出版時間:2012-9 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社 作者:陳建平 頁數(shù):238
Part1 翻譯中的跨文化交際因素
Part2 語言與交際
Part3 語言與文化
Part4 語言與社會
Part5 語篇與文化
Perceptual Processes Perception can be defined as the internal process by which we select, evaluate, and organize stimuli from the external environment (Samovar & Porter. 1991: 14). In other words, perception is the conversion of the physical energies of our environment into meaningful experience. To further explore the relationship between perception and culture, a closer look at the issues involved in the above definition will help us gain a better understanding. A basic belief is that people behave as they do because of the ways in which they perceive the world and that these behaviours are learned as part of their cultural experience. It can also be said that our way of selecting, evaluating and organizing the physical stimuli is guided by our culture. Whether in judging beauty or describing snow, we respond to stimuli as we do primarily because our culture has taught us to do so. We tend to notice, reflect on, and respond to those elements in our environment that are important to us. Therefore, it is not difficult to realize that different cultures will have different patterns of social perception, the social aspects of the perceptual process, which is the focus of our discussion in the study of intercultural communication. Social perception can be further elaborated as the process by which we construct our unique social realities by attributing meanings to the social objects and events we encounter in our environments. During this process, culture conditions and structures our perceptual processes so that we develop culturally inspired perceptual sets. The belief/value/attitude systems, world view, and social organization of a culture are the three major socio-cultural elements that have a direct influence upon people's perception in the process of developing meanings. When these three elements influence our perceptions and the development of meanings, our individual, subjective aspects of meanings may be changed. For example, we may all agree in objective terms when we see the same thing or the same social entity. However, what the object or event means to us may vary considerably. A typical example is that both an American and a Korean might agree in an objective sense that a particular object is a young dog, but they might disagree completely in their interpretation of the dog. The American might see it as a cute, fluffy, loving, protective pet, however, the Korean might see the dog as something especially fit for the hotpot. It is the American's cultural background that interprets the dog as a pet, and it is the Korean cultural background that regards dog meat as a delicacy. This kind of differences in cultural perception is an extremely important aspect of intercultural communication studies. The following is a further explanation of the three socio-cultural elements. Belief/Value/Attitude Systems. Although belief can be a subjective feeling or view of the objective world, the culture to which we belong plays an important role in our belief formation. The subjective view that we hold about the characteristics of certain objects or events is much influenced by our culture. For example, the way we prefer tea or coffee, our interpretation of a news event or even our vision of the world is a part of our individual belief based on our cultural knowledge and experience. Although there are no definite rights or wrongs as far as beliefs are concerned in matters of intercultural communication, we may often trace the source of an individual's belief to his/her cultural background. ……