感悟父愛 感悟母愛-美麗英文(第二輯)

出版時間:2007-11  出版社:天津教育出版社  作者:方雪梅編譯  頁數:218  




第一卷 尋找父親的捷徑父愛A Father’s Love新娘的父親Father of the Bride一位父親的道別A Dad SaysGood-bye父子伙伴情A Boy and His Father Become Partners無論發(fā)生什么事,我都會在你身旁NO Matter What HappensI’ll Alway sBe There For You!誰是最愛你的人Who Loves You the Best昔為人子,今為人父Once the Son Now the Father折翼天使Last Words父親的秘密Father’s Secret默默的父愛Silent Father-love最后的舞蹈……最后的機會……Last Dance…Last Chance…錯過的祝福Is Packing Important to You向爸爸買一小時To Buy An Hour From Father爸爸的腌菜罐The Pickle Jar現在就做!Do It Now!與父親共舞A Dance with Dad禮“薄”情“深”A Father’s Gift from a Daughter盲爸爸看我比賽足球Blind Dad Watched Me Play Football真愛爸爸A Dad Who Truly Cares泡湯Rainout父親的影子My Father’S Shadow父親節(jié)感懷Father’s Day Sentimentality第二卷 發(fā)現母親的理由母愛Mother’s Love愛的印記Love’s Imprint鄉(xiāng)村溜冰場The Rustic Rink潔白的桅子花Mystery of the White Gardenia獻給母愛FortheLoveofMother女兒上學了Sending Kids Off to School親愛的媽媽Dear Mom我的獨眼媽媽A Mother with Only One Eve母親教給我的東西Things My Mother Taught Me愛能持續(xù)到永遠L0ve Can Last Forlever愛你千遍A Thousand Times一個男孩的心愿A BoywithaMission母親的表Mother’s Watch母女情結Connection告訴媽媽我愛她TellMommyILoveHer希望之“鴿”Abigail’S Dove我永不忘記的人My Most Unforgettable Charater寬松的黃色襯衫The Baggy Yellow Shirt親情“項鏈”The Necklace雙重悲傷Double Sadness執(zhí)吾之手Squeeze My Hand and I’ll Tell You that I Love You一件連衣裙The Dress彩排DFess Rehearsal


  I watched her and her mother decorateI her college dormitory room. Everythingplace organized and arranged, just so. Attractively designed bulletin board withcarefully selected, and precisely cut, colored paper. Pictures and remembrances2throughout of her dearest friends. Drawers and boxes under the bed. Her room nicelyaccommodates not only her clothes, accessories and bric-a-brac, but her roommatesas well. I closely monitor that which I would have, in the past, ignored, knowing thatthis time is different. As her half of the room takes on her essence. I begin to acceptthat her room at home is no longer hers. It is now ours. Our room for her when shevisits.  I find myself thinking of when I held her in the cradle of my arm, in the chairalongside my wifes hospital bed. One day old. So small, so beautiful, so perfect, sototally relianta on her new, untested parents. All manner of thoughts went through mymind as I examined her every feature for what seemed to be an eternity4. Timemarches relentlesslys.  She looks up now, catching me staring at her, causing her to say to her mother."Mom, Dads looking at me funny."  The last few days, I touch her arm, her face——any thing——knowing that when mywife and I return home, she will not be with us and there will be nothing to touch. Ihave so much to say, but no words with which to say it.


  不是每個人都能及時聽到父母安慰和鼓勵的話.不是每個人都能時時有他們相伴……  何時,我們并末意識到自已曾經或正處于幸運之中,只因它它的外表與我們夢想中的有所不同。事實上,表面的小幸或許正是等待開啟的幸運之¨?!  跺e過的祝?!贰 ∧赣H關愛孩子的力式被再次發(fā)現、被重復、被一次又一次地傳遞下去,就像愛存我們的生活中由你傳遞給我,由我傳遞給她,再由她傳遞給她的孩子。因為愛本身就是一種饋贈?!  队H愛的媽媽》  回想起兒子的出生,我總有辛酸且甜蜜的感覺,可正是那時我悟出了生活中一條重要的真諦:快樂與悲傷并存,且總會糾結住一起;愛的力量足以調諧二者,愛能持續(xù)到水遠。  ——《愛能持續(xù)到永遠》  當一種情結很深厚、很強大時,它會在言語無法喻指的地文永存,它具有難以言表的美麗。盡管失去母親帶給我很深的傷痛.但母女情結的美麗和力量是任何東西都無法從我這里換取的。  ——《母女情結》


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