
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:中國青年出版社  作者:中青雄獅  




人物故事圖冊 雜畫圖冊 山水花鳥圖冊 十萬圖冊


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:    Now housed in the Palace Museum in Beijing, the album of "Figures and Stories" consists of ten paintings, finished in ink and coloron silk, each measuring 41.4 cm in height and 33.8 cm in width. The album utilizes an almost perfect accordion binding approach for small-sized paintings. It had undergone rapid growth in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and been a favorite of the Chinese literati for centurics. Typical Chinese scholars would often view albums to seek pleasure or restore inner peace. They would keep an album at hand and browse through it from time to time, in the same way we might appreciate a photo album today. These ancient Chinese albums arc based on a wide range of subjects, including historical events, fables and legends, anecdotes and poems. Based on the inscriptions and seal markings on each painting of the album, we can tell that the album "Figures and Storie.s" was painted by Qiu Ying (1482-1559), a renowned painter in the Ming Dyna.sty (1368-1644). Qiu Ying, also known as Qiu Shifu or Qiu Shizhou, was born in Taicang City, jiangsu Province, but later moved to Wuxian County (today's Suzhou City). Qiu was versed in figure painting, and belle painting in particular. He was skilled in a wide range of styles, including ink drawing, color drawing and line drawing. His color paintings are highly exclaimed for their brilliant use of colors and exquisite linework. Qiu also made impressive utilization of blue and green styles. His paintings of this category are defined by brilliant yet not boisterous colors, a suffusion of elegance, exquisite linework and an overall refreshing style. His works were greatly sought after during the Ming Dynasty. He was respected as one of the "Four Great Masters in the Ming Dynasty" together with Shen Zhout(l427-1509), Wen Zhengming (1470-1559) and Tang Yin (1470-1523). These four painters helped to establish Suzhou as a dominant player in the field of painting in the middle and late Ming Dynasty and thereafter.






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