
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:凡爾納  頁數(shù):210  






Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV


插圖:I answered not a word, and for a very good reason. My eyes had fallen upon a charming picture, suspended against the wall, the portrait of Grauben. My uncle's ward was at that time at Altona, staying with a relation, and in her absence I was very downhearted; for I may confess it to you now, the pretty Virlandaise and the professor's nephew loved eachother With a patience and a calmness entirely German. We had become engaged unknown to my uncle, who was too much taken up with geology to be able to enter into such feelings as ours. Grauben was a lovely blue-eye dblonde, rather given to gravity and seriousness; but that did not preventher from loving me very sincerely. As for me, I adored her, if there is sucha word in the German language. Thus it happened that the picture of mypretty Virlandaise threw me in a moment out of the world of realities intothat of memory and fancy.There looked down upon me the faithful companion of my laboursand my recreations. Every day she helped me to arrange my uncle's pre-cious specimens; she and I labelled them together. Mademoiselle Grubenwas an accomplished mineralogist; she could have taught a few things toa savant. She was fond of investigating abstruse scientific questions. Whatpleasant hours we have spent in study; and how often I envied the verystones which she handled with her charming fingers.Then, when our leisure hours came, we used to go out together andturn into the shady avenues by the Alster, and went happily side by side upto the old windmill, which forms such an improvement to the landscapeat the head of the lake. On the road we chatted hand in hand; I told heramusing tales at which she laughed heartily. Then we readied the banksof the Elbe, and after having bid good-bye to the swan, sailing gracefullyamidst the white water lilies, we returned to the quay by the steamer.That is just where I was in my dream, when my uncle with a vehe-ment thump on the table dragged me back to the realities of life.






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用戶評論 (總計12條)


  •   我在讀這篇小說時,就好象親自經(jīng)歷了一次探索地心的冒險,隨著主人公的命運而為他們的勇敢和互幫互諒的精神而折服。在跟隨這本書歷險的同時,我知道了許多有關(guān)地層結(jié)構(gòu)及考古學的知識。但我認為,地心沒有另一個世界,只有巖漿和熾熱的地核,因為地心的溫度讓人無法忍受,所以動植物不可以生存??茖W的真理總是從幻想開始,展開想象的翅膀,堅定自己的信念,將智慧與勇氣結(jié)合起來,任何人都可以成功。
    這本書語言幽默,情節(jié)扣人心弦。我認為最驚心動魄的是第三十五章。本章講述向?qū)h斯、阿克賽爾和李登布洛克教授在離地心不遠的地下河遇到了風暴,大風把他們的小船吹得差點沉下河。后來,一個火球襲擊了他們,這個帶電的火球落下后,將木筏上所有的鐵器都磁化了。書中寫道:“儀器和武器顫動著、碰擊著,發(fā)出尖利的聲音。我的鞋釘和一塊嵌入木頭的鐵板牢牢地吸在一起。難怪我無法收回我的腳?!?br /> “半白半藍的火球如同一刻直徑10英寸的巨大炸彈,慢慢的移動著,在風暴的抽打下急速旋轉(zhuǎn)。它朝我們來了,它爬上木筏的骨架,然后跳到食品包上,然后又輕輕飄下,一個反彈,掠過火藥箱。多么恐怖!我們都要被炸上天了?!?br /> 凡爾納是一位敢于堅持科學真理的勇士,更是一位善于刻畫人物的文學大師。
  •   這本書內(nèi)容都是英文的,讀起來有一點點吃力。不過正好作為下學期寫英語讀后感的題材。
  •   包裝很好,封面很特別,一看就非常吸引人,可惜是英文......
  •   這商品不錯,但全英文的有些看不懂
  •   原版書。值得讀
  •   剛拿到,就是字有點小,費眼睛
  •   很好的書。適合下班消磨時間用
  •   本想買中文版的,卻選了個英文版的,也不錯,學學英語吧。
  •   自我感覺沒有電影精彩
  •   很好的冒險哦 值得一看
  •   書很好~便于攜帶~就是快遞慢了些~
  •   值得一買,是本好書!可惜我忘了我要買的是英文原著,這是法國原著,但是是英文版的,還是安慰了一下!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
