快捷英語 詞匯與語法周周練 高一年級(jí)上 第2版

出版時(shí)間:2010-5  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:蔡章兵 主編,蔡章兵 等分冊主編  頁數(shù):248  


名師主筆專家審稿:本套叢書由各省市國家級(jí)示范中學(xué)和省級(jí)示范中學(xué)的特高級(jí)教師、優(yōu)秀骨干教師聯(lián)合編寫。由中外教育專家審定把關(guān)。    設(shè)計(jì)新穎操作靈活:本套叢書內(nèi)容按周次設(shè)計(jì),活頁編排。既有利于教師課堂定時(shí)檢測,又適合學(xué)生同步自測,操作靈活方便,節(jié)時(shí)高效。    題型豐富語境真實(shí):選用當(dāng)前中、高考各種題型及創(chuàng)新題型,從多個(gè)角度結(jié)合語境和語言運(yùn)用,在真實(shí)的語境中考查詞匯和語法。    精講考點(diǎn)分層訓(xùn)練:全書每周先集中精講中、高考考點(diǎn),系統(tǒng)梳理詞匯和語法知識(shí),周一至周五按基礎(chǔ)測試、能力檢測和能力提高順序編排練習(xí),先講后練,訓(xùn)練層層推進(jìn)。    全國多位特,高級(jí)老師聯(lián)合編寫。    中國英語教育領(lǐng)先品牌,200萬英語教師的選擇。精品英語教輔,全新再版修訂。


WEEK ONE  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK TWO  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK THREE  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK FOUR  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK FIVE  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK SIX  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK SEVEN  本周說“詞””  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK EIGNT  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK NINE  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK TEN  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK ELEVEN  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK TWELVE    本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK THIRTEEN  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and GrammarWEEK FIFTEEN  本周說“詞”  本周說“法”  Monday Vocabulary  Tuesday Grammar  Wednesday Vocabulary  Thursday Grammar  Friday Vocabulary and Grammar  參考答案


  1. Mr White()from heart trouble, and he takes some medicine with him.  A. suffered  B. has suffered  C. was suffering  D. has been suffered  2. They were only()in protecting the powerful families.  A. related  B. cared  C. concerned  D. adapted  3. Tell your brother to come()because its going to rain in a minute or two.  A. indoors  B. outdoors  C. outward  D. inwards  4. She devoted herself() to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.  A. strongly  B. extremely  C. entirely  D. freely  5. In my opinion, your work does not()what I expected of you.  A. catch up with  B. add up to()  C. come up to  D. go in for 6. The tower on the top of the hill the beauty of the lake.  A. adds up to  B. adds to  C. adds up  D. adds  7. He has left his book here on()so that you can read it.  A. purpose  B. accident  C. aim  D. meaning



    快捷英語 詞匯與語法周周練 高一年級(jí)上 第2版 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計(jì)18條)


  •   快捷英語,把學(xué)生和老師想要的和能要的都做到了
  •   適合初三英語功底好的孩子
  •   與教材同步,注重基礎(chǔ),提升能力。
  •   每周有每周的任務(wù),很不錯(cuò)
  •   老師推薦讓孩子復(fù)習(xí)用,質(zhì)量不錯(cuò)
  •   講解簡潔,精到,練習(xí)細(xì)致入微
  •   此書還好,沒發(fā)現(xiàn)錯(cuò)誤答案
  •   有幾個(gè)朋友的小孩都在用,應(yīng)該不錯(cuò)
  •   就是不打折
  •   喜歡 講解很細(xì)
  •   難度適中,很合適
  •   幫別人買的,似乎挺滿意的
  •   書還好小孩子還沒有用應(yīng)該還可以
  •   多可以的。。
  •   是正版,贊一個(gè)。不過有本書的皮兒有些折,好像是舊的??傮w還好吧。
  •   這本書非常好,很詳細(xì),挺滿意的
  •   字體清晰,字體夠大。
  •   送人了 本身很喜歡這一系列書

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