
出版時間:2012-09-01  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:張志富 編  頁數(shù):45  


  《青蘋果教輔·同步時間:高中英語同步模塊目標檢測(必修5)(新標準)》滲透以學(xué)生發(fā)展為本、突出個性教育的原則,具有以下特點:  1.構(gòu)思獨特,設(shè)計合理每個模塊都遵循基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練加能力拓展的設(shè)計思路,穩(wěn)扎穩(wěn)打,體現(xiàn)“課標”中的理念;每套測試題都加強了對基礎(chǔ)知識的訓(xùn)練,適當拓展,使學(xué)生能夠在掌握基礎(chǔ)知識后向更高的水平發(fā)展?! ?.配合教材,編排同步內(nèi)容的編排與教材協(xié)調(diào)呼應(yīng),可供教師課堂教學(xué)參考,也可供學(xué)生自學(xué)、自練及復(fù)習(xí)使用?! ?.保留經(jīng)典,形式創(chuàng)新試題形式既繼承傳統(tǒng)、保留了經(jīng)典題型,又設(shè)計了具有前瞻性的新題型,目的在于對學(xué)生進行綜合語言能力訓(xùn)練?! ?.內(nèi)容充實,貼近生活本套書本著“內(nèi)容新穎,反映生活”的原則,在緊緊圍繞教材模塊話題的同時,語言真實、反映生活,能激發(fā)學(xué)生的興趣。  5.直擊目標,培養(yǎng)能力本套書緊扣新課程標準的教學(xué)理念,既涵蓋語言知識、語言技能的各項要求,又培養(yǎng)學(xué)生主動思考、獨立解決問題的能力。


Module 1 British and American EnglishModule 2 A Job Worth Doing,Module 3 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Module 4 CarnivalModule 5 The Great Sports PersonalityModule 6 Animals in Danger,Midterm Test 1Midterm Test 2 Midterm Test 3 Midterm Test 4答案及聽力材料


  Some medical doctors are on salary. Salaried physicians may work as hospital staff members, or residents, who are often still in training. They may teach in medical schools, be hired by corporations to care for their workers or work for the federal government's Public Health Service.  Physicians are among the best paid professionals in the United States. In the 1980s, it was not uncommon for medical doctors to earn incomes of more than $100,000 a year. Specialists, particularly surgeons, might eam several times that amount. Physicians list many reasons why they deserve to be so well rewarded for their work.  One reason is the long and expensive preparation required to become a physician in the United States. Most would-be physicians first attend college for four years, which can cost nearly $20,000 a year at one of the best private institutions. Prospective physicians then attend medical school for four years. Tuition alone can exceed $10,000 a year. By the time they have obtained their medical degrees, many young physicians are deeply in debt.  They still face three to five years of residency (實習(xí)階段) in a hospital, the first year as an apprentice physician.  The hours are long and the pay is relatively low.  Setting up a medical practice is expensive, too. Sometimes several physicians will decide to establish a group practice, so they can share the expense of maintaining an office and buying equipment. These physicians also take care of each other's patients in emergencies.  Physicians work long hours and must accept a great deal of responsibility. Many medical procedures, even quite routine ones, involve risk. It is understandable that physicians want to be well rewarded for making decisions which can mean the difference between life and death.  (  )61. According to the passage, it is very unlikely that an American hospitalis owned by ____ .  A. a church  B. a corporation  C. a city  D. a state ?。ā?) 62. The expenses for becoming a doctor are spent on______.  A. schooling and retraining  B. practice in a hospital  C. facilities he or she uses  D. education he or she receives ?。ā?)63. According to the passage, how long does it take for a would-be physician to become an independent physician in the USA?  A. About seven years. B. Eight years.  C. Ten years.  D. About twelve years. ?。ā?)64. Sometimes several physicians set up a group medical practice mainly because ______.  A. there are so many patients that it is difficult for one physician to take care all of them  B. they can take turns to work long hours  C. facilities may be too much of a burden for one physician to shoulder  D. no one wants to assume too much responsibility  (  ) 65. Which of the following statements could fully express the author's view towards physicians' payment in the USA?  A. For their expensive education and their responsibility, they deserve a handsome pay.  B. It is reasonable for physicians to have a large income because their work is very dangerous.  C. Physicians should be better paid because they work long hours under bad conditions.  D. Physicians have great responsibility, so it is understandable that they should be well rewarded.  ……



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