
出版時間:2010-3  出版社:中國電力出版社  作者:蔡章兵 主編,蔡章兵,王大明 分冊主編  頁數(shù):120  


選材新穎時效性強(qiáng)  多以最近半年國內(nèi)外發(fā)生的重大事件為選材依據(jù),內(nèi)容新穎,時效性強(qiáng)。  名師主筆權(quán)威預(yù)測  由多所國家級示范中學(xué)和省級示范中學(xué)的特高級教師聯(lián)合編寫,充分體現(xiàn)考試動態(tài),緊密追蹤命題趨勢?! ≌n標(biāo)話題題材廣泛  選材緊扣課標(biāo)話題,題材涵蓋新聞時事、科普知識、人物故事、文化風(fēng)俗、體育休閑等。  設(shè)題合理題型多樣  試題設(shè)置緊密契合中高考要求,“閱讀選擇+完形填空+任務(wù)型閱讀”多方面、多角度提高閱讀技能?! 』铐撛O(shè)計(jì)操作靈活  內(nèi)容按周次設(shè)計(jì),活頁編排,既有利于教師課堂檢測,又適合學(xué)生課后自測,操作靈活方便,節(jié)時高效。


Week One 新聞與時事時文閱讀Week Two 媒體與廣告時文閱讀Week Three 科普與小品時文閱讀 Week Four 人文與地理時文閱讀Week Five 人物與故事時文閱讀Week Six 文化與風(fēng)俗時文閱讀Week Seven 體育與休閑時文閱讀Week Eight 生活與哲理時文閱讀長難句注釋參考答案


  An accidental discovery has brought seismologists (地震學(xué)家) one step closer to being able to predict earthquakes. As part of an unrelated effort to measure underground changes caused by shifts in barometric pressure,a team of researchers found that increases insubterranean (地下的) pressure came before earthquakes along Californias San Andreas Fault byas much as 10 hours. If follow-up tests advance the findings, seismologists (地震學(xué)家) may eventually be able to provide a few hours notice for people to find a safe haven prior to quakes. As the horrificimages from China demonstrate, the effort is well worth the alternative. "Predicting earthquakes is the final goal for seismologists," says Fenglin Niu, there search teams lead author and a Rice University seismologist. "This is a start."  The research team theorizes that the immensea mount of pressure building along the Fault causes mall cracks within the rock during the final hours before an earthquake, increasing rock density and slowing the transmission signals. "The morecracks you have, the slower the seismic velocity (震波速度) will be," says study co-author Paul Silver,a geophysicist with the Carnegie Institution ofWashington. Still unknown is whether there is any significance to the fact that the magnitude-3(三級) quake had a much longer pre-seismic signal than the lower-magnitude quake, or whether it wassimply because its magnitude was larger and itsepicenter (震中) closer to the sensors.  If scientists can flesh out the new findingsduring future earthquakes a two-year study at the same seismically active location begins thisSeptember-it could form the basis of a vastlyim proved early-warning system for quakes. Currentearthquake-warning systems give just a fewseconds notice because they find only P-waves,the fast-moving seismic waves that precede the more destructive waves released during a quake.Upgrading to a seismic stress meter (壓力儀),however, is still a long wav off.


  本套圖書以“練”為主,講練結(jié)合,并且按周次設(shè)計(jì),非常符合課堂學(xué)習(xí)的需要;另外,題型多樣,體現(xiàn)了中高考的命題趨勢?!  羁『停ū本┧闹杏⒄Z組組長,特級教師)    洞悉中高考趨勢,優(yōu)選創(chuàng)新材料;練習(xí)層次高,針對性強(qiáng);科學(xué)解析試題,點(diǎn)撥解題關(guān)鍵?!  獜埵剑ㄈ珖鴥?yōu)秀教師、特級教師)    本套圖書選材新穎,體現(xiàn)英語閱讀內(nèi)容生活化和原汁原味的特點(diǎn),緊扣社會熱點(diǎn)話題,題材和體裁設(shè)置全面,文章長度和試題難度與中高考試題同步?!  斡廊A(湖北高級教師)


  奧巴馬與申奧城市芝加哥  預(yù)報(bào)地震的新思路  埃及景觀游  神奇的日本稻田  便捷實(shí)惠的網(wǎng)上購物  睡眠時間  兒童良好的業(yè)余愛好  印度推出太陽能發(fā)電計(jì)劃  澳大利亞研制出長久保鮮蘋果  職業(yè)母親與孩子健康情況  每個年級每個學(xué)期出版2本  全年6個年級共推出24本



    高考-埃及景觀游-活頁英語時文閱讀理解-No.4 PDF格式下載

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  •   都是很新的材料,增長了詞匯量~快捷英語一直都很好。
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  •   很好,,不過為什么里面不是彩的,,,和想象的不太一樣,,,原以為是像雜志那樣的,,,
  •   題目很新,很有促進(jìn)作用
  •   文章的內(nèi)容設(shè)計(jì)比較合理
  •   就是字很緊密。 看得辛苦。~
  •   難度不是很大~~~
  •   還不錯,給同學(xué)買的,文章挺新的
  •   題不規(guī)范

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