
出版時間:1970-1  出版社:外語教研  作者:歐·亨利  頁數(shù):304  






Chapter 1 The Gift of fhe Magi
Chapter 2 A Cosmopolife in a Cafe
Chapter 3 Between Rounds
Chapter 4 The Skylighf Room
Chapter 5 A Service of Love
Chapter 6 The Cop and fhe Anfhem
Chapter 7 Memoirs of a Yellow Dog
Chapter 8 The Lovo-Pbilfre of Ikey Schoensfein
Chapter 9 Mammon and fhe Archer
Chapter 10 Springfime a la Carlo
Chapter 11 From fhe Cabby's Seat
Chapter 12 An Unfinished Sfory
Chapter 13 The Romance of a Busy Broker
Chapter 14 The Furnished Room
Chapter 15 The Trimmed Lamp
Chapter 16 The Pendulum
Chapter 17 The Making of a Hew Yorker
Chapter 18 The Lost Blend
Chapter 19 A Harlem Tragedy
Chapter 20 The Lasf Leaf
Chapter 21 The Counf and the Wedding Guesf
Chapter 22 Jeff Parers as a Personal Magnef
Chapter 23 The Hand/hal Riles fhe World
Chapter 24 The Exacf Science of Mafrimony
Chapter 25 Conscience in Arf
Chapter 26 A Municipal Reporf
Chapter 27 Buried Treasure
Chapter 28 The Sleufhs
Chapter 29 Wifchcs" Loaves
Chapter 30 The Dup/icify of Hargraves
Chapter 31 Roads of Desfiny
Chapter 32 The Enchanfed Profile
Chapter 33 A DouWe-Dyed Deceiver
Chapter 34 The Passing of Black Eagle
Chapter 35 A Refrieved ReFormafion
Chapter 36 A Lickpenny Lover
Chapter 37 While fhe Aufo Waifs
Chapter 38 One Thousand Dollars
Chapter 39 "GIRL"
Chapter 40 A Technical Error
Chapter 41 A Blackjack Bargainer
Chapter 42 The Afavism of John Tom Liffla Bear


插圖:And now the dark-haired young man spoke to me, and it became evident that his mind also moved along its own set of grooves.'I should like to be a periwinkle,' said he, mysteriously, 'on the top of a valley, and sing too-ralloo-ralloo.'This was clearly too obscure, so I turned again to Coglan.'I've been around the world twelve times,' said he. 'I know an Esqui-mau in Upernavik who sends to Cincinnati for his neckties, and I saw agoat-herder in Uruguay who won a prize in a Battle Creek breakfast-food puzzle competition. I pay rent on a room in Cairo, Egypt, and another in Yokohama all the year round. I've got slippers waiting for me in a tea-house in Shanghai, and I don't have to tell 'em how to cook my eggs in Rio de Janeiro or Seattle. It's a mighty little old world. What's the use of bragging about being from the North, or the South, or the old manor-house in the dale, or Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, or Pike's Peak, or Fairfax County, Va., or Hooligan's Flats or any place? It'll be a better world when we quit being fools about some mildewed town or ten acres of swampland just because we happened to be born there.''You seem to be a genuine cosmopolite,' I said admiringly. 'But it also seems that you would decry patriotism.' 'A relic of the stone age,' declared Coglan warmly. 'We are all brothers——Chinamen, Englishmen, Zulus, Patagonians, and the people in the bend of the Kaw River. Some day all this petty pride in one's city or state or section or country will be wiped out, and we'll all be citizens of the world, as we ought to be.' 'But while you are wandering in foreign lands,' I persisted, 'do notyour thoughts revert to some spot——some dear and——' 'Nary a spot,' interrupted E. R. Cogl an flippantly. 'The terrestrial, globular, planetary hunk of matter, slightly flattened at the poles, and known as the Earth, is my abode. I've met a good many object-bound citi-zens of this country abroad. I've seen men from Chicago sit in a gondolain Venice on a moonlight night and brag about their drainage canal.


歐·亨利是美國最杰出的短篇小說家之一,曾被評論界譽為曼哈頓桂冠散文作家和美國現(xiàn)代短篇小說之父。他的作品構思新穎,語言詼諧,結局總使人感到“既在情理之中,又在意料之外”;又因描寫了.眾多的人物,富于生活情趣,被譽為“美國生活的幽默百科全書”。歐·亨利對短篇小說的創(chuàng)作仍然具有驚人的持久影響?!  惔模ㄓ唐≌f作家)






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用戶評論 (總計36條)


  •   歐·亨利,生于1862年,美國著名批判現(xiàn)實主義作家,世界三大短篇小說大師之一。曾被評論界譽為曼哈頓桂冠散文作家和美國現(xiàn)代短篇小說之父。
  •   收錄O Henry的42篇短篇小說。外研社的書 值得信賴。
  •   喜歡那篇最后一片葉子
  •   學會看懂英文的美式笑話是件很有意思的事。
  •   現(xiàn)實,溫馨中有苦澀.
  •   平裝書,不花俏```但是封面顏色典雅```最重要的是當當沒發(fā)本舊的給我```好評!
  •   這本書的字體、字號等都非常好,里面印刷清晰。包含了歐亨利的所有文章。不錯!當當網(wǎng)很好!
  •   書蠻好個,給小孩子課后練習,不錯
  •   為了湊錢買的,絕對物有所值,質量不錯,很值這個價錢
  •   很漂亮 很好 很喜歡
  •   英文版,紙質不錯,很好
  •   發(fā)貨還挺快的,書也沒有什么問題。
  •   歐亨利用簡單的語言描繪出復雜的社會生活,苦中有甜。
  •   插圖什么的很少
  •   買給小朋友的,直接送過去了,小朋友還是很歡喜,起碼外觀質量不錯,故事是經典的,覺得好看與否,適合與否,見仁見智了。送貨師傅服務不錯。
  •   全英文
  •   書是不錯,但本人現(xiàn)在英語還不成熟,得慢慢品味。
  •   書的質量不錯,印刷讓人讀起來很舒服。美中不足的是,我本來想買一本帶注解的,但是這本里面沒有,因為歐亨利的書中很多地方需要一些文化背景才能看懂,這部分在理解上有點困難。
  •   外研社的這一套書斗都很不錯的
  •   暢快........
  •   歐 亨利是我非常推薦的一個作家,所以買給學生,但是原來居然是英文版的,短篇小說不算長,希望他們能物盡所用吧。
  •   這是全英文的,謹慎購買!
  •   有些不滿意
  •   該書為全英文,應在網(wǎng)頁上注明。但送貨員態(tài)度很好,立即幫助辦理了退貨。
  •   沒有標識英文版,沒有插圖
  •   書的質量很好,速度也很快,我以為是英漢雙語的,結果是全英的,增加了我閱讀的難度
  •   封面有點小劃痕,但內部的紙張,排版印刷看得人很舒心,是英文原版的,非常不錯的一本書,值得推薦!
  •   就是孩子用的那種版本
  •   終于拿到大師的杰作,全英文的讓我驚喜
  •   就是有一篇里面好像有印刷錯誤,可能是就那樣?不知道。就是第二篇
  •   全英的,有點難度,需要勤翻字典,還有就是字有點小,總體還不錯
  •   只是沒想到會是英文的
  •   排版十分好,只是有點后悔。。。竟然是全英文的??!
  •   非常好的書,只是字有點小。不過裝幀和排版都很好。
  •   挺好的書~~希望有利于我學英語吧~~
  •   頁面的手感一般,書邊有一點臟,不影響閱讀。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
