
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:庫克  頁數(shù):306  




Note to teachers
1 Background to second language acquisition research and language
1.1 The scope of this book
1.2 Common assumptions of language teaching
1.3 What is second language acquisition research?
1.4 What a teacher can expect from SLA research
1.5 Some background ideas of SLA research
Discussion topics
Further reading
Glosses on language teaching methods
2 Learning and teaching different types of grammar
2.1 What is grammar?
2.2 Structure words, morphemes and sequences of acquisition
2.3 The processability model
2.4 Principles and parameters grammar
2.5 L2 learning of grammar and L2 teaching
2.6 The role of explicit grammar in language teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
Some grammatical terms
3 Learning and teaching vocabulary
3.1 Word frequency
3.2 Knowledge of words
3.3 One word-store or two in the L2 user's mind?
3.4 Types of meaning
3.5 Strategies for understanding and learning vocabulary
3.6 Vocabulary and teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
Answers to Box 3.1
4 Acquiring and teaching pronunciation
4.1 Phonemes and second language acquisition
4.2 Learning syllable structure
4.3 General ideas about phonology learning
4.4 Choosing a model for teaching pronunciation
4.5 Learning and teaching pronunciation
4.6 Learning and teaching intonation
Discussion topics
Further reading
5 Acquiring and teaching a new writing system
5.1 Writing systems
5.2 Spelling
5.3 Punctuation
5.4 The writing system and language teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
Answer to Box 5.1
Answer to Box 5.8
6 Strategies for communicating and learning
6.1 Communication strategies
6.2 Learning strategies: how do learners vary in their
approaches to L2 learning?
Discussion topics
Further reading
Answers to Box 6.1
7 Listening and reading processes
7.1 Meaning and reading
7.2 Listening processes
Discussion topics
Further reading
8 Individual differences in L2 users and L2 learners
8.1 Motivation for L2 learning
8.2 Attitudes
8.3 Aptitude: are some people better at learning a second
language than others?
8.4 Age: are young L2 learners better than old learners?
8.5 Are other personality traits important to L2 learning?
Discussion topics
Further reading
9 Classroom interaction and Conversation Analysis
9.1 Language and interaction inside the classroom
9.2 Language input and language learning
9.3 Describing conversation
Discussion topics
Further reading
10 The L2 user and the native speaker
10.1 The L2 user versus the native speaker in language teaching
10.2 Codeswitching by second language users
10.3 Using the first language in the classroom
10.4 Are native speakers better language teachers?
10.5 International languages: English as lingua franca (ELF)
Discussion topics
Further reading
11 The goals of language teaching
11.1 The different roles of second languages in people's lives
11.2 Language and groups of speakers
11.3 The goals of language teaching
Discussion topics
Further reading
12 General models of L2 learning
12.1 Universal Grammar
12.2 Processing models
12.3 The socio-educational model
12.4 The interaction approach
12.5 Sociocultural SLA theory
12.6 Multi-competence - the L2 user approach
12.7 General issues
Discussion topics
Further reading
13 Second language learning and language teaching styles
13.1 The academic style
13.2 The audio-lingual style
13.3 The communicative style
13.4 The task-based learning style
13.5 The mainstream EFL style
13.6 Other styles
13.7 Conclusions
Discussion topics
Further reading
List of coursebooks mentioned


  Teaching methods usually incorporate a view of L2 learning, whether implicitlyor explicitly. Grammar-translation teaching, for example, emphasizes explana-tions of grammatical points because this fits in with its view that L2 learning is theacquisition of conscious knowledge. Communicative teaching methods requirethe students to talk to each other because they see L2 learning as growing out ofthe give-and-take of communication. For the most part, teaching methods havedeveloped these ideas of learning independently from SLA research. They are notbased, for example, on research into how learners use grammatical explanationsor how they learn by talking to each other. More information about how learnersactually learn helps the teacher to make any method more effective and can putthe teacher's hunches on a firmer basis.  ……




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