
出版時間:2010-3  出版社:清華大學出版社  作者:齊俊妍,唐麗 主編  頁數(shù):227  


本教材結(jié)合國際商會最新的“UCP 600”和當前國際貿(mào)易的最新發(fā)展趨勢,以國際貿(mào)易買賣合同為主線,在逼真的商務(wù)英語環(huán)境中,詳細介紹國際商務(wù)談判程序及合同的履行,國際貨物買賣中的品質(zhì)、數(shù)量和包裝條款,國際貿(mào)易術(shù)語、價格和支付,國際貨物運輸和保險,國際貿(mào)易中的索賠、不可抗力和仲裁,以及國際貿(mào)易方式等。在結(jié)構(gòu)安排上,除核心內(nèi)容外,還在每章設(shè)學習要點、習題和案例分析,并在書后附術(shù)語列表,以便學生更好地掌握和鞏固所學知識。本教材既適用于國際貿(mào)易、國際商務(wù)及相關(guān)專業(yè)的本科學生學習,也適合于從事國際商務(wù)工作的相關(guān)人員作為工作參考。


Chapter 1 General Introduction to International Trade Practice   1.1 What Is International Trade?   1.2 Why Do We Need International Trade?   1.3 International Practice and Laws Applicable to International Trade   1.4 Problems Concerning International Trade   1.5 The Structure of the Book and Learning Methods   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 2 Sales and Purchase Contract of International Commodities   2.1 What Is a Contract?   2.2 The General Contents of a Sales Contract   2.3 ICC Model International Sales Contract   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 3 Name, Specification and Quality of Commodity   3.1 Name of Commodity   3.2 Quality of Commodity   3.3 Quality Clause in Sales Contract   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 4 Quantities of Goods   4.1 Units of Measurement   4.2 Calculation of Weight   4.3 Quantity Clause in Sales Contract   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 5 Packing   5.1 Transport Packing   5.2 Selling Packing   5.3 Neutral Packing and Designated Brand   5.4 Packing Clause in Sales Contract   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 6 Trade Terms   6.1 INCOTERMS   6.2 Six Main Trade Terms   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 7 Prices   7.1 Considerations of Pricing   7.2 Pricing Composition   7.3 Pricing Methods   7.4 Price Clause in Sales Contract   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 8 International Payment   8.1 Instruments   8.2 Payment Methods   8.3 Other Payment Methods   8.4 Combined Use of Different Methods of Payment   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 9 International Cargo Transportation   9.1 Modes of Transportation   9.2 Shipment Clause in Sales Contract   9.3 Shipping Document   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 10 Cargo Transport Insurance   10.1 Parties to the Insurance   10.2 Marine Insurance   10.3 Scope of Insurance Coverage   10.4 Procedure of Marine Insurance   10.5 Insurance Clause in Sales Contract   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 11 Claim, Force Majeure and Arbitration   11.1 Dispute and Claim   11.2 Force Majeure   11.3 Arbitration   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 12 General Procedures of International Trade   12.1 Basic Procedures of Export   12.2 Basic Procedure of Import   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises Chapter 13 International Trade Modes   13.1 Agency, Distribution and Consignment   13.2 Futures Trading   13.3 Counter Trade   Key Terms and Concepts   Exercises   Appendix A Glossary of Terms


  The CISG is one of the most successful international conventions, due to no small part to its flexibility in allowing Contracting States the option of taking exception to specified articles. This flexibility was instrumental in convincing states with disparate legal traditions to subscribe to an otherwise uniform code. A key point of controversy had to do with whether or not a contract requires a written memorial to be binding. In former Communist countries, contracts were not valid unless written. However in most Western nations oral contracts are accepted. Western nations thus had no objection to signing, and many formerly Communist nations exercised their ability to exclude those articles relating to oral contracts, enabling them to sign as well. ?。?) The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits  The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) is a set of rules on the issuance and use of letters of credit. The UCP is utilized by bankers and commercial parties in more than 175 countries. Some 11% - 15 % of international trade utilizes letters of credit, totaling more than a trillion dollars (US) per annum.  Historically, the commercial parties, particularly banks, have developed the techniques and methods for handling letters of credit in international trade finance. This practice has been standardized by the ICC by publishing the UCP in 1933 and subsequently updating it throughout the years. The ICC has developed and molded the UCP by regular revisions, the current version being the UCP 600. The result is the most successful international attempt at unifying rules ever, as the UCP has substantially universal effect.  The latest revision of UCP is the sixth revision of the rules since they were first promulgated in 1933. It is the fruit of more than three years of work by the ICC's Commission on Banking Technique and Practice. The latest version, called the UCP 600, formally commenced on 1 July 2007. UCP 600 is a set of rules that apply to any documentary credit when the text of the credit expressly indicates that it is subject to these rules. They are binding on all parties to the credit unless expressly modified or excluded by the credit.  Note that UCP 600 does not automatically apply to a credit if the credit is silent about which set of rules it is subject to. A credit issued by SWIFT MT 700 is no longer subject by default to the current UCP- it has to be indicated in field 40E, which is designated for specifying the "applicable rules".  ……



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