
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:厲以寧  頁數:344  譯者:凌原  


The 16 essays featured in Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Way were chosen from amongst those I wrote and published during the period 1980-1998. They are reflections of my thoughts on certain important issues pertinent to the economic development of China in the intervening years.For instance, the opening piece, "The role of education in economic growth," was published in 1980, when the nation was setting about the task of confronting and resolving long-neglected issues shortly after the adoption of the policy of reform and opening up to the world. I was keenly aware of the fact that as a result of the decade-long "cultural revolution" that started in 1966, education had been seriously damaged and its development gravely held back because it was despised by leaders and the masses alike. Consequently, it was imperative to attach the utmost importance to developing education and cultivating talents, and it was against that background that the paper was written. In it I pointed out that if education continued to be scorned in such a manner, China would lose both its present and its future."Basic thoughts on economic restructuring" was written in 1986, a little more than seven years after the initiation of economic restructuring in this nation in 1979. By that time, a household contract system had been adopted in rural areas nationwide, which brought about a dramatic increase in farm produce output and an initial improvement in rural living standards. However, in urban areas, the development of state enterprises was hampered, as their management was encumbered by government intervention and their property rights were ill-defined.




厲以寧,教授、博士生導師 。1951年考入北京大學經濟學系,1955年畢業(yè)后留校工作、任教至今?,F為北京大學社會科學學部主任,北京大學光華管理學院名譽院長、博士生導師。七,八,九屆全國人大常委、七屆全國人大法律委員會副主任,八,九屆財經委員會副主任;第十,十一屆全國政協常委、經濟委員會副主任。


PrefaceForeword1. The role of education in economic growth (1980)2. Effective and rational investment under socialism (1982)3. Basic thoughts on economic restructuring (1986)4. A tentative study of socialist ownership structure (1987)5. Two types of disequilibrium and the mainstream of current economic restructuring (1988)6. Relationship between economic reform, growth and industrial restructuring (1988)7. Laying a solid foundation for new culture (1989)8. Cultural economics: a tentative study (1990)9. Environmental protection and compensation to victims of environmental damage (1990)10. Coordinating economy and environment in less developed regions (1991)11. Comparative economic history and the modernization of China (1993)12. Growth and fluctuations in economic disequilibrium (1993)13. Property rights reform of rural enterprises (1994)


Economic disequilibrium in the second category is characterized by an incomplete market and inflexible prices, and more importantly, by a market filled with microeconomic agents that, instead of being independent commodity producers making their own business decisions and bearing their own gains and losses, neither have the freedom to choose investment opportunities and management modes nor bear the responsibility for investment and management risks. Such microeconomic agents have not shaken off their status as government subsidiaries or are bound hand and foot by their pre-capitalist ties.If my division of economic disequilibrium stands, there is reason to believe that the disequilibrium in a capitalist economy belongs in the firstcategory and that the disequilibrium in a pre-capitalist economy belongs in the second category. What happens in a socialist economy should be treated differently. Disequilibrium under a traditional and dual-track economic system falls into the second category because its enterprises have yet to shake off their status as government subsidiaries. Under the new economic system born of economic reform, enterprises become independent commodity producers that make their own investment and business decisions, and are liable for their gains, losses as well as investment and business risks. Thusthe disequilibrium in the new economic system falls into the first category.In the first category of disequilibrium, microeconomic agents are fullof vitality. However, these microeconomic agents are in an economic disequilibrium. They make transactions in incomplete markets where pricesare inflexible and information is incomplete and congested. Therefore, suchvitality is limited by this environment. For instance, price rigidity makes it hard for these agents to adjust production in response to price signals, and wage rigidity also prevents them from optimizing their resource allocations. However, a microeconomic agent that has full vitality but is circumscribed by its environment is very different from a microeconomic agent that lacks Mfull vitality. This is exactly the difference between the first and second categories of disequilibrium.


Professor Li Yining has been one of the most influential economists in Chinasince the very beginning of China's transition to a market economy in 1979.The articles collected in Economic Reform and Development the Chinese Wayreflect Professor Li's penetrating analyses of key challenges that China faced atvarious stages of her transition and his proposed policy options for addressingthose challenges. This collection is a rare opportunity for the outside worldto understand how the economist thinks and impacts China's policy makingand success of gradual approach to transition.  ——Justin Yifu LinChief Economist and St. Vice President. the World BankAs one of the most influential economists in China. Professor Li Yining has playedan important role during China's economic reform in the last three decades. Thiscollection of sixteen essays showcases his profound insights on China'stransition from central planning tomarket economy and how they are translatedinto innovative and yet practical policy proposals, of which many wereimplemented. I strongly recommend it to anyone who is interested in China'seconomy today and how it gets there.  ——Yingyi QianProfessor of Economics. University of California. BerkeleyDean, School of Economics and Management. Tsinghua University


《中國經濟改革發(fā)展之路》是厲以寧教授第一部英文作品,全面描述中國經濟改革發(fā)展之路的經典之作,外研社和劍橋大學出版社相繼推出,中國經濟學界走向世界的標志性著作。Economic restructuring may break down if price reform fails. Thesuccess of economic restructuring, however, hinges not on pricereform, but on ownership reform, which entails revamping the corpo-rate system. This is because price reform serves the main purpose ofshaping an environment in favor of the growth of the market economy,but only ownership reform or corporate system reform can addresssuch issues as interests, responsibility, motivation, and incentives.Li Yining




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用戶評論 (總計3條)


  •   本書是研究中國經濟著名經濟學者厲以寧1980到1998年的有關中國經濟改革的重要文獻的英文集合版。因本人擬被派往海外孔子商務學院任教,這本書具有較好參考價值。
  •   厲先生是國內的經濟學大家,很多學說直接轉變成政策影響了國內的經濟發(fā)展。將本書翻譯成英文,可以讓外國人了解中國的經濟理論,也算是國人在學術上對世界的貢獻!
  •   買的時候覺得小貴,拿到書之后真有些愛不釋手,也算物有所值吧。對于做翻譯的人來說,這書還是很有參考價值的,特別是書后還有glossary,在對英文質量要求高的場合還真不能在網上隨便搜一個譯法貼上去,比如寫論文。。。

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