
出版時間:2011-9  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:柯南道爾  頁數(shù):364  




阿瑟·柯南·道爾Arthur Conan


A Scandal in Bohemia
The Red-Headed League
A Case of Identity
The Boscombe Valley Mystery
The Five Orange Pips
The ManWithe Twisted Lip
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
The Adventure of tile Speckled Band
The Adventure of the Engineer’S Thumb
The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
The Adventure of the Copper Beeches


“He didn’t mind me; in fact, he took a fancy to me, for at the time when he saw me first I was a youngest of twelve or so. This would be in the year 1878, after he had been eight or nine years in England. He begged my father to let me live with him, and he was very kind to me in his way. When he was sober he used to be fond of playing backgammon and draughts with me, and he would make me his representative both with the servants and with the tradespeople, so that by the time that I was sixteen I was quite master of the house. I kept all the keys and could go where I liked and do what I liked, so long as I did not disturb him in his privacy. There was one singular exception, however, for he had a single room, a lumber-room up among the attics, which was invariably locked, and which he would never permit either me or anyone else to enter.With a boy’s curiosity I have peeped through the keyhole, but I was never able to see more than such a collection of old trunks and bundles as would be expected in such a room.”“One day—it was in March, 1883—a letter with a foreign stamp lay upon the table in front of the colonel’s plate. It was not a common thing for him to receive letters, for his bills were all paid in ready money, and he had no friends of any sort. ‘From India!’ said he as he took it up, ‘Pondicherry postmark! What can this be?’ Opening it hurriedly, out there jumped five little dried orange pips, which pattered down upon his plate. I began to laugh at this, but the laugh was struck from my lips at the sight of his face. His lips had fallen, his eyes were protruding, his skin the colour of putty, and he glared at the envelope which he still held in his trembling hand, ‘K.K.K.!’ he shrieked, and then, ‘My God, my god, my sins have overtaken me!’”“What is it, uncle?” I cried.……





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用戶評論 (總計11條)


  •   本人超愛福爾摩斯,選集,全集都看過了。就差一本這樣的書。
  •   全英文版的,印刷很棒,最值得一提的就是紙質(zhì)了!摸起來超舒服?。?!這個系列不錯!
  •   全英文版的,不知道,什么時候才把它肯下去,留著等兒子長大幾歲,一起分享吧!
  •   感覺很精彩,看書更有想象空間,很棒。
  •   價格便宜,內(nèi)容很贊,有利于學(xué)習(xí)英語
  •   作為福爾摩斯迷必備的。
  •   書不錯,呵呵就是對于兒子來說,有點難了。不過留著以后看吧。
  •   書還不錯,典型英文書的版式。只是排版稍密了些,看起來會有些累
  •   還不錯,下次還來
  •   我覺得這本書應(yīng)該要鄭重的說明一下是英文版的!不然會令消費者買錯了,我也是這樣經(jīng)歷過的。不過當(dāng)當(dāng)有的退貨,這就可以彌補這個缺陷,但是最好說明一下,比較方便點···
  •   價格便宜,紙張手感比較好,外研社的東西果然不錯~

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