
出版時間:2012-6  出版社:北京航空航天大學(xué)出版社  作者:江加和  頁數(shù):312  字數(shù):454000  


The intent of this book is to present
guidance and control principle of tactical missiles. It includes
basicconcepts of guided missile, fundamental concepts of vehicle
dynamics, dynamical equatio and kinematicequatio of vehicle,
longitudinal state equation and trafer functio, lateral state
equation and traferfunctio, fundamental principle of missile
guidance and control system, guidance laws, autopilot
design,command guidance systems, homing guidance systems, and
guidance and control system hardware-in-the-loopsimulation. This
book is suitable for international postgraduate and advanced
undergraduates majoring in navigation,guidance and control, and
also suitable for engineering and technical peonnel engaged in the
design anddevelopment of guided missiles.


CHAPTER 1  Introduction to Missile Guidance
CHAPTER 2 Basic Knowledge of Flight Dynamics
CHAPTER 3 Equatio of Motion for Vehicle
CHAPTER 4 Longitudinal Motion
CHAPTER 5 Lateral Motion
CHAPTER 6 Flight Control of Missile
CHAPTER 7 Guidance Laws
CHAPTER 8 Autopilot Design
CHAPTER 9 Command Guidance Systems
CHAPTER 10 Homing Guidance Systems
CHAPTER 11 Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Guidance and Control


版權(quán)頁:   插圖:   When a vehicle flies in the air,it undergoes resistance which the air exerts.In order to overcome the resistance,it is necessary to consume engine power.Not only the vehicle wings produce resistance,but also any other part exposing to the air yields resistance.So the wing resistance can not represent the total resistance. As for a low speed vehicle,there are the friction resistance,the pressure deference resistance,and the induced resistance.For a supersonic vehicle,the shock wave results in the wave resistance.Anyway,the coefficient of drag consists of two terms as follows: Co=CoO+Coi (2.4-13) where CD0=zero lift drag coefficient, CDi=lift induced drag coefficient. In the case of a small angle of attack,the drag coefficient is represented as CD=-CDo(Ma)+K(Ma)C2L (2.4-14) Moreover,the drag coefficient depends on Mach number.Figure 2.4-5 shows the CDo versus Mach number Ma curve in the case of α=0. Figure 2.4-6 shows the CL versus CD curve,called lift-drag polar curve.It indicates that a vehicle gets lift at the cost of producing resistance.






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