
出版時間:2012-1  出版社:北京航空航天大學出版社  作者:全國管理類碩士研究生入學考試命題研究中心  頁數(shù):383  字數(shù):691000  






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版權(quán)頁:   難句精講 1. According to the United States government, people are classified as homeless if they have no place to stay and no expectation of finding a place for the next thirty days. (結(jié)構(gòu)分析)本句是個由if引導的條件狀語從句,主句的主干是people are classified as homeless,從句的主謂是they have,賓語是由and連接的雙賓no place和no expectation且動詞不定式to stay和介詞短語of finding a place分別作no place和no expectation的后置定語,for the next thirty days作時間狀語,現(xiàn)在分詞短語According to在句首作整個句子的狀語。 2. Govemment assistance in the form of food stamps does help but, as one homeless man explains, you can't pay the rent with food stamps. (結(jié)構(gòu)分析)本句是but連接的并列句,前句的主干是Government assistance does help,其中介詞短語in the form of food stamps作后置定語,does加強help的語氣;后句是as引導的方式狀語從句,主句的主干是you can't pay the rent,其中with food stamps作方式狀語,從句的主干是as one homeless man explains。 3. Although men constitute the largest group within the homeless population,homeless women with children are rapidly joining them. (結(jié)構(gòu)分析)本句是although引導的讓步狀語從句,主句的主干是homeless women are rapidly joining them,其中with children是對homeless women的補充說明;從句的主干是Although men constitute the largest group,介詞短語within the homeless population作狀語。 4. Within the past several years many institutions for the mentally ill have been closed and their patients sent“home”. (結(jié)構(gòu)分析)本句的主干是many institutions have been closed,Within the past several years作時間狀語,介詞短語for the entally ill作后置定語修飾institutions;and后的句子their patients sent“home”是獨立組合成分。 5. The parent who is left to care for the kids with inadequate income may be forced to depend on the homeless shelters to put a roof over their heads.






    2013-MBA.MPA.MPAcc聯(lián)考英語閱讀理解90篇名家精解 PDF格式下載

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  •   內(nèi)容很多,對系統(tǒng)復習幫助較大。
  •   這個商品不錯~~~~~~
  •   難度適中,值得推薦~~~
  •   比之前看的許多輔導書都簡單點,也許是本來MBA要求會低點
  •   內(nèi)容與別的書很多重復
  •   文章選材尚可 但講解不夠詳細 后期復習不建議用
  •   題目太簡單了,但和英二聯(lián)系較大
  •   剛剛拿到,感覺不錯,正版貨
  •   教材很不錯,相信太奇。
  •   如題。該書精選90篇閱讀文章,基礎篇30篇、進階篇30篇、強化篇30篇,涵蓋社會生活、管理、經(jīng)濟、教育和科學普及等領(lǐng)域。每篇文章由5部分組成:原文、試題解析、詞匯注釋、難句解析和全文翻譯,文章由淺入深、題材豐富、代表性強。本書的一個閃光點是另贈送閱讀理解新題型文章6篇,全面滿足考生的備考需要。這在同類書中尚不多見。
  •   不錯的書,很喜歡啊啊
  •   社會各方面的主要單詞都挺齊全
  •   書到的時候都是快兩瓣了,就是著急用,不然沒完……責任心缺失啊
  •   比較不錯的書籍,應該受用
  •   一直在看陳劍老師的《數(shù)學高分指南》,覺得很不錯。以為這套叢書都不會差,就買了這本《閱讀理解》。有點失望,題目設計和文章選擇尚可。參考譯文實在沒有名家水平。
  •   該書90篇文章的解析包括:原文、試題解析、詞匯注釋、難句解析和全文翻譯5部分。解析簡潔,清晰,比較受用。
  •   不是很喜歡 但是既然買了也就湊活做吧 解答不詳細

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