出版時間:2011-8-1 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社 作者:Lynda Mugglestone 頁數(shù):485
List of Illustrations
List of Abbreviations
Key to Phonetic Symbols
Introduction: A History of English
Lynda Mugglestone
1. Preliminaries: Before English
Terry Hoad
2. Beginnings and Transitions: Old English
Susan lrvine
3. Contacts and Conflicts: Latin, Norse, and French
Matthew Townend
4. Middle English--Dialects and Diversity
Marilyn Corrie
5. From Middle to Early Modern English
Jeremy J. Smith
6. Restructuring Renaissance English
April McMahon
7. Mapping Change in Tudor English
Terttu Nevalainen
8. The Babel of Renaissance English
Paula Blank
9. English at the Onset of the Normative Tradition
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade
10. English in the Nineteenth Century
Lynda Mugglestone
11. Modern Regional English in the British Isles
Clive Upton
12. English Among the Languages
Richard W. Bailey
13. English World-wide in the Twentieth Century
Tom McArthur
14. Into the Twenty-first Century
David Crystal
A Chronology of English
Notes on Contributors
Transition——between different language states, between different speakers, and different texts——proves a further enduring theme throughout the volume. While transitions in geographical space inform the diversities analysed in Chapters 2 and 4, for example, with their central focus on Old and Middle English respect-ively, it is the working-out of change in progress——-of transitions in usage-which preoccupies other chapters. The history of English is, in this sense, not a series of static states but, at each and every point in time, patterns of variation reveal the cross-currents of change, whether in the gradual marginalization or loss of older forms, alongside the rise of newer and incoming ones. Susan Irvine examines the strategic intersections of internal and external history in Anglo-Saxon England;Jeremy Smith explores the transitions of the fifteenth century in Chapter 5, a boundary between the conventionally designated 'Middle English' and that of'early modern English'. Terttu Nevalainen in Chapter 7 uses the evidence of letters and trials to examine a number of significant changes as they took place in the later years of the Renaissance.……