
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:李浚帆 編  頁數(shù):202  




PART ⅠI Theories of International Trade
Unit 1 Mercantilism
Unit 2 The Theory of Comparative Advantage
Unit 3 The Factor Proportions Theory
Unit 4 New Trade Theory and the Coming Collapse of Free Trade
PART Ⅱ Policies and Measures of International Trade
Unit 5 Tidal Waves and Tariffs: the US's Foolish Fight against
Third World Shrimp
Unit 6 No End to Subsidies in Sight
Unit 7 China Facing the Anti-dumping War
Unit 8 Behind China's Trade Deficit
Unit 9 A Way to FTAA: Open Regionalism
PART Ⅲ WTO and Free Trade
Unit 10 Is Free Trade Really Beneficial?
Unit 11 Free Trade Brings Opportunity to All Malaysians
Unit 12 Is the WTO Worth Saving?
Unit 13 Fix It or Nix It?——World Trade Organization
Unit 14 WTO Charm Offensive
PART IV International Trade Practice
Unit 15 Delivery Terms are Key to Successful Exporting
Unit 16 Shipping Your Product Overseas
Unit 17 Your Company's Ticket Abroad: a Letter of Credit
Unit 18 Business Arbitration: Avoid the Innumerable
Headaches of Litigation
Appendix 1 Glossary
Appendix 2 Reference Translation for Texts



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