
出版時(shí)間:2010-10  出版社:內(nèi)蒙古少年兒童出版社  作者:榮德基 編  頁數(shù):264  




Unit 1 Living wellA.基礎(chǔ)篇 語言知識(shí)剖析工.單元話題聚焦Ⅱ.語言知識(shí)全析Ⅲ.單元語法綜覽Ⅳ.Workbook要點(diǎn)提煉B.運(yùn)用篇 語言技能提升C.演練篇 單元過關(guān)檢測(cè)Unit 2 RobotsA.基礎(chǔ)篇 語言知識(shí)剖析工.單元話題聚焦Ⅱ.語言知識(shí)全析Ⅲ.單元語法綜覽Ⅳ.Workbook要點(diǎn)提煉B.運(yùn)用篇 語言技能提升C.演練篇 單元過關(guān)檢測(cè)Unit 3 Under the seaA.基礎(chǔ)篇 語言知識(shí)剖析工.單元話題聚焦Ⅱ.語言知識(shí)全析Ⅲ.單元語法綜覽Ⅳ.Workbook要點(diǎn)提煉B.運(yùn)用篇 語言技能提升C.演練篇 單元過關(guān)檢測(cè)Unit 4 SharingA.基礎(chǔ)篇 語言知識(shí)剖析工.單元話題聚焦Ⅱ.語言知識(shí)全析Ⅲ.單元語法綜覽Ⅳ.Workbook要點(diǎn)提煉B.運(yùn)用篇 語言技能提升C.演練篇 單元過關(guān)檢測(cè)Unit 5 Travelling abroadA.基礎(chǔ)篇 語言知識(shí)剖析工.單元話題聚焦Ⅱ.語言知識(shí)全析Ⅲ.單元語法綜覽Ⅳ.Workbook要點(diǎn)提煉B.運(yùn)用篇 語言技能提升C.演練篇 單元過關(guān)檢測(cè)參考答案


  The theme of this unit is disabilities. It focuses on school-aged children withdisabilities. They have to face all kinds of challenges.  Jessiea Cox, an American, was born without arms, but that hasn't stopped hermaking the most of life. She flies planes, drives cars, and otherwise lives a normal lifeusing her feet as others use their hands. She even got her pilot's license on October 10,2008,becoming the first woman pilot in aviation history to fly using feet. Thefollowing is an interview with Jessica after she got her pilot's license.  Interviewer: At first,congratulations on your getting your pilot's license. Each pilothas a different story and background. What about yours?  Jessica: I remember being limited to the swings on the playground in primaryschool,because other equipment was impossible for me to play on. This upset me and Iremember dreaming of flying over the playground like a superwoman. I never realizedhow this childlike imagination would affect the years to come.   ……?



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