
出版時間:2013-1  出版社:知識產(chǎn)權(quán)出版社  作者:吳尚義  頁數(shù):164  字數(shù):216000  




SECTION I  Management Information System
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Management Information System
Part One Text: Management Information System (MIS) Concept
Part Two Further Reading: Role of MIS
Chapter 2 The Study of Information Systems
Part One Text: Information and Information Systems (I)
Part Two Further Reading: Information and Information Systems
Chapter 3 The [mformation System Functio
Part One Text: The Imformation System Function within an
Part Two Further Reading: The System Development Lifecycle
SECTION II Information Technology
Chapter 4 Introduction of Information Technology
Part One Text: What is Information Technology
Part Two Further Reading: Human - Computer Interaction
Chapter 5 Fundamentals of Compute
Part One Text: How Compute Work: Three Key Concepts
Part Two Further Reading: The Development of the Computer
Chapter 6 Software
Part One Text: Sourcing Software
Part Two Further Reading: The Information Technology
Infrastructure Library
Chapter 7 Network Server
Part One Text: Network Technologies
Part Two Further Reading: A Networked World
SECTION III Application of MIS
Chapter 8 Telephony and Wireless Multimedia
Part One Text : Data Tramission
Part Two Further Reading: Wireless Communication
Chapter 9 Decision Support System
Part One Text: What is a Decision Support System
Part Two Further Reading: Levels of Decision Making
Chapter 10 E -Commerce Systems
Part One Text: Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave
Part Two Further Reading: The future of E-commerce
Chapter 11 Supply Chain Information System Management
Part One Text: What is Supply Chain Information System
Part Two Further Reading: SCIS Supporting Technologies
Chapter 12 E - government
Part One Text: E -government: Definitio and Related Concepts
Part Two Further Reading : The Status of E - government
SECTION IV MIS and the Law
Chapter 13 IT and Society
Part One Text: The Information Society
Part Two Further Reading: Reliability and Safety
Chapter 14 MIS and the Law
Part One Text: Computing and the Law
Part Two Further Reading: Computer Misuse Act and Data
Protection Act


  The MIS creates another impact in the organization which relates to the understanding of the business itself. The MIS begins with the definition of a data entity and its attributes. It uses a dictionary if data, entity and attributes, respectively, designed for information generation in the organization. Since all the information systems use the dictionary, there is common understanding of terms and terminology in the organization brining clarity in the  communication and a similar understanding an even of the organization.  The MIS calls for a systemization of the business operation for an affective system design. A well designed system with a focus on the manger makes an impact on the managerial efficiency. The fund of information motivates an enlightened manager to use a variety of tools of the management. It helps him to resort to such exercises as experimentation and modeling. The use of computers enables him to use the tools techniques which are impossible to use manually. The ready-made packages make this task simpler. The impact is on the managerial ability to perform. It improves the decision making ability considerably.  Since the MIS works on the basic systems such as transaction processing and databases, the drudgery of the clerical work is transferred to the computerized system, relieving the human mind for better work. It will be observed that a lot of manpower is engaged in this activity in the organization. If you study the individual's time utilization and its application; you will find that seventy per cent of the time is spent in recording, searching, processing and communication. This is a large overhead in the organization. The MIS has a direct impact on this overhead. It creates an information-based work culture in the organization.  Management Information System and Computer  Translating the real concept of the MIS into reality is technically, an infeasible proposition unless computers are used. The MIS relies heavily on the hardware and software capacity of the computer and its ability to process, retrieve communication with no serious limitations.  The variety of the hardware having distinct capabilities makes it possible to design the MIS for a specific situation. For example, if the organization needs a large database and very little processing, a computer system is available for such a requirement. Suppose the organization has multiple business location at long distances and if the need is to bring the data at oneplace, process, and then send the information to various location, it is possible to have a computer system with a distributed data processing capability. If the distance is too long, then the computer system can be hooked through a satellite communication system. The ability of the hardware to store data and process it at a very fast rate helps to deal with the data volumes, its storage and access is effetive. The ability of the computer to sort and merge helps to organize the data in a particular manner and process it for complex lengthy computations. Since the computer is capable of digital, graphic, word image, voice and text processing, it is exploited to generate information and present it in the form which is easy to understand for the information user.  The ability of a computer system to provide security of data brings a confidence in the management in the storage of data on a magnetic media in an impersonal mode.  The computer system provides the facilities such as READ ONLY where you cannot delete to UPDATE. It provides an access to the selected information through a password and layered access facilities. The confidence nature of the data and information can be maintained in a computer system. With this ability, the MIS become a safe application in the organization.  The software, an integral part of a computer system, further enhances the hardware capability. The software is available to handle the procedural and nonprocedural data processing. For example, if you want to use a formula to calculate a certain result, an efficient language is available to handle the situation. If you do not use a formula but have to resort every time to a new procedure, the nonprocedural languages are available.    ……



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