
出版時間:2012-04-01  出版社:中國畫報出版社  作者:何偉 著  頁數(shù):187  


  The Three Rivers Source area provides 25% of the waters in the Yangtze River, 49% of the Yellow River, and 15% of the extra-boundary waters of the Lancang River, thereby earning for itself the name "The Water Tower of China". However, in recent decades, the ecological environment of the Three Rivers Source has suffered severe damage due to a combination of natural and humanfactors. Determined to avert catastrophe, China has invested extensively in a series of projects in ecologicai. protection and reconstruction, elevating the initiatives to a nationwide campaign. Sustained by the support of central government, the Qinghai provincial government, and variouslevels of local governments, and by the joint action of all ethnic groups in the project area, the riversare in the process of rediscovering their former glory.


PrefaceIThe Beautiful Three Rivers SourceIIThe Degenerating Ecology and a Broken HomeIIILaunching the Largest Ecological Project in ChinaIV"Three Thresholds to Cross" for the Ecological Protection of the Three Rivers SourceVWeaving a Green Dream at the Three Rivers SourceVIAdding Scientific Wings to the Conservation of the Three Rivers SourceVIIFormulating an Ecological Compensation Mechanism at the Three Rivers SourceVIIIRejuvenation of the "Chinese Water Tower"IXTaking Full Care of the Three Rivers Source


  "It is still extremely difficult to implement ecological control at the Three Riv- ers Source:' says Li Xiaonan, full-time Deputy Director of the Three Rivers Source Office of Qinghai Province. "The crux of the matter is financial and technological support, in terms of which the cruaal shortfallis lack of finance."  Taking the control of dark sandbanks as an example, an accumulated 3.23 bil- lion Yuan was invested in projects of ecological conservation and reconstruction in the Three Rivers Source from August 2005 to June 2010. The amount actually dedi-ca ted to grassland management was focused on dark sandbank treatment and anti- desertification, with a respective investment of 66.4 and 20.58 million Yuan. rlhe ac- cumulated area under dark sandbank treatment was 196,000 mu and that invoMngdesert to grassland was 224,100 mu.  The controlled area is miniscule in comparison to the vast tracts of devastatedgrassl and. Data from Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences show that in the Three Rivers Source the area of dark sandbank has reached 42.44 million mu, which ac-counts for 15% of the usable grassland. Desert encroachment has expanded to 44million mu, and is increasing at an annual rate of 78,000 mu.  .  According to the initial plan, by the end of this year, when the first phase of the Ihree Rivers Source conservation project is completed, 523 million Yuan will be put in to control dark sandbanks, to reclaim a total area of 5,228,000 mu.  "It is not true that we have found excellent forage grass to eradicate dark sand-banks, as some media have reported. We can do nothing about the majority of it," an official with Qinghai Development and Reform Commission told me. Qinghai Three Rivers Source Office has established a number of pilot stations to control darks and banks, but few have succeeded.  In addition, the Three Rivers Source Office has spent more funds on projects with an instant impact, such as turning pasture and farmland to grassland, and closing hillsides to faalitate afforestation. An investment of 2.08 billion Yuan wasinvested in projects of pasture to grassland alone, including 827 million Yuan for sowing grass.  Nevertheless, this huge investment in ecological projects faces an equally hugefailure. As early as 2005, when the conservation effort was initiated, some expertspredicted that artificially sown grass it self would degrade over a period of five years.  ……




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