
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:外語教研  作者:梅仁毅//王立禮  頁數(shù):474  




Lesson 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar
Lesson 2 Hiroshima--the"Liveliest" City in Japan.
Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert
Lesson 4 Everyday Use
Lesson 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.
Lesson 6 Blackmail
Lesson 7 The Age of Miracle Chips
Lesson 8 An Interactive Life
Lesson 9 Mark Twain--Mirror of America
Lesson 10 The Trial That Rocked the World
Lesson 11 But What's a Dictionary For?
Lesson 12 The Loons
Lesson 13 Britannia Rues the Waves
Lesson 14 Argentia Bay
Lesson 15 No Signposts in the Sea
Lesson 16 1776
Appendix Ⅰ Paraphrase
Appendix Ⅱ Word-Formation
Appendix Ⅲ Figures of Speech


  Months before enough plutonium was available, a special groupwas assigned the task of preparing the first atomic test. From a militarypoint of view, the explosion meant the dress rehearsal for the realdropping of an atomic bomb on the enemy from the air. Several siteshad been considered and inspected and finally the desert area calledJornada del Muerto (Journey of Death), part of the Alamogordobombing range in southern New Mexico, was selected in the summerof 1944 with General Grovess approval. It was given the code nameTrinity.  By October 1944 the plans for Trinity Camp were drawn up andtwo months later construction was already completed.  Late at night on July 14, 1945, the work of assembly was practicallyfinished, and "Fat Man"was left on the tower, under armed guard.  General Groves arrived at Trinity Camp Sunday afternoon, July 15,1945. The explosion was set for go at 5:30 a.m.




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用戶評論 (總計21條)


  •   這本書對于學習高級英語很有幫助,當然啦,也是英語專業(yè)考研必看的書本之一,推薦大家看看
  •   除了第一第二題沒有直接答案外,其他均有答案。其實一二提答案已經(jīng)在里面的課文講解部分提到
  •   果然是教師用書 一個漢字也沒有 課后習題答案也不是很全
  •   沒有課文原文,也沒有課后習題只有答案
  •   值得再次學習的書本,很有意思的課文。
  •   書的質(zhì)量很好,課文分析也比較全面,但是課后答案不全
  •   經(jīng)典教材……不多加評價了
  •   是正版,印刷紙張質(zhì)量都很好。老師指定教材,好好學吧~
  •   跟教材匹配,上學的時候很有用。
  •   不錯的參考書 雖然有一點點印刷錯誤
  •   質(zhì)量好,送貨快,很滿意
  •   書買錯了,不過已經(jīng)退了,服務很好
  •   很好??!很好?。『芎茫。『芎茫?!很好??!很好?。『芎茫?!很好!!
  •   不知道呢,還行
  •   大概翻了一下 印刷很好 內(nèi)容還沒有看
  •   當當網(wǎng)的口碑果然是名不虛傳??!但是物流有點太慢了 能不能向**靠攏呢?
  •   教師用書,買錯了,但是還是看看吧,不然浪費。
  •   只有圖片是對的。。書名和簡介都不寫明是教師用書的。,。
  •   書我收到了,紙張偏黃,紙質(zhì)薄了點,全英文課文講解,課后練習答案不算很全。
  •   翻開一看就后悔了,果然只適合教師用 一點講解也沒有
  •   書還好,有點臟。質(zhì)量還好

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