快捷英語 聽力周周練 高二年級上 第2版

出版時間:2010-5  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:張美鳳 編  頁數(shù):184  




WEEKONETalking About PeopleMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEKT TWOExpressing OpinionsMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK THREETalking About PlacesMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK FOURCommunicationMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK FIVETelephone Call&AppointmentMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK SIXTalking About PlansMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK SEVENSubjunctiveMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK EIGHTStageTestMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK NINELogical RelationMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK TENSeeing a DoctorMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK EVEHBlaming&WarningMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK TWELVEAbility&InabilityMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK THiilTEEHWeatherMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK FOURTEENEnvironmentaI ProtectionMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK FIFTEENWorry&FearMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥WEEK SIXTEENStageTestMonday達標訓練Wednesday 強化訓練Friday高分訓練Weekend技巧點撥錄音稿參考答案


  All the housewives who went to the new supermarkethad one great ambition: to be the lucky customer whodid not have to pay for her shopping, for that waswhat the notice inside the entrance said: "Remember,once a week, one of our customers gets free food.This may he your lucky day!"For several weeks Mrs Edwards hoped to be thelucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gaveup hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full ofthings which she did not need. She dreamed of theday when the manager of the supermarket wouldcome over to her and say: "Madam, this is your luckyday. The things in your basket are free."One Friday rooming, after she had finished hershopping and had taken it to her car, she found thatshe had forgotten to buy some tea. She dashed backto the supermarket, got the tea and went towards thecash desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of thesupermarket approach her. "Madam," he said. "I wantto congratulate you! You are our lucky customerand everything you have in your basket is free!"





    快捷英語 聽力周周練 高二年級上 第2版 PDF格式下載

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