出版時間:2012-9 出版社:經(jīng)濟(jì)科學(xué)出版社 作者:田丹 頁數(shù):209
This study follows the essential steps of action research on the basis of College English writing teaching. The researcher discovered some problems in her own teaching practice, made some reforms, put reformed learning tasks as well as teaching approaches into practice and reflected upon the implemen-tation and effectiveness. Text analysis, questionnaires and interviews are employed for repeated “action-reflection-action”and constant improvement. In the course of three-round action research, various writing tasks and teaching approaches and corresponding assessment methods are designed to aim at the cultivation of language proficiency and critical thinking skills, such as inference, reasoning, classification, analysis and self-validation.
Chapter l Introduction1.1 Research Purpose1.2 Research Questions1.3 Research Methodology1.4 Significance of the Study1.5 Outline of the BookChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Critical Thinking2.1.1 Definition of Critical Thinking2.1.2 Critical Thinking Skills2.1.3 Critical Thinking in Education .2.1.4 Studies on Critical Thinking Home and Abroad2.2 Writing Tasks2.2.1 Types of Writing Tasks2.2.2 Task-based Writing Pedagogy2.3 Action Research2.3.1 A Historical Overview of Action Research2.3.2 Definition of Action Research2.3.3 Classification of Action Research2.3.4 Characteristics of Action ResearchChapter 3 Teachers' Perception towards Critical Thinking and Students' Performance in EFL Writing3.1 College English Teachers' Perception towards Critical Thinking3.1.1 Participants3.1.2 Instruments3.1.3 Results and Findings3.2 Assessment of Critical Thinking Abilities in EFL Writing3.2.1 Setting and Participants3.2.2 Instrument3.2.3 Inter-rater Reliability3.2.4 Research Procedure3.2.5 Results and DiscussionChapter 4 The First Round of Action Research4.1 Research Purposes4.2 Planning4.2.1 Transfer from Product Writing to Process Writing4.2.2 Teachers' Written Feedback Focused on Writing Content4.2.3 Teachers' Feedback in the form of Socratic Questioning4.3 Action4.4 Observation4.4.1 Obvious Achievements in Evaluation and Explanation .4.4.2 Arising Problems4.5 Reflection4.5.1 Teachers' Feedback in the form of Questions……Chapter 5 The Second Round of Action ResearchChapter 6 The Third Round of Action ResearchChapter 7 Conclusion and ImplicationAppendixⅠAppendixⅡAppendixⅢAppendixⅣAppendixⅤAppendixⅥBibliographyPOSTSCRIPT
This research shows that through peers' feedback in the writing teaching, we have positive achievement and.good result of the whole matter, though par-ticipants are not always skilled in peer evaluation. Sometimes participants' feedback may be vague and unhelpful. Usually peer feedback focused on gram-matical mistakes rather than improving the writing structure and writing con-tent. There were even mistakes in peers' error correction from time to time.As some students said they felt that they may not have sufficient skills and knowl-edge to provide revision advice on the content of their classmates' writings.In-stead, they tend to focus on surface-related mistakes. From this perspective,peer feedback is less successful than the researcher expected. However, participants had the sense of audience through peers'feed-back. That's why the students enjoy their essays being read by their classmates. When interviewed by the researcher, some students admitted that they were ea-ger to know their impression in their peers' eyes. And they also want to know theperformances of their peers. Students desired to be cared and noticed and theymind much about peers' feedback. Thus, students are likely to be inspired andstimulated by peers' feedback. The goal of composition is to help the writer develop his or her own voice or expressivity. In the course of peer evaluation,students are trying to under-stand and be understood by one another. As a means of interaction among students, peer feedback can increase a sense of audience,similar to an ex- change between two minds or a close encounter between two writers. It is be- lieved that increased audience awareness may in turn help the students better visualize their audience and help the students think more about their writ- ing. This will encourage a writer to explore alternatives that he or she may nothave considered. For example,they would decide if it was a good example or an essay with cohesive lines to understand thanks to the sense of targeted read-ers and ownership of writings. Making the language learners hold the thought of judgment and creativity is the obvious effect of peer feedback. On the other hand, as for peer feedback givers, this activity allowed them to critique others' writing. When they are eager to read peers' writing, make corrections and revision suggestions, they have to put their thoughts into this process, which needs deeper reflection. This is conductive to the improve-ment of critical thinking. Liu Xiaoling and Yang Gaoyun?。?008) illustrated that both feedback takers and givers can benefit from thoughtful commentary.It enables the reader to see the difference between good performance and poor performance from audience's perspective. They will write clearly and precisely for their audience as well.ln this process, readers simultaneously become thinkers. In brief, teachers may organize students into groups and work coopera-tively so that students have enough opportunities to comment on the peers' writ- ings. Students can use this mode of communication to practice critical analysis except correcting some grammar mistakes. But teachers should bear in mind that peer feedback can be successful only if learners are given explicit as well as specific guidelines for how to evaluate writing from the content and structure aspects. The assessing criteria must be aimed at whether the content is sub-stantial, the thinking is active; the logic is clear and the communication is appropriate. With respect to the innovated writing mode, the ultimate goal is to promote students' creative thinking by means of replacing the traditional teachers' comments with peer feedback. ……
英語寫作任務(wù)類型與大學(xué)生批判性思維能力培養(yǎng) PDF格式下載