
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:程曉堂 編  頁數(shù):234  


  第六屆中國英語寫作教學與研究國際研討會已于2008年9月26-27日在北京師范大學召開。此次研討會受中國英語教學研究會寫作教學與研究專業(yè)委員會委托,由北京師范大學外文學院主辦,由外語教學與研究出版社、美國駐華大使館公共事務處、卡西歐(上海)貿易有限公司等機構協(xié)辦。  本次研討會主要是從理論和實踐的兩個層面,進一步探討中國英語寫作的教學與研究,加強國內外英語寫作教學與研究的學術交流,擴大國際合作。大會的主題是“走向專業(yè)化的英語寫作教學與研究”(Teaching and Researching English Writing as a Profession)?! h的主要議題包括英語寫作理論研究、修辭與英語寫作、語篇分析與英語寫作、英語學術寫作、跨文化交際與英語寫作、英語寫作的評價與測試等。會議的形式包括大會主題發(fā)言、分組發(fā)言和論文展示。應邀參加大會并做大會主題發(fā)言的五位專家都是國內外二語寫作領域的知名學者,他們是美國田納西大學的Tony Leki教授、美國普渡大學的Tony Silva教授、加拿大多倫多大學的Alister Cumming教授、北京外國語大學的文秋芳教授和北京師范大學的武尊民教授?! ”敬螘h共收到125份論文摘要,實際到會的正式代表為130人,其中57人在小組會議上宣讀論文,部分代表以論文展示形式交流了論文。此次會議組織嚴密,小組發(fā)言代表宣讀的論文都具有較高的學術水平。會議內容充實,節(jié)奏緊湊,提問和討論熱烈,學術交流氣氛濃厚?! 榱嗽诟蟮姆秶鷥葦U大本次研討會的學術影響,進一步推動英語寫作教學與研究的學術交流,在中國英語教學研究會寫作教學與研究專業(yè)委員會和外語教學與研究出版社的大力支持下,本次會議的組委會決定從會議論文中精選部分論文集結出版。論文集共收錄19篇論文,包括3篇大會主題發(fā)言論文和16篇小組會議上宣讀的論文。這些論文的作者既有長期從事英語寫作教學與研究的知名學者,也有步人英語教學領域不久的后起之秀,還有大學生。所收錄的大部分論文都是實證研究論文,這些論文以事實說話,從理論和實踐兩個層面探討符合中國國情的英語寫作教學途徑與方法。




The Development of Second Language Writing as a Professional DisciplineContexts for L2 Writing in North America: A Thematic Synthesis IntroductionCurriculum and Assessment: Trends in L2 Writing Research and Pedagogy學習者英語語體特征變化的研究Teacher Written Feedback on Chinese EFL Students Writing: Reinforcement, Intervention andEmpowermentHow Good Is Your Chinglish? -Perception of Chinese-style English and Implications for theTeaching of English Writing from the Perspective of English as an International LanguageAn Interactive Approach to Teacher/Peer Feedback on Chinese Student Writing and Its ImpactFrom Argumentative Essay to Research Writing-an Approach to Teaching Academic WritingThe Important Role of Peer Feedback in EFL College WritingThe Impact of Process Writing on Students Writing ImprovementError Analyses on Writings of Advanced English Learners and Intermediate Level LearnersReport of a Pilot Study on the Effects of Different Task Types on Students L2 WritingPerformanceAttitudes Towards the Efficacy of OPR過程英語寫作課堂中大學生對教師反饋的態(tài)度研究中國不同水平英語學習者作文主位模式研究對英語專業(yè)和非英語專業(yè)大學生英語寫作策略的調查大學生批判性思維的試題測試與議論文測試結果比較研究對于英語寫作同伴反饋研究方法的探索作為言語事件的寫作


  The foci include assessment (direct/indirect; holistic/analytic),assignments, cognitive dimensionsof L2 writing, coherence and cohesion, comparisons of L1 and L2 writing and writers, composingprocesses and subprocesses, contrastive analysis, contrastive rhetoric, controlled/guided composition,dialog journals, discourse communities, errors, error correction, error analysis, error gravity, free writing,grammatical/syntactic analysis, instructional approaches and methods, L 1 use in L2 writing, models,needs analysis, peer response, prompts, reading and writing connections, reformulation, second languagewriting by children/K-12, sentence combining, teacher response, textual analysis, modes (e.g., narration,argumentation, exposition),writer characteristics/variables (e.g., L2 proficiency, perceptions, apprehension,writers block, identity), and writing labs. Authors beginning to publish frequently in second languagewriting studies in the 1980s included such figures as Chris Hall, Carol Edelsky, Joy Reid, Andrew Cohen,Kyle Perkins, Sarah Hudelson, Ruth Spack, Ulla Connor, Alister Cumming, Liz Hamp-Lyons, DanielHorowitz, Joy Kreeft Peyton, and Charles Stansfield.  The 1990s. The 1990s saw an even greater increase in the number of publications on second languagewriting. 962 journal articles were published in a total of 186 different journals. The ten journals withthe most articles on second language writing, in order of number of articles on second language writing, included Journal of Second Language Writing (first published in 1992——still the only journal devotedexclusively to second language studies), TESOL Quarterly, English Teaching Forum, TESOL Journal(another TESOL publication, which first appeared in 1991 and ceased publication in 2003), English forSpecific Purposes, Foreign Language Annals (the official journal of the American Council on the Teachingof Foreign Languages [ACTFL]), ELTJournal, College ESL, (published by the City University of NewYork from 1991-2003), Modern Language Journal, and TESL Canada Journal.




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