出版時間:2010-7 出版社:中國電力出版社 作者:梁穎 編 頁數(shù):100
閱讀指導WEEK ONE Passage 1 四則生活廣告 Passage 2 狗能幫助心臟病人 Passage 3 樂觀治愈不治之癥 Passage 4 閩臺海峽隧道規(guī)劃 Passage 5 緩解不安情緒四法WEEK TWO Passage 6 印象派畫家Mary Cassatt Passage 7 法國拉科斯溶洞壁畫 Passage 8 重病難阻金牌夢 Passage 9 價值觀不同的三種人 Passage 10 有趣和幸福WEEK THREE Passage 11 北京中學生李晶和普方 Passage 12 好萊塢和寶萊塢 Passage 13 全面培養(yǎng)學生能力 Passage 14 電視商業(yè)廣告 Passage 15 三本年度暢銷書WEEK FOUR Passage 16 中國城市空氣質量圖 Passage 17 “唯有嘗試能戰(zhàn)勝失??!” Passage 18 人類的共性 Passage 19 打工經(jīng)歷 Passage 20 美國野營度假WEEK FIVE Passage 21 聾啞舞蹈演員邰麗華 Passage 22 地震 Passage 23 傳記在英國受歡迎 Passage 24 煤礦爆炸事件 Passage 25 網(wǎng)絡游戲有危險WEEK SiX Passage 26 手機新功能 Passage 27 辭職再打工,一切為孩子 Passage 28 3G技術的應用 Passage 29 司機與去臨終醫(yī)院的老人 Passage 30 “底層”母親教子有方WEEK SEWEN Passage 31 我的父親 Passage 32 游覽大峽谷 Passage 33 成功者應具備的素質 Passage 34 克隆人? Passage 35 兒子和父母問的悲劇WEEK ELGHT Passage 36 四個賓館介紹 Passage 37 寵物狗垃圾對策 Passage 38 消除壞情緒五方法 Passage 39 手機對人體有害嗎? Passage 40 出語講究尊重人WEEK NINE Passage 41 照相機的發(fā)展過程 Passage 42 一個關于戒煙的故事 Passage 43 兩則招工廣告 Passage 44 學習方法與測試技巧 Passage 45 兩家公司的招聘廣告WEEK TEN Passage 46 宏論與實事 Passage 47 颶風 Passage 48 學生作業(yè)負擔 Passage 49 讓你“頸痛”的生活瑣事 Passage 50 劍橋大學WEEK ELEVEN Passage 51 美國人喜歡自力更生 Passage 52 海洋學 Passage 53 在異域文化中立足的四階段 Passage 54 美國鐵路客運新舉措 Passage 55 旅行小貼士WEEK TWELVE Passage 56 努力進取的高齡老太 Passage 57 地球內部研究 Passage 58 短語tofacethemusic Passage 59 美國人愛運動 Passage 60 主要的英語考試信息WEEK THIRTEEN Passage 61 一條狗的故事 Passage 62 基因技術的治病功能 Passage 63 美國人上班的著裝 Passage 64 治理垃圾 Passage 65 香港健康中心告示W(wǎng)EEK FOURTEEN Passage 66 丘吉爾和霍普金斯的友誼 Passage 67 北京五一黃金周 Passage 68 身勢語 Passage 69 交朋友 Passage 70 弗吉尼亞槍擊事件WEEK FIFTEEN Passage 71 生活猶如五球游戲 Passage 72 藻類 Passage 73 慶祝萬圣節(jié) Passage 74 美國的國際公共關系的變化 Passage 75 國際體育比賽中的不和諧WEEK SIZTEEN Passage 76 兒童時期需注意 Passage 77 新材料時代 Passage 78 人際交流新軟件 Passage 79 全球化的益處 Passage 80 廣告的便利答案與解析
Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the worldOn business.He enjoyed his work and traveling.But now,Mr.Cousins got si,ck.Beca,us~he had pushedhis boay tO the limit of its strength Oil the trip,a ch。emical change began to take place≯inside him.Thematerial between his bones became weak.In less than olle week after his return,he could not stand.Every move that he made was painful.He was not able to sleeP at night. The doctors told Mr.Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problem and he might neverget over the illness.However,Mr..Cousins refused tO give up hope。He thought that unhappy thoughtswere causing bad chemical changes in his body.He didn’t want to take medicine tO cure himself.Instead,he felt that happy thoughts Or laughter might cure his illness. He began to Experiment on himself,while still in the hospital by watching funny shows ontelevision.Mr..Cousins quickly found that 1 0 minutes of real:laughter during the day gave him tWOhours of pain-free sleep at night.After that Mr.Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel roomwhere he could continue his experiments with laughter.For eight days,Mr.Cousins rested in the hotelloom watching furmy shows Oil television,readhag funny books,and sleeping whenever h.e felt tired.Within three weeks,he felt well gllough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running 013thebeachforexercise.
中國英語教育領先品牌,200萬英語教師的選擇,精品英語教輔,全新再版修訂?! ∶麕熤鞴P專家審稿 本套叢書由海淀教師進修學校教研員領銜。海淀十余所名校名師聯(lián)合編寫,由中教育專家審定把關?! ≡O計新穎操作靈活 本套叢書內容按周次設計。既有利于教師課堂定時檢測。又適合學生同步自測。作靈活方便、節(jié)時高效?! ⊥叫院眠m用性廣 本套叢書以新課標及最新考綱為依據(jù)編寫,適用于各種版本教材?! ∵x材新穎題材豐富 所收短文選材真實,題材豐富。內容翔實,涵蓋面廣,符合學生的興趣愛好,融趣味性和知識性于一體?! ‰y度適中考點明確 全書試題難度循序漸進,包括當前中.高考的各種題型及創(chuàng)新型題型。