出版時(shí)間:2012-9 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:國偉 編 頁數(shù):183
Test 1 Your College Years
Test 2 How Reading Changed My Life
Test 3 A Dill Pickle
Test 4 Diogenes and Alexander
Test 5 Silent Spring
Test 6 How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem?
Text 7 Inter-Lesson(Ⅰ)
Test 8 In My Day
Test 9 Globalization's Dual Power
Test 10 The End ofthe Civil War
Test 11 Why Historians Disagree
Test 12 The Most Dangerous Game
Test 13 The Needs That Drive Us All
Test 14 Inter-Lesson(Ⅱ)
Test 15 A Drink in the Passage
Test 16 Twelve Angry Men
Passage 2 In my memories of six reigns I have tried to show you a side oflife as a member of theRoyal Fanuly which may prove that when all is said and done we are just human beings likeeverybody else. It is true, our interests being so varied. We are not able to devote ourselvesto one settled and definite career. To prove this you need only read the list of engagements,The Royal Family have to fulfill the many different functions, social as well as charitable.And remember, it is not enough only to be present at those functions, or just to give one'sname as Patron or President, but in order to carry out these duties wholeheartedly, withsympathy and understanding, one has to study and, ifl may say, "be up in" the duty one hasto perform. I look at my engagement book and wish I had not promised to attend quite somany Committees, Charities, Dinners, Balls, and Concerts. But it is really all so worthwhileand the gratitude and thanks of those who have had the trouble and worry of organizing theparticular fete one is helping do more than compensate for the fatigue one may experience. I am telling you this because I feel it is important for you to realize that we-theRoyal Family-of which I have the honor and privilege to be a member-are not merelyfigureheads, but in our different ways contribute something definite to the life of the nation.We are "Servants ofthe Public". When the Sovereign succeeds to the throne, he or she dedicates his or her wholeexistence to the service of his or her country. In fact sovereigns take life vows; their taskis, in other words, a life sentence. Cabinet Ministers can be shifted about; they can berequested to resign; ill-health or advancing age can be reasons for retirement and layingdown the burden of office. But it is only under very exceptional circumstances that amonarch can lay down his burden. Though I have seen a good many changes during mylife, one fundamental fact remains unaltered-the constitutional position of the monarchy,no matter what government is in office, Conservative, Liberal, or Labor. The sovereign can give invaluable help, and not only because he or she is kept inconstant touch with all that is of interest or importance in the life of the-nation. I canillustrate this by recalling the financial crisis of the Labor Govemment in 1931 when thereseemed to be a complete impasse (絕境). George V summoned representatives of all thepolitical parties to the palace and practically kept them there until they had hammeredout among themselves a working solution to the problems of the country, and the firstNational Govemment came into being. Again, George V once told me of a conversationhe had with Alfonso of Spain, when the two monarchs discussed the problems of theirrespective countries. Alfonso remarked how irksome it must be not to have a free hand inthe government of his country. George V assured him that far from being a mere figurehead,he was in a unique position to hear all points of view without prejudice. Without imposinghis own views he could nevertheless bring immense influence to bear on many complexsituations and by his vast experience be ofhelp to his ministers. ……
《英語專業(yè)精品教材:現(xiàn)代大學(xué)英語(第2版)(精讀)(同步測試)(3)》特點(diǎn): 1.緊扣精讀教材中每個(gè)單元的知識(shí)點(diǎn),通過單元測試的形式鞏固并提高學(xué)生的詞匯、語法、閱讀及翻譯等基本技能?! ?.密切結(jié)合英語專業(yè)四、八級(jí)考試,突出重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)、考點(diǎn),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的應(yīng)試技巧?! ?.以活頁形式裝訂,既方便教師進(jìn)行隨堂測試,也方便學(xué)生進(jìn)行課后自查。