出版時間:2012-7 出版社:中國社會科學(xué)出版社 作者:陳琳 頁數(shù):263 字數(shù):285000
0.1 Significance of the Research into Xu as a Poet-cum-Tralator
0.2 Review of the Research into Xu' s Vee Tralation
0.3 Objectives and Research Method
0.4 Composition and Cotruction
Chapter 1 Social, Cultural, and Peonal Background
1.1 Social, Cultural, and Creative Writing Conditio for the
Artistic Field in Modern China: Attempts at Westernization
1.2 Tralation Agenda in Xu's Day
1.3 Biographical Evidence for Xu' s Disposition of
Open-Mindedness to the New
1.4 Xu's Vee Tralation Practice and Thinking
1.4.1 Interest in Literary Uniqueness of the Source Text
1.4.2 Tralation Ideal veus Formal Shift
1.4.3 Experiment with the Expressivity of Vernacular Chinese
1.5 Summary
Chapter 2 From Defamiliarization to Alienation Effect
2.1 Defamiliarization
2.1.1 Shklovsky' s Definition
2.1.2 Nature of Defamiliarization
2.1.3 Iights into the Novelty of Poetic Language
2.2 Alienation Effect
2.2.1 Brecht' s Definition
2.2.2 Differences between Defamiliarization and Alienation
2.3 Subjective Artistic Nature of Literary Tralation
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Alienizing Tralation
3.1 Definition
3.1.1 Undetanding of Defamiliarization in Tralation Studies
3.1.2 Working Definition
3.2 Procedures of Alienizing Tralation regarding the Ontological
Nature of Tralation
3.2.1 Alienization Procedure
3.2.2 Hybridization Procedure
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Interness as the Philosophical Motivation for Alienizing
4.1 Interness
4.1.1 Interness as the Result of Inteubjectivity
4.1.2 Interness as the Recognition of Cultural Respect and
Complement in Tralating
4.2 Interidentity of a Poet-cum-tralator
4.3 Tralational Inteubjectivity between Xu and His Tralated
4.4 Inter-textual Reference as a Semiotic Cotruct
4.5 Interdiscuivity of the Language of Tralation, Themes,and
Schools of Poets
4.5.1 Hybridization of the Veification of the Classical
Regulated Metrical Chinese Vee
4.5.2 Rhymed Vee veus Free Vee
4.5.3 Diveity of Themes and Schools of Poets
4.6 Intergender of the Feminine and Masculine
4.7 Summary
Chapter 5 Alienizing Tralation in Relation to the Manipulation of
Tralation Norms
5.1 Significance of Tralation Norms for the Newness Effect of
5.1.1 Complementary Relatiohip between Toury' s and
Chesterman' s Norms
5.1.2 Reader' s Expectatio for Newness and Norm-Breaking
5.2 Tralation Norms in the Period of Xu's Tralation Activity
5.2.1 Tralation Norms in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early
Republican Period
5.2.2 Norm of the Language of Tralation in the 1920s
5.2.3 Tralation Norms regarding the Debate on the Language of
5.2.4 Tralation Norms of Vee Tralation in the 1920s
5.3 Subjection to the Tralation Norms for the Alienizing
Tralation Effect
5.3.1 In Conformity with Initial Norm : Naturalized into
Chinese Vee
5.3.2 Subjection to Preliminary Norm and Accountability Norm:
Committment to the Movement of the New Poetry and the Crescent
5.3.3 Subjection to Textual-Linguistic Norm: Use of Coinage
and Vernacular Colloquialism
5.4 Summary
Appendix Xu Zhimo's Vee Tralation
Chesterman quotes obvious examples to illustrate cases in which the translator assumes certain rights over the text, rights which are over and above those as cribed to the author of the source text. The translator acts in an emancipated fashion, as a responsible agent exercising freedom of choice. However, this freedom is not absolute. He explains, "emancipatory translation seeks a balance between freedom of action on the one hand and situational constraints on the other" (192). He solicits the help from Douglas Robinson's (1991) understanding of translational action. In taking up the cudgels against traditional views of equivalence and of the translator as a mere instrument, of the metaphor ("X=Y") as the dominant trope describing translation, Robinson advocates much greater freedom, a much wider space in which the translator may legitimately act as he wishes. This freedom includes the right to translate "ironically" or "sub versively," so that translators may even deliberately interpose themselves between the author and the target text reader, manipulating the message in accordance with their own purposes. Next, Chester man further emphasizes the translator's loyalty to some higher priorities of values. The emancipated translator's norm-breaking translational action is ethically responsible in the sense that he commits himself to the higher values or norms, which implies that the norm-breaking action can be identified and the higher norms or values are justifiable. With the recognition of the translator's subjection to higher norms, we should then examine a specific higher norm which a specific norm-breaking translation is subjected to, i.e., the loyalty to artistic novelty. By conforming to norms, a translator also contributes to continuing and strengthening those norms. By breaking norms, a translator tends to establish a new norm, through manipulation of his subjectivity and a variety of internesses discussed in the preceding chapter. Toury points out that although norm-break-ing translation carries the risk of sanctions, the translator can always choose to act differently, provided that he or she accepts responsibility for the consequences (Descriptive 63-65). Chester man also argues for the translator's subjectivity, " You [ the translator] are free to break the norms, if you can get away with it-and maybe make new norms" (Description 91). In fact, on the one hand, norm-breaking translation involves the play of the subjectivity of the translator, on the other hand, all decisions the translator makes are individual decisions, but they are made in a historical and social context. Moreover, the expectancy norms have taken into consideration the inter subjectivity among the author, the translator and the reader. Therefore, the concept of translation norms and the play of inter subjectivity should be taken into consideration in analyzing an emancipated translator and his norm-breaking translations.Now we can see that Chester man's emphasis on an emancipated translator's subjection to a higher norm, then, is particularly relevant to recognizing Xu's norm-conforming and norm-breaking translations as serious and responsible translations. And this argues in favor of the importance of undertaking research into the demonstration of his specific loyalty to certain values, namely, alienizing translation, for his unconventional translations in light of the theory of translation norms. ……