
出版時間:2012-1  出版社:知識產(chǎn)權(quán)出版社  作者:席煥久 主編  頁數(shù):126  


  China won the right to host the 16th IUAES World Congress in July, 2003. After six years of preparation, the Congress will be held in Kunming, China during July 27-31, 2009.The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) was established on August 23, 1948, when it merged, in fact, with the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (ICAES), which was founded in 1934. The latter was the product of various Congresses of Anthropological Sciences, starting in 1865.The IUAES is one of the member organizations of the Intemational Social Science Council (ISSC) and also of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies (ICPHS).


1. The Physical Growth of 7~18 Year-old Tibetan Children and
Adolescents in Tibet.
2. A Study of the Facial Characteristics of the Han Adults Living
in Rural Area of Liaoning Province
3. The Comparison of Somatotypes of Ethnic Groups in China
4. The Somatotypes of 7~18 Year-Old Tibetan Adolescents in
5. Analysis of the Somatotype of Han Adults in Liaoning Province
with Heath-Carter Method
6. Skin-fold Thickness Changes with Ages of Han People in Henan
7. Assessment of Tibetan Adolescents Skeletal Age of Wrist in Naqu
8. Studies on 7 Behavioral Traits of Lateral Functional Dominance
in Linzhi of Tibet
9. The Traits of Digit Ratio and Stature/Digit Length of the Left
Hand of Tibetans
10. Relationship between Digit Ratios and Aggressive Behavior among
Males of Han Nationality.
11. Diversity of 16 Genetic Loci in Bones of Female Adults
Incinerated at Different Temperatures
12. Genetic Analysis of Four Minorities from Guangxi Province
13. Polymorphism Study of Six Mini STR in Han Ethnic from Northeast
of China
14. Factor Analysis for the Growth Characteristics of Young
Tibetans in Naqu


版權(quán)頁:插圖:We can get the messages of thickness of subcutaneous fat, reveal the distribution pattern of the subcutaneous fat, judge an individual being fat or thin, calculate body moity according to the measurement of skin-fold thickness, thus, thickness of subcutaneous fat is an important index to reflect body's nutritional status. Body fat distribution and its body weight percentage may present respective feature in different pcoplc for their diversity in genetic constitution, living environment or eating habit, etc. Now, considerable scholars arc doing research on various nation group, however, Han people in Henan village is not involved. To exactly evaluate their nutritional status and developmental level, and to enrich constitution data.






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