出版時間:2012-5 出版社:北京教育出版社 作者:劉強 編 頁數(shù):146
卷首語 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section 1 Introduction,Reading and vocabulary Section 2 Grammar 1,Listening and vocabulary,Grammar 2 Section 3 Pronunciation,Speaking,Writing Section 4 Everyday English and function,Cultural corner,Task 綜合測試 Module 2 My New-Teachers Section 1 Introduction,Reading and vocabulary Section 2 Grammar,Speaking,Listening and vocabulary Section 3 Pronunciation,F(xiàn)unction and speaking,Everyday English,Writing Section 4 Cultural corner,Task 綜合測試 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Section 1 Introduction,Reading and vocabulary SectiOn 2 Grammar 1,F(xiàn)unction,Vocabulary,Reading and speaking,Grammar 2 Section 3 Listening,Writing,Pronunciation Section 4 Everyday English,Cultural corner,Task 綜合測試 階段性綜合評估檢測(一) Module 4 A Social Survey-My Neighbourhood Section 1Introduction,Reading and vocabulary Section 2 Grammar 1,Listening and vocabulary,Grammar 2 Section 3 Pronunciation,Writing,Everyday English Section 4 Function and speaking,Cultural corner,Task 綜合測試 Moudle 5 A Lesson in a lab Section 1 introduction,Vocabutary and speaking,Grammar 1,Reading and vocabulary Section 2 Vocabulary,Listening and writing,GranTnar 2 Section 3 Pronunciation,Everyday English,F(xiàn)unction Section 4 Cultural corner,Task 綜合測試 Moudle 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Section 1 Introduction,Reading and vocabulary Section 2 Grammar 1,Listening and vocabulary,Pronunciation,Grammar 2 Section 3 Writing,Speaking and reading,F(xiàn)unction Section 4 Everyday English,Cultural corner,Task 綜合測試 階段性綜合評估檢測(二) 參考答案 參考答案及解析
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: 閱讀理解 New words turn up in English all the time. Today,more new words and phrases are entering the language than ever before. "As our culture changes, the language changes," says John Algeo. He studies the history of language. "US culture is going through a time of rapid change,"says Algeo. Technology is moving fast. That has a big impact(影響力) on language. The computer world produces hundreds of new words. New terms also come from business, medicine and other fields. Many new English words come from other lan- guage. David Jost helps create the American Heritage (傳統(tǒng)) Dictionary. "We constantly borrow words from other cultures," he says. "This will go on forever in cultures." "People in many parts of the world speak English now. That is another reason why so many new words are entering the language, "says Algeo. The American Dialect Society has a contest each year. The society selects a "new word of the year". Last year's winner was "information superhigh- way". This phrase describes an electronic network of information. People get access(利用……的權(quán)利)to the network by computer. New words often come in several forms. Over time,one form tends to win out. Many terms have been used to describe couples who live together but are not married."Domestic(家庭的)partners" has been grow- ing in favor(流行的) lately. "A new word rarely can be traced(追溯)to one source,"says Algeo,"and several people tend to create a new word when a need for one exists." "Most new words have a limited life span(有限的壽限) ,"say language experts. Only a few will survive (幸存) through the next 100 years. 1. The passage mainly tells about __. A. ways of new words entering English language B. English language is changing C. English language gains new words D. new words have a big impact on English language