
出版時間:2012-9  出版社:故宮博物院 故宮出版社 (2012-09出版)  作者:故宮博物院 編  頁數(shù):213  




  Mr Li Wenru is research fellow, doctoral advisor, Deputy Director of the Palace Museum. Vice President of Chinese Museum Association, tormer Director of Museum Department. State Administration of Cultural Heritage and former President and Chief Editor of China Cuitural Relics News.  He supervised the publication of Chinese Lanquaqe, China Cu/tura/ Re/ics News, Cultural Relics-World, The Forbidden City. The Palace Museum Journal, Journal of Gugong Studies.the first three volumes ot An Illustinted Guide to the Ten Best Exh,bitions of Chinese Museums.One-hundred Archaeological Discoveries of the Last Ten Years. China's MLiseums under the Condition of Globaniation. Overall View of Chinese Civilization Sites, The Palace Muse,um.The Palace MLiseLnn in Eiahty Years. impression of the impenal Pa/ace, twenty-seven volumes of The Forbidden City Series. four volumes of The, Ming Court History Studies. His own works mainly include Enterinq the World of Lu Xum and A Pictonal Biography of Lu Xun.


ContentsWhose Forbidden City?Supreme PlanningWalking toward Supreme HarmonySnow Dancing in thc Forbidden CityPaLace Wall WillowsWalls, Walls, and More WallsImperial SquaresImperial CourtvardsA Thousand Gatcs, Ten-thousand DoorsThe Thronc in Control of All the Lands under the HeavenKiss between Heaven and EarthBig Chinese Roofs Flowing Imperial AuthorityInside and Outside the WindowsDancing Colorful RibbonsPatting All the BalustradosGlazed FlowersMountains and Water in the Imperial PalaceLife and Death PredestinedCrying PalaceGrand Sculpture to Worship HeavenAppendix: Episodes in Restoration of the Hall of Supreme Harmony


  Walking toward Supreme Harmony  have more than once read or heard about the followingscenario: when architects, artists, designers, or diplomats, nomatter whether they come from China or overseas, face theFor}oidden City, they often feel that the space of Chinese palatialcomplex is so huge that it leaves them at a Ioss. When they passthrough or stand under the entrance gate of the Forbidden City,they feel a unique sense of majesty and nobility. There are eventhose who cannot help but kneel down. do not know the psychological basis of this feeling. What I doknow is that the eight-kilometer central axis running from theGate of Eternal Stability, through the Forloidden City, to theBell Tower, which most experts and scholars on the ForbiddenCity and Beijing unanimously extol as the supreme masterpiece ofits builders, is known as the great and sacred central axis of themonarch. It seems that the greatness of the Forbidden City comesfrom the great central axis. It is truly the case. At least it canbe said that without the central axis, the Forbidden City couldnot be so majestic. Of course, without the Forbidden City, thecentral axis could not be so great either.When the Forbidden City was first completed, the central axisbegan from the Front Gate. When the capital city was expanded133 years later, the central axis was extended southward to thenewly built Gate of Eternal Staloility. The latter gate disappeared537 years Iater as the starting point of the axis. The towerof the gate was rebuilt 584 years later and the starting pointreemerged. For many years, only the emperor himself and avery few other people could enter the Forbidden City and Hall ofSupreme Harmony along the central axis. Today, all the peoplecan do so, just as the emperor did in former times. But not allthe people realize the significance of the axial structure of theconstruction of the capital city and Forbidden City.When the construction of the Forbidden City started, was therea foundation ceremony held somewhere and on what scale?Now six centuries have passed. The central axis, although themost important parts and general structure are still extant,has undergonc great changes. Except for those who are fascinatedwith the construction of thc capital city and Forbidden City, inwhose minds that complete and evcn perfect images arc still kept,for most people it's not possible to form an image and conccpt ofthe greater Forbidden City. What could the sacred axis give us?To commemorate the 600th anniversary of the founding of theForbidden City, I decided to walk from the starling point of thatgreat central axis to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.  ……


《天地之吻(故宮圖像)(英文版)》編著者李文儒。    《天地之吻》主要內(nèi)容包括:Whose Forbidden City?、Supreme Planning、Walking toward Supreme Harmony、Snow Dancing in thc Forbidden City、PaLace Wall Willows、Walls, Walls, and More Walls、Imperial Squares、Imperial Courtvards、A Thousand Gatcs, Ten-thousand Doors、The Thronc in Control of All the Lands under the Heaven等。



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