
出版時間:2010-6  出版社:北京出版集團公司,北京教育出版社  作者:劉強 編  頁數(shù):414  




  上冊  Module 1 How to learn English  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結    Module 2 Experiences  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結    Module 3 Journey to space  unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結  Module 4 Education  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結    Module 5 Western music  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結    Module 6 A famous story   Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 7 Feelings and impressions  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3   單元總結     Module 8 Around town  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 9 Animals in danger   Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3   單元總結     Module10 Lao She Teahouse  Unit 1   Unit 2  Unit 3  單元總結    Module 11 The weather  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3  單元總結    Module 12 Traditional life   Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  單元總結    下冊  Module 1 Hobbies  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 2 Friendship  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 3 On the radio  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 4 New technology  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 5 Problems  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 6 Entertainment   Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 7 Time off  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結     Module 8 Public holidays  Unit 1   Unit 2   Unit 3   單元總結    Module 9 Heroe  Unit 2  Unit 3   單元總結    Module 10 My perfect holiday   Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  單元總結


  You speak, write a letter, make atelephone. Your words carry messages.People communicate with words. Do youthink youcancommunicatewithoutwords? A smile on your face shows youare happy or friendly. Tears in your eyestell others that you are sad.When you put up your hands inclass, the teacher knows you want to saysomething or ask questions. You shakeyour head, and people know you are say-ing "No". You nod and people know youare saying "Yes". Other things can alsocarry messages. For example, a sign atthe bus helps you to know which bus totake.





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