出版時間:2006-12 出版社:天津教育出版社 作者:徐翰林 頁數(shù):244
寓意深遠的智慧經(jīng)典 法國寓言家拉封丹曾說過:“寓言可分為身體和靈魂兩部分,所敘述的故事有如身體,給予人們教誨的則是靈魂”?! ∪祟惿鐣拖褚蛔嫶蟮纳郑谶@座森林里,每天都上演著殘酷的競爭游戲。現(xiàn)實中的人化身為森林和草原里一只只動物:有的是兇猛的獅子,有的是嘴尖舌利、狡猾善變的狐貍,有的是性情溫和備受欺負的綿羊……人人都可以對號入座,在這座森林里找到自己的位置。這座森林就是寓言世界,森林里的動物們,快樂或痛苦,成功或失敗,人生哲理一在它們身上得以顯現(xiàn)。
小寓言,大智慧。一則寓言所蘊涵的哲理,比十本艱深的名著更能打動人心。閱讀短小的寓言故事,輕松領(lǐng)悟人生哲理,獲取處世真知,啟迪博大智慧…… 本書精選了百則伊索、拉封丹、克雷洛夫、萊辛等寓言大師的經(jīng)典作品,所選寓言故事生動有趣、發(fā)人深省、耐人尋味。為了便于讀者閱讀,編者根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和主題加以歸納,分為智慧源泉、處世之道、人生哲思和生活處方四卷。同時在每則寓言的篇尾附有“智慧小語”,引導讀者進一步領(lǐng)悟其哲思。本書字斟句酌,言簡意賅,力爭成為寓言最經(jīng)典、最深刻的讀本之一。此外,書中精選了西方最杰出的插畫家杜雷繪制的精美插圖,一幅幅契合情境的圖片,給讀者帶來了一種與眾不同的視覺享受,也使本書具有更高的收藏價值。 身心疲憊之時,隨手翻閱幾篇充滿哲思的寓言,既能放松身心,又能開啟智慧,不亦快哉!
Down in a WellThe Bat and the Two WeaselsThe Fox and the Sick LionThe Wolf and the DonkeyThe Funeral of the 1ionessThe Fox and the CockerelIion and GnalFox and CicadaSpeckled SheepThe Fox and the GoatThe Two GardenersPurgatory May be ParadiseThe Shipwreck of SimonidesMaster and the MiceThe Wise SonThe Beggars WishHomeThe Bundle of SticksThe LoadThe Old Woman and the PhysicianThe Little DogThe Scorpion and the TortoiseThe Eagle, the Cat,and the Wild SowThe Eagle and the BeetleJupiter and the SheepThe Ass and His BellWolf and LambThe Grateful LionThe Dove and the AntThe Lazy DonkeyTrue HeavenDogs FriendshipThe Fox and the StorkThe Penitent FoxThe Goldem GooseThe Lion and The MouseThe Most Beautiful HeartThe North Wind and The SunThe Olive Tree and the Fig TreeThe Earthen Pot and the Iron PotThe Diamond and the Glow-wormA Story of the AngelThe Royal Road to GreatnessSpendthrift and SwaalowThe SaplingThe Two FriendsThe Swallow and the Other BirdsA hearts -easeFrog and BullockThe Harebrained MonkeyThe Old, Old WineEagle and SpiderThe Kind FoxCat and NightingaleValuesThe Donkey and the SailThe AssTwo DogsThe Land of the HaltWolf in the KennelsFoxThe Plague of the BeastsCrow and FoxThe WalletThe ChickenThe BagWhy was the Green Caterpillar so Happy?The StatueSharing UpThe Treasure and the Two MenEagle and BeeThe Two DonkeysTwo PigeonsCuckoo and Wood-pigeonThe Lion in LoveA Train of CartsThe Ostrich in LoveThe Squirrel and the LionThe Bad KangarooA Fish of the WorldThe Dairy. WomanFortune and the BeggarMercury and the WoodmanThe Shepherd and the SeaThe Boy and the SnakeThe Labourer and the SnakeThe Thief and His MotherThe Cobbler and the BankerThe Dainty SpinsterThree Brothers and the BeggarThe CornflowerThe Oak and the ReedThe Cracked PotThe Boy and the NutsA Love StoryThe City Mouse and the Country MouseDont be a Frog in the WellThe Acorn and the PumpkinThree Old Men and a Housewife
狼和驢 一次.一只狼在村外的路上遇見了一頭驢?! 拔乙缘裟恪!崩钦f?! 爱斎豢梢??!斌H邊回答,邊迅速地思考,“但請不要公然在路上吃我,我會害羞的。把我?guī)У搅肿永锶グ桑也粫髨D逃跑,這一點你放心。這樣吧,把這根繩子的一頭系在你的脖子上.另一頭系住我的韁繩。然后我?guī)闳ヒ粋€我知道的安靜之地。” 狼覺得這是個好主意。所以,就用繩子繞住自己的脖子,用繩子的另一端牢牢地系住驢子的韁繩?! 艾F(xiàn)在你說去哪里.我就去哪里。”驢子說?! 鞍盐?guī)У侥阏f的那個安靜之地好了?!崩欠愿赖?。 “好吧?!斌H子說著向通往村子的路走去。當他們路經(jīng)第一片房子時,狼開始懷疑自己是否上當了。 “這不是通往森林的路。”說著,他使勁拉繩子的一端?!斑@是通往村子的路?!薄 皠e急,”驢高興地說,“這是一條捷徑?!薄 ◇H子開始小跑起來,后來,變成疾跑。狼脖子上的繩子越拉越緊,不一會兒他就被拽到驢子家的門前?! ≈魅撕推拮舆€有三個兒子都跑出來救驢子。他們很氣憤,恨不得馬上殺死狼。然而.算狼走運,其中有一個兒子把刀子擲向他,匆忙中刀子錯了位,把狼脖子上的繩子砍斷了。不一會兒,這家人看見,路上塵土飛揚,狼飛快地逃往森林深處。 The Wolf and the Donkey A Wolf once met a Donkey on the road outside the village. "Im going to eat you Up," said the Wolf. "Certainly," replied the Donkey, thinking fast, "But please dont eat me out here on the road where everyone can see. I shall be so ashamed. Take me into the forest. Dont be afraid that I shall try to escape. Here, tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle. Then I will lead you to a quiet spot I know." The Wolf thought this was a good idea so he fastened the rope round his neck and knotted it firmly to the Donkeys bride. "Now I will go wherever you say," said the Donkey. "Show me the way to your quiet spot," ordered the Wolf. "Very well," said the Donkey, setting off down the road towards the village. As they came to the first houses the Wolf began to suspect that he had been tricked. "This is not the way to the forest," he said, ragging at his end of the rope, "This road goes to the village." "Dont worry," said the Donkey cheerfully, "This is a short cut." The Donkey began to trot faster, then to gallop. The rope round the Wolfs neck drew tight; in a very short time he was dragged right up to the donkeys door. The master, his wife and their three sons all came running out to rescue the Donkey. They were so angry that they would have killed the Wolf there and then. Fortunately for the Wolf, however, one of the sons threw a knife at him. The knife missed, but it cut the rope round his neck. The next moment all the family could see was a cloud of dust in the road as the Wolf fled to safety in the dark forest.
歷經(jīng)千年錘煉的經(jīng)典寓言,詮釋哲人睿智的生存之道。亙古不變的人生啟示,改變命運的智慧寶庫。 智慧源泉:人類社會就像一座龐大的森林,在這座森林里,每天都上演著殘酷的競爭游戲?,F(xiàn)實中的人化身為森林里的一只只動物,有的人是兇猛的獅子,有的是狡猾善變的狐貍,有的是性情溫和的綿羊……人人都可以對號入座,找到自己的位置。這座森林就是寓言的世界,森林里的動物們,快樂或痛苦,成功或失敗,人生哲理一一在它們身上得以顯現(xiàn)?! √幨乐溃涸⒀怨适碌闹鹘请m是狐貍、獅子、狼等動物,但細細品味不難發(fā)現(xiàn),其真正的目的是挖掘人性,如篇中的“挑撥離間的貓”、“復仇的甲蟲”、“悔過的狐貍”……故事中的動物,如同我們身邊的人。讀者能在詼諧幽默中獲取不易察覺的處世之道,解開桎梏心靈的鎖鏈,找到處理人生問題的答案。 人生哲思:寓言故事簡單明了,人性復雜深奧,但是每種動物,每個故事為人們提供了值得學習和反思的東西。在本篇中“與牛比大的青蛙”、“仁慈的狐貍”、“快樂的綠毛蟲”……鮮活靈動的形象無不為你開啟一道思考的門窗,從而獲取更深刻的人生智慧,構(gòu)建自己的人生哲學。 生活處方:寓言故事流傳千古、生生不息,具有極強的生命力,悄悄融入我們的日常生活中,成為人們評斷事物的標準,如篇中的“戀愛的獅子”、“單相思的鴕鳥”、“有裂痕的罐子”等等……
《最深刻的寓言》(漢英珍藏版)編輯推薦:亙古不變的人生啟示改變命運的智慧寶庫 智慧源泉 人類社會就像一座龐大的森林,在這座森林里,每天都上演著殘酷的競爭游戲?,F(xiàn)實中的人化身為一只只動物,有的是兇猛的獅子,有的是狡猾善變的狐貍,有的是性情溫和的綿羊……人人都可以對號入座,找到自己的位置。這座森林就是寓言的世界,森林里的動物們,快樂或痛苦,成功或失敗,人生哲理一一在它們身上得以顯現(xiàn)?! √幨乐馈 ≡⒀怨适轮械闹鹘请m是狐貍、獅子、狼等動物,但細細品味不難發(fā)現(xiàn),其真正的目的是要挖掘人性,如篇中的“挑撥離間的貓”、“復仇的甲蟲”、“悔過的狐貍”……故事中的動物,如同我們身邊的人。讀者能在詼諧幽默中獲取不易察覺的處世之道,解開桎梏心靈的鎖鏈,找到處理人生問題的答案。 人生哲思 寓言故事簡單明了,人性復雜深奧,但是每種動物,每個故事都為人們提供了值得學習和反思的東西。在本篇中“與牛比大的青蛙”、“仁慈的狐貍”、“快樂的綠毛蟲”……鮮活靈動的形象無不為你開啟一道思考的門窗,從而獲取更深刻的人生智慧,構(gòu)建自己的人生哲學?! ∩钐幏健 ≡⒀怨适铝鱾髑Ч?、生生不息,具有極強的生命力,悄悄融入我們的日常生活中,成為人們評斷事物的標準,如篇中的“戀愛的獅子”、“單相思的鴕鳥”、“有裂痕的罐子”等等……