
出版時(shí)間:2012-4  出版社:中國(guó)宇航出版社  作者:T·哈代  頁(yè)數(shù):574  字?jǐn)?shù):618000  譯者:蘆欣 注釋  






Phase the Fit: The Maiden
 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6
 Chapter 7
 Chapter 8
 Chapter 9
 Chapter 10
 Chapter 11
Phase the Second: Maiden No More
 Chapter 12
 Chapter 13
 Chapter 14
 Chapter 15
Phase the Third: The Rally
 Chapter 16
 Chapter 17
 Chapter 18
 Chapter 19
 Chapter 20
 Chapter 21
 Chapter 22
 Chapter 23
 Chapter 24
Phase the Fourth: The Coequence
 Chapter 25
 Chapter 26
 Chapter 27
 Chapter 28
 Chapter 29
 Chapter 30
 Chapter 31
 Chapter 32
 Chapter 33
 Chapter 34
Phase the Fifth: The Woman Pays
 Chapter 35
 Chapter 36
 Chapter 37
 Chapter 38
 Chapter 39
 Chapter 40
 Chapter 41
 Chapter 42
 Chapter 43
 Chapter 44
Phase the Sixth: The Convert
 Chapter 45
 Chapter 46
 Chapter 47
 Chapter 48
 Chapter 49
 Chapter 50
 Chapter 51
 Chapter 52
Phase the Seventh: Fulfilment
 Chapter 53
 Chapter 54
 Chapter 55
 Chapter 56
 Chapter 57
 Chapter 58
 Chapter 59


  On an evening in the latter part of May a middle?aged man was walking homeward from Shastonto the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. An empty egg?basket was slung upon his arm, the nap of his hat was ruffled, a patch being quite worn away at its brim where his thumb came in taking it off. Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.  “Good night t’ee,”said the man with the basket.  “Good night,Sir John.”said the parson.  The pedestrian, after another pace or two, halted, and turned round.  “Now, sir, begging your pardon; we met last market-day on this road about this time, and I said”Good night,“and you made reply ‘Good Night, Sir John,’ as now.”  “I did ,”said the parson.  “And once before that—near a month ago.”  “I may have.”  “Then what might your meaning be in calling me ‘Sir John’ these different times, when I be plain Jack Durbey field, the haggler?”  The parson rode a step or two nearer.  “It was only my whim,”he said; and, after a moment’ hesitation:“It was on account of a discovery I made some little time ago, whilst I was hunting up pedigrees for the new county history. I am Parson Tringham, the antiquary, of Stagfoot Lane. Don't you really know, Durbeyfield, that you are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d'Urbervilles, who derive their descent from Sir Pagan d'Urbervilles, that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror William, as appears by Battle Abbey Roll?”  “Never heard it before, sir!”  “Well it’s true. Throw up your chin a moment, so that I may catch the profile of your face better. Yes,that’s the d’Urberville nose and chin—a little debased. Your ancestor was one of the twelve knights who assisted the Lord of Estremavilla in Normandy in his conquest of Glamorganshire. Branches of your family held manors over all this part of England; their names appear in the Pipe Rolls in the time of King Stephen. In the reign of King John one of them was rich enough to give a manor to the Knights Hospitallers; and in Edward the Second’s time your forefather Brian was summoned to Westminster to attend the great Council there. You declined a little in Oliver Cromwell’s time, but to no serious extent, and in Charles the Second’s reign you were made Knights of the Royal Oak for your loyalty. Aye, there have been generations of Sir Johns among you, and if knighthood were hereditary, like a baronetcy, as it practically was in old times, when men were knighted from father to son, you would be Sir John now.”  ……


  珍藏——紙本書(shū)的最好呈現(xiàn)  世界傳世經(jīng)典權(quán)威注釋本的唯美呈現(xiàn)  北京外國(guó)語(yǔ)大學(xué)資深教師傾情編注  清雅脫俗的紙質(zhì)裝幀  “最美圖書(shū)”設(shè)計(jì)者精心打造  原汁原味的著作閱讀不再遙不可及  廣大外國(guó)名著愛(ài)好者值得收藏和分享的英語(yǔ)讀物  一套可以作為禮物而被擁有的書(shū)籍  《心靈藏書(shū)館》精選英文暢銷名著25本圖書(shū)的完美呈現(xiàn)。版本精美,適合珍藏。名師團(tuán)隊(duì)注釋,文化背景詳細(xì)注釋,包含所有4級(jí)以上的難點(diǎn)詞匯,使閱讀毫無(wú)障礙。詞匯語(yǔ)法詳細(xì)說(shuō)明,使英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)者讀懂名著,理解名著,愛(ài)上名著,收藏名著。資深翻譯教授陳德彰寄語(yǔ)推薦。





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用戶評(píng)論 (總計(jì)17條)


  •   顏色太漂亮了,在新華書(shū)店一眼就看到了,但是店里庫(kù)存只有一本,還是破損的,決定網(wǎng)購(gòu)。當(dāng)當(dāng)上打折力度真不錯(cuò),不過(guò)剛買完又降價(jià)了有點(diǎn)憂郁...本來(lái)以為75折不錯(cuò)了這次居然降到6折,當(dāng)初應(yīng)該忍一忍再買的。不過(guò)書(shū)很好,書(shū)背里面是線裝,每一頁(yè)都可以很舒服地?cái)傞_(kāi),紙質(zhì)不錯(cuò),個(gè)人覺(jué)得正文字體大小剛剛好,不過(guò)注釋處的中文確實(shí)比一般的書(shū)小一些,不影響閱讀就是了??傊芟矚g,準(zhǔn)備把這一套心靈藏書(shū)館系列都買下來(lái)。
  •   不朽的文學(xué)之作,苔絲的形象
  •   內(nèi)容全英文,配有中文注釋,對(duì)于英文長(zhǎng)難句的理解有幫助,超級(jí)厚,但越看越有味道。
  •   薄荷綠的封面,心動(dòng)。這本相對(duì)難點(diǎn),長(zhǎng)句多,并且有些角色講的不標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英語(yǔ),稍費(fèi)解。不過(guò),難句都有解釋,非常好。兩天半,看完這本書(shū),到現(xiàn)在還沒(méi)能緩過(guò)來(lái)。有時(shí)候里面一些情節(jié)就那么涌上心頭,忍不住熱淚盈眶??碩ess和Angel在農(nóng)場(chǎng)的生活那一段,正好在聽(tīng)孫儷的《風(fēng)吹麥浪》,很契合?!霸谶@個(gè)地方,在這個(gè)時(shí)間,好像全世界就只有我們兩人,亞當(dāng)和夏娃,那樣。。?!薄癟hree Leahs to get one Rachel”好美好美的悲劇。除了兒女情長(zhǎng),這本書(shū)反映的內(nèi)容還很多,很豐富,等考完研了,再來(lái)好好咀嚼一遍?,F(xiàn)在的后遺癥就是一聽(tīng)風(fēng)吹麥浪就淚流滿面O O TEARS TEARS!!!
  •   我是特意去新華書(shū)店看了實(shí)體書(shū)才在當(dāng)當(dāng)買的,封面棒,原版英文的還配名師精析,為了寫(xiě)論文買的.總之很推薦這套書(shū).
  •   很喜歡書(shū)的封面設(shè)計(jì),印刷質(zhì)量還不錯(cuò)。
  •   看過(guò)電影,覺(jué)著還不錯(cuò),就入手了
  •   這套書(shū)總算買齊了。加油學(xué)英語(yǔ)了,干什么都不如讀書(shū)快樂(lè)。吼吼~本套書(shū)的編輯比起同類的書(shū)籍嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)亩?,如果所有的?shū)都能有這樣的態(tài)度,對(duì)讀者真是莫大的幸事。
  •   除了紙張顏色外,都是頂級(jí)贊的
  •   這本書(shū)是幫舍友買的,寫(xiě)論文用,她說(shuō)紙質(zhì)很好,很漂亮
  •   喜愛(ài)原著的不要錯(cuò)過(guò)!印刷很好
  •   對(duì)于我這個(gè)英語(yǔ)一般的人看有點(diǎn)難度了,封皮有點(diǎn)破損,不嚴(yán)重??梢越邮?/li>
  •   外殼很好.讓人有讀的心情
  •   很喜歡哈代的寫(xiě)實(shí)風(fēng)格,同情女主人公的悲慘命運(yùn),書(shū)里的注解對(duì)于讀書(shū)很有幫助。
  •   紙質(zhì)不錯(cuò),是我要的。
  •   書(shū)質(zhì)好好,很喜歡這本書(shū)。想學(xué)多點(diǎn)英語(yǔ),真的不妨看多點(diǎn)這類書(shū)
  •   封面有點(diǎn)壓卷了,看著還不錯(cuò),好好研讀研讀

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