
出版時(shí)間:2010-6  出版社:北京出版集團(tuán)公司,北京教育出版社  作者:劉強(qiáng) 編  頁(yè)數(shù):370  




  上冊(cè)  Starter Unit 1-Unit 3  Starter Unit l Good morning!   Starter Unit 2 What's this in English  Starter Unit 3 What color iS it?   單元總結(jié)  Unit 1 My name’S Ginn  Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 2 Is this your pencil7   Section A  Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit3 This is my sister  Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit4 Where's my backpack?  Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 5 Do VOll have a soccer ball?  Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 6 Do you like bananas?   Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 7 How much are these pants?   Section A  Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)  Unit 8 When is your birthday?  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?   SectiOl3 A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 10 Can you p.a(chǎn)y the guitar?   Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 11 What time do you go to school?   Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 12 My favorite subject is science。   Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)    下冊(cè)  Unit 1 Where’S your pen pal from?  Section A  Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 2 Where’S the post office?  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 4 I want to be an actor  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 5 I’m watching TV  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)  Unit 6 It’S raining!   Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 7 What does he look.ike?  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 8 I'd like some noodles  Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)   Unit 9 How was your weekend?   Section A   Section B&Self Check   單元總結(jié)  Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?  Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)  Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?   Section A  Section B&Self Check、  單元總結(jié)  Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.   Section A  Section B&Self Check  單元總結(jié)





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