teachers will find:  1 Full, easily accessed language targets and objectives.  2 An introduction that describes.



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