
出版時間:2012-6  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:劉然 編  頁數(shù):168  字?jǐn)?shù):262000  




Unit 1  Outline of Electric Power Industry
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Electric Power Industry
Passage B Opinio about the Future of the U.S. Power lndustry
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Undetanding the main ideas - Topic
Part Ⅲ PracticalWriting Job Advertisements
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 2 State Grid Corporation of China and Smart Grid
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
PassageA State Grid Corporation of China
Passage B Smart Grid: Trends in Power Market
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Undetanding the Reference
Part Ⅲ PracticalWriting LetterofJobApplication
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 3 New Energy Generation
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Kinds of New Energy Generation
Passage B Solar Energy
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Skimming and Scanning
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Resume
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 4 Operation of Electric Power System
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Power Quality
Passage B Electrical Load and Load Curve
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Skimming and Scanning
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Letter of Inquiry
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 5 Electric PawerNetwork
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Electric Grid
Passage B China Steps Up in Building UHV Power Line
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Skimming and Scanning
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Letter of Quotation
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 6 Power Tramission and Traformation
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Tramission Lines
Passage B Smart Substatio: Still a Long Way to Go
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Skimming and Scanning
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Letter of Order
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 7 Power Supply and Distribution
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Rural Power Supply Using Rural Waste
Passage B Advanced Distribution Automation
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Reading Carefully
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Business Prospectus
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 8 Protection and Control of Power System
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Computer Relaying
Passage B How to Be a Power System Dispatcher
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Reading Carefully
Part Ⅲ PracticalWriting How to Write a Report
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Unit 9 Electric Equipment
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Traformer Types
Passage B Circuit Breake
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Reading Carefully
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing How to Write Summary of Pape
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
U nit 10 Power Enterprises and Power Market
Part Ⅰ Reading Passages
Passage A Power Enterprise
Passage B Power Market
Part Ⅱ Reading Skills Reading Carefully
Part Ⅲ Practical Writing Format of Scientific Pape
Part Ⅳ Electric Power Standard Thesaurus
Key to the Units
Key to Unit 1
Key to Unit 2
Key to Unit 3
Key to Unit 4
Key to Unit 5
Key to Unit 6
Key to Unit 7
Key to Unit 8
Key to Unit 9
Key to Unit 10
New Words and Expressio


  實(shí)用性強(qiáng),結(jié)合實(shí)際,圍繞電力系統(tǒng)的變電、輸電、配電和用電等專業(yè)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行編寫,實(shí)用性強(qiáng)。  閱讀技巧,針對每一專題,給出了2篇閱讀材料,著重講解了閱讀技巧,并給出了全文翻譯。  寫作技巧,介紹了電力行業(yè)常用到的招聘廣告、求職信、履歷表、詢價信、報價信、訂貨信、企業(yè)簡介、報告、論文摘要、科研論文的寫作技巧。  詞匯擴(kuò)充,針對不同專題,介紹了一些電力行業(yè)專業(yè)詞匯與術(shù)語,供讀者拓展學(xué)習(xí)。



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