
出版時(shí)間:2010-11  出版社:外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:韋爾  頁(yè)數(shù):301  




General Editors PrefaceAcknowledgementsAbbreviationsIntroductionPart 1 Testing as Validity1 Language Testing Past and Present1.1 The Cambridge Proficiency Examination 1913-1945:The Garden of Eden, the pre-scientific era1.2 Developments in the 1960s: the move towards alanguage-based examination1.3 The 1975 and 1984 revisions: The Promised Land?The Nature of Test ValidityBefore the Test Event: A Pr/or/Validity Evidence3.1 Theory-based validity3.2 Context validity4 After the Test Event: A Posteriori Validity Evidence4.1 Scoring validity4.2 Criterion-related validity4.3 Consequential validityPart 2 New Frameworks for Developing and ValidatingTests of Reading, Listening, Speaking and WritingIntroduction5 Test Takers5.1 Physical/physiological characteristics:making accommodations5.2 Psychological characteristics: affective schemata5.3 Experiential characteristics: familiarity6 Context Validity in Action6.1 Task setting6.2 Task demands6.3 Setting and test administration7 Theory-based Validity in Action7.1 Reading7.2 Listening7.3 Speaking7.4 Writing8 Response Formats8.1 Techniques for testing reading comprehension8.2 Techniques for testing listening comprehension8.3 Techniques for testing speaking8.4 Techniques for testing written production9 Scoring Validity in Action9.1 Scoring written production9.2 Scoring speaking tests9.3 Internal reliability of receptive tests9.4 Scores, grading and post-exam validationprocedures10 External Validities in Action10.1 Criterion-related validity10.2 Consequential validityPart 3 Generating Validity EvidenceIntroduction11 Research Methodologies for Exploring theValidity of a Test11.1 An introductory note on research11.2 A priori validation: investigating thespecification of the construct and theoperationalization of the test11.3 Establishing context validity11.4 Establishing theory-based validity evidence11.5 Establishing scoring validity evidence11.6 Establishing evidence on a posteriori validitiesPart 4 Further Resources in Language Testing12 Key Sources12.1 Books12.2 Journals12.3 Professional associations12.4 Principal testing conferences12.5 Email lists and bulletin boards12.6 lntemet sites12.7 Databases12.8 Statistical packagesPostscriptReferencesIndex


  v The time to be spent on each task should be clearly indicated on the testpaper and the invigilators should encourage students to comply with the instructions. In writing we are also concerned with time available: the speed at which processing must take place, the length of time available to write, normal time constraints, whether it is an exam or an assignment to hand in, and the number of revisions or drafts allowed, i.e., the process element. Out side of examination essays, in the real world, writing tasks would not be timed at all and students would be allowed maximum opportunity and access to resources for demonstrating their writing abilities. There are, as we know,many difficulties in fully replicating reality. Considerations such as time constraints, scoring validity and test security requirements make longer,processoriented tests impractical in most situations (see Chapter 7 fordiscussion of this in relation to portfolio assessment). The texts we get candidates to produce obviously have to be long enough for them to be marked reliably. If we want to establish whet her a student canorganize a written product into a coherent whole, length is obviously a key factor. As regards an appropriate time for completion of productoriented writing tasks in an actual examination setting, Jacobs etal. (1981: 19), in the irresearch on the Michigan Composition Test, found that a time allowance of30 minutes probably gave most students enough time to produce an adequatesample of their writing ability.







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